Chapter 35

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Elemental Nations 


"Thank big brother Naruto" The kids said to Naruto excited about the new amusement park Naruto just created in Ame for both the kids and young adults to have a moments of fun. Naruto has been in Ame for two weeks now and it's been two days since the confrontation with his past. During his time in Ame Naruto had created thousands of clones spreading throughout Ame training with his uncle Nagato and the rest of the Akatsuki increasing his shinobi skills, while also training the Ame police force how to fully use guns and also putting seals on them so they don't be used for evil but for protection. Then teaching civilians to use martial arts for self defense.

But what he really was focused on was bringing things to Ame from places his been to London, Italy, and so on that they could enjoy. With help of his clones he upgraded the Ame stadium adding more seats, emergency exists, underground bunkers in case Ame was attacked with all the civilians in the stadium. He had gone to the extent of connecting this hidden me underground bunks to one but also did it anyway that incase enemies found this bunkers it would be hard to use this connected paths to get to other bunkers.

He just finished the amusement park yesterday making sure to include different type of rides. Adding sections for food, toys, clothes and so on. He upgraded the Kage tower and the Akatsuki base with a cool lounge area for the people work in kage tower and also a nice resting place for the kage. Of cause he made sure to add some cool things to the Akatsuki base like a TV's, games setup which all of the members loved except Konan since they sometimes got to loud playing it. 

He built a nice 9 bedroom, 11 bathroom mansion in Ame for himself. He hope to have a family, kids of his own one day and bring them to elemental nations, to Ame. That will be where the would stay. The mansion including a state of the art kitchen with marble counter tops, gym, game rooms, bowling ally, garage, theatre room and a soccer field. With indoor and outdoor pool.

(Imagine the golf course is a soccer fields)

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(Imagine the golf course is a soccer fields)

After doing so much for Ame and spending time with his family and the villagers it was time for him to go back.



Two Days Later

"Minato what happened?" Jiraya asked as himself and several of the clan heads asked "it was terrible. Naruto was there" Minato stated to the surprise of everyone in the room. Danzo and Hiruzen had widened eyes  before there faces changed to a kind happy smile "What he was there? Then why is he not here?" Tsume asked.

"We were telling Nagato to show us where Naruto is but he kept mocking us for what we did to Naruto and how we are suffering for it. Then Naruto showed up in the room laughing with the other members of the Akatsuki who Inoki and A had complained where not there to honor our visit. We did not recognize him at first because he was different. He was way taller than he was before. Even more taller than Jiraya.  He wore clothes that we did not recognize and the way he spoke was different. He looked more mature, healthy and stronger. Though we felt a feeling of familiarity towards him because of his hair and eyes. That was till the Amekage revealed that he was Naruto." Minato explained as the member listened carefully.

"Kushina tried to hug him and all of a sudden he vanished without a trace and reappeared by the Amekages wife Konan the angel of death. Kushina nearly fell but he did not care. When I told him to apologize he treated us like we meant nothing to him, like we did not exist. He referred to us by our names and the way he spoke to us he no longer considered us his parents.  When we tried to tell him to come to Konoha with us he refuse saying he was happy where he was and does not care what happen to us. Reminding us that we made his life bad." Minato finished his story as the clan head sighed looking down. With both Danzo and Hiruzen being the exception as they had a proud smile on their faces.

"This is bad. Very bad" Shikaku said

"It would seem Naruto hates us for what we did to him. It's very bad indeed. If only we knew in time that it would only end bad for us" Shibi Aburame said as he had a frown on his face.

"This all your fault Jiraya. If you and the damn toads had not carelessly foretold the prophesy without understanding it. This won't be happening. Now I have lost my baby boy. He hates me. Not only that myself, Menma, Naruko and Narumi have been banished from the Uzumaki clan. I have lost more than half my chakra. Menma has lost even more chakra damaging him further. Naruko and Narumi are now weaker ALL BECAUSE OF YOU" Kushina exploded as Jiraya backed away in fear of his life.

"Now now Kushina chan" Minato tried to calm his wife down but was met with a glare "you caused this you both did. Menma and Naruko ended up being nothing but failures thanks to you both. But look at Naruto he's in the bingo book just as powerful as you probably even more stronger. I refuse to lose Naruto. So you two better fix this mess you started" Kushina before walking out the meeting room slamming the door.

"Surely there must be away to convince that we have changed and that we now see him as hero." Inochi suggested as Minato looked down unsure of what to do.

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