Chapter 21

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"How is Ame doing so well?" 

This was the question asked amongst the other villagers that came to Ame for the chunin exams. They were expecting Ame to be the same gloomy village with rain always falling but instead it was bright and filled with so much happiness. They could see trees on different parts of the village from were they stood by the villages gates. The architecture of the buildings weren't ones you will find anywhere in other villages in elemental nations. Ame had also become really spacious and stronger.

The people that led them were the Ame police force as they called themselves. According to what they found out they were made up of mostly highly intelligent and strong civilians and high chunin level ninjas. They knew they were strong as the one of them was able put Menma down and humble him when he tried to force his way into the village. As they lead them through the village giving them tours the held something. They were long and black.

"Are those a new type of weapons?" Narumi the Yondaime's hokage eldest daughter and Itachi's wife asked but was ignored. Itachi wanted to know too but seeing as how they ignored his wife kept it to himself.

As they walked around the village the villagers glared at them, insulting them as they passed by but greeting Kakashi, Danzo and Hiruzen Sarutobi with happy smiles. "We have the academy for those that want to be ninja's and normal self defense classes for civilians so they can stand their own in certain situations. For normal civilians we have medical school, Architecture school,  business and trading school where they can learn to trade and start their own business and finally the Ame police academy" Their tour guide said answering Danzos, Hiruzen or Kakashis question happily but replying to any question the others asked with anger.

"Woah Ame is so organized" Sakura said in awe 

They stopped in front of a tall luxurious looking building in front of it stood a beautiful fountain that was lit just like the building. "This is where you will all be staying during your stay for the chunin exams and this is where the tour stops " The tour guide said before leaving.

Upon getting inside it was huge, warm and beautiful. Just how did Ame get like this. They got their room keys after a bit of hold up.  Tomorrow was the start of the exams.

With The Akatsuki's

"Did you talk the kid today?" Kisame asked "Yes we did he asked of you but you were busy with your mission" Sasori replied

"Fuck" Kisame said at missing the chance to talk to his little brother

"How I wish the kid was still here *sigh*" Deidera said.

"Yeah but those bastards are here they would definitely cause trouble for him for their own selfish reasons". The group knew Hidan was right  Naruto  deserved happiness and doesn't deserve to have it ruined for him.

"Anyway Shiro said he had a surprise for us tomorrow I wondered what it is" Konan said missing the boy she had come to see as a son. This was the thought that went through there mind the rest of the night.


"Welcome to Ame fellow Kage's and Daimyo. I hope you have enjoyed your stay so far?" Nagato said with a fake smile.  "We did thank you. But I wanted to ask Amekage sama how did you get Ame to how it is today?" Mifune asked.

Nagato smirked deciding to tell the truth

"Simple Naruto"



"Yes. Naruto is well loved by the higher beings and I mean deities. They saw everything Naruto went through and since Ame were among the few that was there for Naruto and never betrayed not even thinking about it they decided rewards by blessing. Also Naruto with his new found knowledge gave us advance medical technolgy ideas along with architecture, weapons and fighting styles. So Ame being evolve is all thanks to Naruto" Nagato finished to the surprise of everyone.

Naruto did this

Was the thought that ran through the mind of Minato and Kushina.

What Naruto kun? 

Mei Terumi thought

My goodness you mean to tell me that if we had never did all those things we did to Naruto this is how Konoha would have been like Jiraya wondered. 

I wonder what type of medical ideas and technology does Naruto have I would need to talk to him when I see him Tsunade thought.


Mabui, Samui and Yugito said in their mind

Tsunami, Koyuki, and Shion all looked down we left Naruto who would have done all this for us for Menma who only took advantage of us and abuse his relationship with us to ruin our countries for fun.



"Ameratsu sama pleaseee"

A blonde haired pale skin woman pleaded to the sun goddess "I made a mistake which I terribly regret and I want to fix it I can't lose him please just tell me where Naruto Kun is"

"ENOUGH" Amaterasu yelled 

"After all the humiliation and pain you caused that boy by being sealed in him. He released you gave you freedom and you joined the others in calling him a demon. You abandoned him for his brother after you promised to be there for him and marry him. You slept with his brother and made him watch. You watched him get tortured because they believed he was you despite the fact that they knew you were out of him. You laughed and encouraged them in treating him even worse. They abandoned him to die in the most painful way while you were busy sucking face with Menma and you did not care until you realized that Menma was a monster and a weakling"

"Now you want him back, because he's the child of prophesy, because you realized you left a treasure for a pile of shit" Amaterasu said irritated by the being in front of her.

"You got what you wanted to deal with it. Kami, Yami and Shinigami already told you to leave Naruto alone coming to me won't have changed that. Leave the boy alone he has moved on and his still trying to find happiness in his life." Amaterasu said before sitting back on her throne.


A/N: How do you like this chapter with the chunin exams? Is there something I could have done different? Away I could have made it better? Comment below. Thanks.

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