Chapter 11

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"Have you finished studying your history books?" Shiro asked I nodded "yes, I studied about the history of America which seems to be the most  famous country, it's wars, leaders which they call presidents, their states and capitals, their historical figures and landmarks. I also studied about England, France, Canada, Japan, Nigeria and China. I learned about Kung fu, Karate, Aikido and Judo. I have also been practicing them like you asked"

Shiro smiled "good job Naruto" Shiro said making the boy smile happily "know that we'll be going to England. I have already created document and citizenship for you. So it will look like you were born there. I also created documents for you in Japan and France. So you have multiple citizen ship" Shiro finished.

"Did train today?"

Naruto answered "yes I did my regular 100 push up, sit ups and pull ups that you gave me. Along with 100 kicks and punches. I also did 10 laps around the boat on the water." 

"Good! Well since you worked so hard today and I also see you cleaned. I made you some treats that you can eat after eating lunch" Shiro said making the blonde boy get excited "Ice-Cream" Naruto yelled out as Shiro laughed and nodded "yes Ice cream"

Shiro decided that they should eat outside so he brought the delicious food he had made for lunch causing Naruto's mouth to water. "Wow this is a lot" Naruto simply said.

After the finished eating Naruto and Shiro ate some ice cream while enjoying the scenery

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After the finished eating Naruto and Shiro ate some ice cream while enjoying the scenery. After eating desert they laid down outside the ship enjoying the sun. "It's really beautiful isn't it" Shiro voiced out as Naruto hummed in agreement. 

"It is"


"So this is London" looking around amazed by the tall, large buildings and the moving things with people inside. Yeah he read a little about London in the books. But the books did this place no justice. It was beautiful.

"You haven't seen half of this world yet. But now we have to go to the house you will be staying in. In this world if your under the age of 18 you need to have parent's with you or an elder or you can get put in the orphanage" Shiro said making Naruto frown at the thought of being put in the orphanage.

"My job is to bring you here and protect you. I won't be here a lot but when ever you need me for anything just call for me" Shiro said to the blond boy who nodded understanding that Shiro still had errands but happy that he won't be fully left alone.

"Is this mine?" Naruto asked 

Shiro nodded "yes Naruto this will be your house.  It's nothing big but it's a nice homey two bedroom, two bathroom and a restroom house. With a nice kitchen, living room and a small training area for you inside." Bringing out the key Shiro unlocked the door opening it. Naruto walked in and instantly liked how the house looked. It was homey and wasn't too large but still okay.

"You have to go to school here. So I signed you up you start in two weeks. I opened a bank account for you and it has 35,000 pounds already in it. Every year I have been ordered by kami to put at least 40,000 pounds a year in it for you till you reach the age of 16." Shiro handed Naruto a smaller scroll. 

"In this scroll contains 2, 550 pounds. That's your pocket money for two weeks and I trust that you will spend it wisely. After two week is over I will give you another 3,000 cash while also giving you a debit card which will have 5,000 in it every month. The house is paid for including the light and water bill. So this is to help you learn how to save money and build up your credit. You will learn that as you slowly get settled here." Naruto unsealed the scroll seeing a bundle of weird looking paper money. 

So this is this countries currency Naruto thought.

Shiro also handed Naruto the card before speaking "since we have already eating. We should rest or you can continue to read. But tomorrow we are going shopping for food, clothes, things you need for school and furniture's" Naruto already tired liked the idea as he yawned and unsealed his mat from the scroll. He placed it on the floor arranging it neatly, he decided to shower then go to sleep. Tomorrow he explore.

A/N: Naruto's is in the new world and likes it so far. What are your thoughts? 

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