Chapter 40

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Naruto's POV:

"The weather is so nice here"

The summer break is almost coming to an end football season would soon start. So we came with Robyn to Barbados for a week to see her family 

"Welcome back my baby" Mama Monica said pulling her into a hug and kissing her all over her face "Mommm" Robyn exclaimed shyly with a bright smile.

"Hey Momma Monica"

"Naruto" she pulled me into a hug "it's good to see you again Naruto. Am glad to see my wish come true thank you for making my baby girl happy" She said to me before letting me go. "Hello I hope you all had a wonderful flight?" she was looking at Beyoncé and Kylie along with their kids with smiles but I knew that question was meant for all of us. 

"Yes we did thank you" Beyoncé replied with a soft smile.

"It's nice to meet you" Kylie said. 

"Please come in" momma Monica stepped to the side letting us in. "Where's Rorrey and Rajad?" Robyn asked her mother.

"They went out to run some errands they will be here in a couple of hours. In the mean time go show this lovely ladies around while I talk to Naruto here" Mama Monica responded. Doing what she was told to she took Kylie and Beyoncé to show them around. With it just being me and mama Monica alone.

I was a bit worried about what she wanted to talk to me about I hope she wasn't mad at me. "How have you been?"

"I've been good, happy" I replied to her questions. "That's goods" She continues chopping the onions she seemed to have left when she came to usher us in. "Let me help you with that Mama Monica" she wanted to go against it but stopped once she saw how much I wanted to help passing me the knife an letting me chop the remaining onions and some other veggies for the food.

"I always thought you and Robyn would look together despite the age difference now I know I was right"

I poured the chopped onions into the pot "you know" I said stopping what I was doing to look at her. "Of cause I do Robyn is my child the way she talks about you is more than how one talks about her friend she sounded so in love when ever she spoke about you. It was easy to figure out"

"And I could say the same for those other ladies with the way they look at you or am I wrong?" She asked knowing she was right "no your right" I replied but I had a question to ask.

"I thought you will be upset" 

"About what you dating three women at the same time? No, I know you have a kind heart and Robyn agreed to it along with the other women. Plus you seem to be doing a good job on keeping all of them happy" She told me letting out a small smile on her face before we went back to cooking. 

Eventually all of Robyn's family came and we all had a nice meal together. "This gravy is amazing. Can you teach me how to make them mama Mo?" I asked finishing my food using napkins to wipe away any stains on my face. "Well I can't teach you all my recipes so I'll see" she replied laughing.  I helped clean the table table and wash the dishes while talking to some of Robs aunts. I watch the kids run around having fun while I was just sitting on the couch and enjoying a game of dominos with a drink in hand.

Robyn took a sit on my lap not caring about the looks she was getting from her other family who don't know about us. "When this shit happen?" One of her cousins asked. "None of your business" She answered jokingly making said cousin roll his eyes 

She was still seated on my lap watching me play some more with Kylie and Beyoncé joining taking part in the conversation we had throughout the games getting lots of laugh from the jokes being told. The kids would sometimes run to me to ask me something or hang around me I felt like the cool guy kids just love to be around much to the jealousy of Robyn since she was used to being the cool aunt that kids just wanted to be around.

With the party slowly coming to an end we helped clean up, put the kids to bed and went to our rooms to get some much needed rest. I sat on one of the couch's in the room patting my stomach "I am stuffed. The foods were amazing"  I said out loud while the ladies snickered. "Not you three laughing at me like you wasn't stuffing your faces too." I joked "at least we weren't inhaling the damn food" Kylie responded "now inhaling is crazy" I said making them bust into laughter.

I sat down waiting patiently for my girlfriends to take their showers and do their nightly routines. in the mean time I indulged myself in some episodes of the show Game Of Thrones. Beyoncé put me on, happens to be one of her favorite shows. 

Beyoncé came out the bathroom with a towel on gasping once she saw what I was watching. I took my eyes of the screen for a second watching as Bey got dressed in front of me looking beautiful. Eventually they got done with the bathroom so I walked to the bathroom and took a nice warms shower.

"Y'all ain't even try to wait for me" I gasped getting into the bed after putting on my pajamas they immediately turned me into their human pillows resting their head on my chest "you didn't miss much "

We spent the rest of the night watching episodes upon episodes of game of thrones on max. "Goodnight loves" I whispered kissing their heads "goodnight"

A/N: Honestly I went blank throughout this whole chapter I had already wrote a sex scene for this chapter but it felt forced to me so I decided to go this route for the chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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