Chapter 20

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"You've surpassed me Naruto" 


"Your stronger than me now. You can take down SS rank shinobis with no real problems" 

"It's all thanks to you Uncle Shiro" after three months of brutal training I was done and wanted to prepare for next season. "Naruto your more prepared for the new season than any player right now. You've gotten even more ripped, better, faster and wiser at the game. You should try to enjoy yourself, your still a kid"

"But uncle..."

"No but's" Shiro said.

"Tell you what try as much as possible to relax and enjoy the offseason and before the real season starts then you can restart your training" Shiro suggested giving me a look that says he was not taking no for an answer.


And that's how I ended up here

"Deep breaths"



Alright let's do this I've been invited to the Italian fashion week for Louis Vuitton since I was made one of their ambassadors. When Shiro said have fun I wasn't really expecting this to go to an event for fashion even though I have come to love fashion. Richard brought the news that some fashion label named Louis Vuitton wanted me to be an ambassador for them and represent them I was going to say no but Shiro advised me to go and try to enjoy it. Letting me know that a lot of famous people in this world will be here. He also called Kevin who told me he would be there and begged me to come. So I agreed.

"This is the outfit they got for you" Richard showed me the outfit 

"This is the outfit they got for you" Richard showed me the outfit 

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It was a nice outfit looks like something I would definitely wear. "Quick go dress the car that's supposed to be picking us up is on it's way."

I grabbed the clothes from him walking into my bedroom to change. I sprayed some cologne to smell good then grabbed my phone, by the time I was done the car was already here. We got in and the driver drove us to venue of the fashion show. 

Upon arriving there I saw that the places was filled with lot's of camera men taking pictures with flashing lights. I saw them take pictures of some people while screaming there names this must be some of the famous people Shiro talked about.

"Just be calm and walk through that pathway you see those other celebs work through. Take some pictures too" Richard advised over the phone


I got out of the car as camera lights started to flash on my face many calling my name I stood and took a picture for a while then started walking towards the pathway.

"You look good Naruto"

"Thanks" I replied to the camera man that had complimented me. I walked in to see it was already filled with people who were just talking conversing with one another. There was a runway in the middle and on each sides of the runway chairs arranged neatly.

"Naruto" my name was called. Turning my head to see who it was I was surprised to see her here.

"Mama Monica"

She waved me over and I walked towards where she was. She was talking to a lady that looked a little bit like her but really younger. "Mama Monica it's been so long" I said happy to see her, she had a happy smile on her face as she pulled me into a hug. "Why didn't you come visit me?" She said with a playful angry look.

"Am sorry momma Monica I just had a lot going on this season but I promise to come visit you and I never go back on my promise" I said to her with a wide smile scratching the back of my head. "I know that I will be expecting you. Any way this is my daughter Robyn. Robyn this is the young man that I was telling you about Naruto"

"It's  nice to meet you Robyn your mom has told me so much about you" I said going for a handshake she stared at me for a while before bringing her hand forth and shaking my hand "it's nice to meet you too Naruto and I hope my mother told you all good things"


"I also told she was stubborn and can sometimes drive me crazy" Mama Monica said making me laugh "yes you did" I answered as her daughter gasped "mom"


She pouted as we continued to laugh at her "don't laugh at me" she pointing at me making raise my hand up "sure" I replied and she smiled "and I don't know you like that yet so even though you are close to my mom you call me by my middle and stage name Rihanna instead of my real name understood"

"Yes ma'm"

"You should join us for dinner later on" 

"Are you sure I don't want interrupt" I replied but was cut off "your not. I invited you" Rihanna said.

"Yes that's right join us" Mama Monica said I finally agreed to it bidding them good bye for the time being as I went to my seat   which happens to right next to Kevin. We talked and laughed as the model walked on the runway. Once the show was over the designer did his walk with the models and thanked everyone for coming.

I was still talking to Kevin when a young lady came to me "hey" she started off "hello"

"Am Kylie. Kylie Jenner"

"Naruto Uzumaki nice to meet you"

"Your the crazy good soccer player that's has been trending for a while now"

"I guess"

She chuckled by my shy response " you don't seem so sure" she said "oh no I just didn't realize that I was trending or that recognized" I replied.

'Well you are. I don't really watch soccer like that I will admit. But from the small amount of your games I have watched your really good" 

"Well thank you" I replied.

"This is one of my best friend Kevin" I introduced  and they introduced themselves "your a great actor you did very well in the first season of snow fall" 

"Thank you"

"Kylie can we get a picture of you, Kevin and Naruto together" A camera man asked since he was nice we all agreed and posed together together for the picture

A/N: Finally did this chapter but I realized I am way behind than I want to so next chapter would be a time skip and something else.

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