Chapter 10

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After weeks of training, learning and exploring Uzu they were now about to leave. The boat had been fully made and ready to go. Although he already knew the boat was huge and beautiful but seeing it in person was wow. They got on the boat as it started moving. 

This is going to be a very long journey.




"Why did we use the water at the other end of Uzushio to travel?" Naruto asked curious "because traveling through this side is much more harder than traveling through boat or air at any other side. Yes the other sides have whirpools but no ship can go through here without permission from Kami, Yami and Shingamj. If someone successfully get's through with the help of the three they might just find themselves in a shorter route to Kiri, but when we get to a specific spot I will activate a seal that will take us to that dimension" Shiro finished while Naruto caught surprise at the mention of a dimension.

"Wait dimension?" Naruto asked

"Yes. We are going to use a dimension to travel there. The dimension can now only be accessed by you and the three deities that's after I activated it I will pass the seal to you. They are called the gates of judgment because no one except you and who you or the three deities desires can go through here. You can not be forced or threatened to unlock it. You would have to do it willingly"

"Release Gates of Judgment" Shiro said as he bit himself and did some hand signs. Slowly the sea beneath them started to form whirlpools and the sky in front of them started to darken followed by the water as right in front of him it got completely dark as the boat went further in as if the whirlpool was pushing them in.

For some reason Naruto wasn't afraid the whole situation looked dangerous but not for him. It felt as if this dimension was welcoming him in. As everything was going on Naruto was reminiscing over what led to him being put in the bingo book in the first place. The death of Orochimaru and Kabuto.


News was heard that Orochimaru and his  right hand man had a base close to Ame that they had moved to so Nagato sent Kisame and Naruto on a mission to destroy Orochimaru's base and if possible kill Kabuto out of fear that Orochimaru might start kidnapping people from Ame to use for experiment.

Spying on the base to get information before going Naruto and Kisame hid in by a tree masking their chakra. "Those two ninja's up front look chunin to me  we can handle them. Do you know how many people are inside?" Kisame asked Naruto who was using his advanced sensing abilities to found out the number of people in the base.

"There are about 30 people in the base including Orochimaru and his right hand man." Naruto told Kisame "let's get this over with and go home" Kisame said as he shunshine from where he was hiding and appeared behind one guard killing him with ease. Naruto followed suit taking out the other guard killing him with a kunai lodged deep in his neck.

The two nodded to each other before going inside the cave being careful of any traps as to not alert Orochimaru and give him chance to escape. "Ha Ha, how I wish Lord Orchimaru would just have allowed us to have our way with that woman before he experimented on her and killed her" A voice said as the Naruto and Kisame frowned in disgust as one of Orochimaru's men said to the others. All had the curse seal on them.

There was a total of four gathered here in the hallway all charting and laughing away not aware of the danger they were. Till the one whom seemed to be leading the conversation all of a sudden choked on air with blood gushing out his mouth. The other three jumped in surprised at what happened as they saw a sword sticking out of their friend. The sword lit up as the man tried to scream in pain but his mouth was covered.

"Yeah we can't have you doing that" Kisame said being the one to cover his mouth as Naruto's sword burned him from inside out also getting rid of Orochimaru's curse seal. Naruto pulled his weapon out letting the soon to be dead man fall to the floor writhing in pain as he slowly burned alive, no one could hear his scream due to the seal that Kisame put on his mouth to prevent him from yelling.

"What the hell?" One the three guys said staring their friends burning form before looking at the two Akatsuki members "you bastard, YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT" 

Naruto and Kisame took care of Orochimaru's men including three of the sound four leaving the girl Tayuya who Naruto was able to convince to join them since she was an Uzumaki. He got rid of her curse seal destroying it while Kisame handled and killed other gaurds. The ran into Kimumaro and he was also convinced to join the Akatsuki and Ame along with Kin after being defeated by Naruto. Their curse seal was also gotten rid off and they both had no idea that  Naruto was the same blonde boy they both fought.

With the help of their knew allies Naruto and Kisame freed captured people that were about to be used for experiments while sealing dead bodies in scrolls.  "What's going on where's everyone Kabuto?" Orochimaru asked his right hand man.

"It seems like we have an intruder" Kabuto  told his master. Orochimaru sensing them immediately attacked and that was how the fight started. Naruto easily killed Kabuto giving him no chance of healing himself before destroying his body and making sure his soul went to hell to be punished for all his crimes.

Orochimaru performed a wind justu which Kisame and Naruto judged giving Orochimaru time to back and try and regain his composure. He growled at Kisame and his partner before seeing the hat and mask of his partners face. His eyes widened realizing who it was "you" he said 

 Shocked and terrified due to how the same weak kid has been causing damage for him "How? Your supposed to be dead"  

"Surpriseee" Naruto said making a surprise action much to the humor of Kisame and the anger of Orochimaru before he also noticed something about Naruto "you have the rinnegan" he pointed out and started to think that it would be best to leave Sasuke as he was useless and go for Naruto.  Orochimaru let out a creepy  laugh and licked his lips "you know why don't you join me Naruto. I could help you get revenge on Konoha. In face we'll kill Sasuke together" 

"Yeah am not stupid enough to join you" Naruto replied to cut the long story short Orochimaru didn't like the fact that Naruto rejected his offer and tried to attack him to put the seal on him and ended up killing himself with his soul taken by the Shinigami. Sasuke later came with his team Suigetsu  ended up dead but Karin agreed to join Ame with her friends much to the anger of Sasuke. Jugo joined Karin in going to Ame angering Sasuke even more at losing his meat shields.

Sasuke was left shock to find out Naruto was alive, well and stronger. Furious at the weakling besting him off he attacked Naruto threatening to kill him but ended up losing both of his sharingan eye. Naruto destroyed his eyes in a way that Sasuke would still be able to see but will neve be able to use the sharigan or any other dojustu again. Naruto also cut his ear and stabbed him in the stomach, before placing a seal on him that would slowly destroy his sperm cells along with his reproductive organs.

Kisame seeing what was done to Sasuke shook his head "wow kid. You really did a number on him but we have to destroy what ever is in the lab, scrolls, equipment's and justus. Then take the money here back to Ame." Naruto nodded and they did so destroying anything Orochimaru and Sasuke considered precious including their katana's, justus, equipments experiments and so on. They heard Konoha was coming and they had to leave.

Flashback END!

What they did not know was that a henchman of Orochimaru was still alive and would report it leading to his name being listed in the bingo book as a s rank shinobi. 

Then there was Sasuke.

A/N: Sorry it took me so long to update. This week was the start of school and I have been so busy. But I will be a bit free now so I can update. I hope you enjoy the story.

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