Chapter 12

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"Mei please. Konoha needs this alliance" 

"And I need my Naruto back " Mei replied back upset hearing the name a wave of guilt and sorrow washed over everyone.

Kushina looking down finally said something "Mei you know it's not possible Naruto is dead" Mei scoffed "and it's because we all foolishly followed Konoha. I lost the love of my life because of Konoha. I swear myself and Kiri will never trust Konoha again. The only good thing that came out Konoha and your family was Naruto" Mei said coldly.

"Mei chan" Menma started off "why the hell would you want that loser? You have me" Menma tried to walk over to her but was blocked by Zabuza, Aoi and Chojuro. Menma got upset at being stopped "get out of my way " He growled out trying to be intimidating. "Let him come so I can melt his disgusting face of" Menma hearing this frowned.

"Come on. Are you still mad about the justus and attacking the villagers. I was doing my rightful duty as your husband and am still your husband" at this Mei got up furiously Menma thinking she was about to agree with him smirked "am glad your coming to your senses"

"Husband. Your parent's probably didn't tell you this but our marriage is over. Get out"

Menma smirk turned to a frown as Jiraya slapped his hand on his forehead, while Kushina already knew that Menma was going to whine. Walking towards Menma Mei looked at him with pure anger and hatred "get out and never refer yourself as my husband again. Only one man should have had that role"

Menma furiously grabs her hand tightly, Mei irritated punched him with full force making him fly back a few feet's. Now enraged she looked and Kushina, Jiraya and Koharu "now you've done it. GET OUT, GET OUT"  She yelled seeing the situation as Mei's body guards got into defensive position.

"OUT" Mei continued to yell and the konoha nins sensing the tensions decided to leave. As Mei went back to her seat with a cold look. "Lady Mei are you al...."

"Leave" Mei simply said cutting Chojuro off Haku tried to speak but shut up due to glare Mei gave her. Zabuza and Aoi sighed and left realizing that they had made the biggest mistake ever. I need to see Kakashi.


My class ended and it just happen to be the last day class of the day. I would say my first day in high school was great I made a new friend and my classes were okay. The teachers seemed to like me, I understood all the subjects I was doing but girls here seemed to give me weird looks while some boys gave me a look of envy. I paid no attention to them and focused on what the teacher was saying.

" Ruto" someone called out I looked back to see my new friend and someone that looked like him. "Kevin" I said back "how did your class go?" he asked as Naruto replied with a "good"

Kevin was two years older than Naruto but they instantly clicked. Naruto could tell Kevin was a good guy and he could see himself being great friends with him for a long time. They hadn't seen since lunch where Kevin proceed to teach him about soccer after seeing Naruto use his leg to prevent his water bottle from falling. Kevin had never seen such great feet control and believed Naruto would be a great soccer player if he played. See that Naruto had started developing a love for the sports after the things he was shown.

"I want to play soccer and I want to be good at it. What about you?" Naruto asked his friend who shook his head no "nah. I love playing and watching football although I could go professional but I want to be an actor" Kevin states.

Knowing what an actor was Naruto simply nodded. They patted ways and went home. As soon as Naruto got home he showered and changed to pajamas. It's been two weeks since he got here and he was still getting used to it but was slowly liking it. He also wasn't used to having girls calling him cute.

The next day after arriving here Shiro took him shopping for food stuff, clothes, shoes, furniture's, electronics and utensils. Arriving downstairs he smelt food and saw Shiro setting down plates of some food he did not know. "Hey Kiddo!" 

"Your here" Naruto said surprised he wasn't expecting Shiro to be here. "Of cause I am. I might not be here a lot but am still your personal soldier here to serve and protect you. It's a job giving to me by the deities and a job I have come to love." Shiro told Naruto who wiped his eyes making Shiro pull him into a hug.

"Thank you for everything" Naruto whispered, Shiro gave a genuine smile "your welcome kid. Now come eat and tell me about your day"

Shiro listened to everything Naruto had to say knowing that Naruto would eventually find interest in something. He was glad was getting used to here despite missing his old family. Naruto always made sure to write to them using his summons and they wrote back to him. 

"I want to know more about football I want to learn more about this football greats. I want to play it. Can you please teach me?"

"Okay Naruto. Since there's nothing more to teach you in the art  of the shinobi as your now a low kage rank ninja. The others you teach yourself, I will give you some training in football. I happen know a lot about it."

A/N: Sorry am updating just now been really busy but now am back. Although I might have a lot of homework but I will try and update a lot. BTW I say football instead of soccer cause Naruto is in London. They saw football instead of soccer so I thought he just say it the way they say it.

Do you think this was a good way for Naruto to get into soccer or football?

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