Chapter 25

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I walked out the locker room heading for the tunnel ready for my premiere league debut with Arsenal against Manchester United. I was really excited it was a new season new league, new team and teammates that actually like me. I have been here for two months now attending training, playing in friendly's and I have built a good relationship with my team. Which shows on the field.

I was standing behind Bukayo nervous as hell. "Don't be nervous. You already played well at the friendly's just focus on playing as good now." Bukayo advised looking back at me I nodded as Manchester United team lined up next to us the referees following we walked out of the tunnel holding unto a kid's hand. We did the necessary thing we normally did before a game and moved to kickoff. 

Man United had the ball as the ball was passed to Rashford. I pressed him following closely as he tried to get away from me and pass the ball to Sancho. I intercepted the pass and dribbled pass both Sancho and Anthony before passing the ball to Bukayo who was a bit ahead of me. 

Using my pace I got behind the box while making sure I wasn't offside. Bukayo passed the ball to Odegard who passed the ball to me. Man United defender tried to tackle me but I got away. Aiming for the top left corner of the goal post I kicked the ball now within the box. I scored the goal running and doing a knee slide to celebrate my first goal of the premiere league season.

All my teammates ran to me jumping on me as we got our first goal ten minutes into the game. It was an home game so you know the crowd was extremely loud at the goal. 

I got back into position as Manchester were about to kick the ball off.  As soon as the ball got to their striker I tackled the ball from him passing it to Saka who paced towards the box making sure to get inside the box before chipping the ball into the net to the surprise of the keeper as it went over his head into the net.


I ran after Bukayo jumping on his back as we celebrated him scoring the goal from my assist. "Good pass Ruto " He said patting my head. Back on defense Man United tried to score a goal but Rashford shot it way off.


73 minutes left on the clock Odegard tried to score but it was blocked by the keeper going out of bounds. Nketiah had the corner, making a cross to Thomas who crossed to Naruto. As soon as Naruto saw the ball coming he bounced of his strong foot and leaned his back like he was about to fall on his back at the same lifting his left foot up kicking the ball with the aim of it get in the net and it did.

 As soon as Naruto saw the ball coming he bounced of his strong foot and leaned his back like he was about to fall on his back at the same lifting his left foot up kicking the ball with the aim of it get in the net and it did

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"OHHH WHAT A GREAT BICYCLE KICK FROM NARUTO UZUMAKI" The commentator yelled surprised by the goal. 

"Oh my he's having a way better debut than I had when I played for Arsenal with two goals already and one assists to his stat for the premiere League."  Thiery Henry said as he watched Naruto play amazed by how well and matured he played. It's like he could read the entire field the way he tackled opposing players like a defender but could dribble pass opposing players with ease. Seeing him on TV is way different than seeing him play in person.

As soon as it hit the 90th minute referee blew the whistle signifying the end of the game. "Good game kid" Veira said wrapping his arm around Naruto's shoulder and ruffling his hair. Naruto just smiled and thanked his teammates before going to grab his trophy for player of the game.

Walking into the team locker room he was meet with loud cheers from his teammate for the way he played "good job lad. You did well, very well. I thought it would take a few games  before you would adjust to the league but your have adjusted well already although it's just one game so I won't say to much other than good job" The manager said.


"RUUU" Robyn shouted running to me and hugging me

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"RUUU" Robyn shouted running to me and hugging me. I carried her spinning her around "bestie" I said happily putting her down as she laughed. "You played so well. 2 goals and a assist in your debut for Arsenal" Robyn happily "am awesome aren't I" I joked wiggling my eyebrow she rolled her eyes and smacked my arm. 

"Brooo. Great game and that goal you did 75 minutes in the game was crazy man"  Rorey Robs baby brother said giving me a bro hug. "I would say congratulations but you ain't had to do my team like that" Rajhad said as he hugged me " I know" I said. "We have to celebrate your debut but first this is my friend Beyoncé and her kids Blue, Rumi and Sir"  She introduced and I looked to see a really beautiful woman with long blond curly hair and smooth beautiful skin. "Hello nice to meet you am Naruto" I introduced myself stretching my hand forth. 

"Beyoncé nice to meet you Robyn here as told me so much about you" She said shaking my hand I pulled away from the handshake and looked to the kids who were looking at me in awe.  "Hello littles ones" I said as the elder one looked at me shyly.

"Hello am Blue your amazing" Blue said "well thank you Blue. Are you a fan of football?" I asked her. She shook her head no "not really. This was my first time seeing a football game. Though I watch America football" She said staring up at me I got down to her level and smiled "well am glad I was able to make an impression in you first football game. I hope you enjoyed yourself?" I asked and she nodded.

"I did.  I had no idea football is so fun and extremely competitive especially when you scored that goal no to long ago" She said referring to my bicycle kick as I listened to her "how did you do it?" She asked out of curiosity "well I bounced of my strong foot and lean backwards lifting my weak foot to kick the ball while hoping it went in" I said as she laughed I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked to see the little boy. 

"Hello good Sir" I greeted as he smiled and waved "hi" he said shyly "you had fun?" I asked noticing he was quiet and he nodded " fun" he repeated and nodded his head yes "cool" he said giving me a thumbs up and then tried to attempt my bicycle kick but almost fell. Thankfully I caught him "careful little man. You don't want to hurt yourself alright" I said to him and he nodded.

The little girl did not say anything but instead wrapped her arms around my neck and laid her head on my shoulder. I picked her up and realized she had falling asleep on me.

A/N: Sorry for taking so much time to update. Home works have been kicking my ass. I have been so busy with school and being a part of the Student Government in college I have to attend lots of meeting.

How do you like the interactions between Naruto, Rumi, Sir and Blue? Comment Below.

Have a blessed day.

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