Chapter 3 (Recovery and Reflectionsion )

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"THOSE PIECE OF SHIT. HOW DARE THEY?" A being screamed in a room filled of other beings. "Tsukuyomi calm down" A voice said

"Am sorry Lady Kami but in this Tsukuyomi is right. Those human, no not humans monster, demons had the mindset to do that to an innocent child. They didn't even have a sense of shame or regret. That boy suffered for no reason, he suffered for a stupid prophesy that the toads don't have full meaning of. Everyone who has a hand in his suffering needs to be punished" Susanoo said somberly, it was hidden that he was trying to hold his tears.

"THEY MUST BE PUNISHED" The other deities yelled in agreement.

"I know your angry my brothers. Believe me am just as furious as you. The pain that boy went through was pure evil. I am so disappointed at the Kyubi and the other bijus along with their jinchurikis for participating in this great evil. But we must be patient, first we must deal with the toads. But all that does not matter except the boy's life" Amaterasu said to her brothers Tsukuyomi and Susanoo.

"We have to go see the kid  and make sure everything is well with him" Susanoo suggested 

"NO" Yami yelled.

"It's too early. If we go now with what has been done to the boy. He would freak out and think we visited him to finish the job. We should wait till the boy is fully recovered and stable" Kami suggested.

"Why waiting. We should help the boy in the shadows and reveal ourselves to him when he is ready." Shinigami added the gods nodded in agreement with the three big deities. It was a good thing to wait and be patient.

With Naruto

"Is my nephew alright Kakazu ?" The akatsuki leader asked "he is alright for now. We almost lost him five time.  The nurses was able to take of the damages to his lungs, ribcage and kidney while also stopping the bleeding. He throat was also fixed although he would be mute for some months. I was able to stich the cuts on his neck, his abdomen and thights. But he will have scars"

Pein sighed hearing this. It was good news but the damages to his body that were taking care of was less than the damages done to his body. They still had to worry about his legs, eyes, arms and spine.

"That's not all. The nurses and myself were able to heal the stab wound in his genitals, thankfully the stab was away from his urethra and testicle so he can have as many as he wants in the future and his sperm count would not be affected. Although he suffered a rupture in his bladder from kicks. It wasn't anything serious but he might feel some pain peeing for some time" 

"His legs was broken beyond repair. But we were able to fix them with surgery and chakra. He might also be in the wheel chair. We don't know for how long but till his legs fully recover their strength. In fact I have reason to believe that after his legs recover they will be stronger than before. As for the other damage we will have to do those another time. His body need to rest from the surgeries we have done so far" Kakzuzu finished off he had to go take a shower to wash of Naruto's blood.

He had killed several times but never has he seen so much blood from one person. The scene he saw today showed him that the ninja villages, Wave, Spring and demon villages were more evil than he was. Hashirama should be ashamed of Konoha.


As the people celebrated drunk to stupor. In Hokage house hold all the clan members were gathered the only one not there was Sarutobi and Danzo. Menma was in his room sleeping around with his fiances. Naruko was with Sasuke and his other betrothed.

Kakashi was sitting by himself just watching everything that was going on. He thought what happened to day. The question that he was asked by Kisame. What if his sensei was wrong.

 No his sensei can't be wrong. Can he?

"Kakashi why aren't you celebrating. You should be happy?" Zabuza asked his friend with a jar of alcohol in his hand "I've been thinking" Kakashi said 

"Why now. Your suppose to be having fun" 

"Question Zabuza" Kakashi said "ask on" Zabuza replied. "Why did you and Haku all of a sudden hate Naruto?" 

Zabuza and his adopted daughter were taking back by the question "because he was weak and useless. Plus he wasn't rich. His brother is the better choice and our kage agrees" Zabuza answered. Kakashi sighed "am tired. Am going to go sleep" 

A/N: How did you like this chapter? Was it good?

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What are your thoughts on Zabuza's answer?

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