Chapter 27

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"Kylie" I called but instead of replying she brought her lips to mine kissing me. She deepened the kiss caressing my face as I wrapped my arms around her waist. As we continued to kiss the room door was opened and I pulled a way from the kiss to see Robyn and Beyoncé staring at us.

Kylie turned around to see them and her eyes widened. I was a bit embarrassed being seen kissing a woman by two of the three women who had become my best friend. Woman that I developed undeniable love and respect for and would do absolutely anything to make them happy.

Kylie moved away from me "hey Rob, hey Bey when did you get here?" I asked scratching the back of my head. "Stormi is asking for you. I was going to giver her a bath but there was no soap there" Was all Rob said before leaving the room with a sad look, Bey following.

I looked at Kylie and instantly felt bad for some reason "am so sorry" she cut me off  "no am sorry. I should came to get what I needed and left. Am sorry for kissing you" Kylie said I nodded before going to my bathroom and grabbing the soap for her and givign it to her. She left without saying anything.

As I got in the shower I just hoped things wouldn't get weird between me and my best friends. But one can only hope.

TIME SKIP: 6 Months Later


Arsenal vs Liverpool

I can't believe were here now. The champions league final at just 18 years old. Crazy. After winning the FA cup, then winning the Premiere League trophy, the super cup, and now a chance to win the UEFA champions league. Seriously we had the highest points in the premiere league, we had the fourth highest point in champions league. We have won many of the team awards we contended for and now we have a chance to win the champions league after defeating many tough teams.

A couple of years ago I had a chance to compete in the UEFA champions league we we got kicked out although we did win the Scudatto. By the way I heard Victor won the team another scudatto and I was so proud and happy for him. He deserves the praise he is getting although he is getting trouble with the team and owner also. But am glad he is in a position for teams to look for him. 

It was time to walk out of the tunnel. I could here the loud cheers from both happy Arsenal and Liverpool fans all the way here. It was overwhelming. I took deep breaths before we started to walk out the tunnel my self and other players holding a kids hand the trophy right in front of us as we walked into the fields of Wembley Stadium.

Each team line up with the kids standing in front of them doing the necessary traditions. With people behind us holding up the UEFA league symbol and team flags. We did the necessary hand shakes before a game and ran to the field to get into our position.

Kick Off

0 Minutes into the game 

Liverpool's ball.

My heart was pumping as I was waited for them to make the kick off  and as soon as they  did I was immediately pressing the person that had the ball due to how much pressure I put on him not allowing him room to run pass he made a bad pass to his Mo Salah which I intercepted and passed to Thomas but he got the ball taking from him by Van Dyck.

18 Minutes in 

Arsenal 0-0 Liverpool

I won't lie this game so far hasn't been easy. Liverpool were playing just as hard as we were. I mean it's easy understand we're all aiming for the trophy so of cause we were all going to play our best. And I was getting tired of taking it easy in the first half. 

So for the rest of the game I was going to do as much as I can to help us win the game and that means. Getting tackles * I tackled the ball from Trent*, passing * I passed the ball to Jorginho*,  out pacing opponents * I used my speed to run pass the defense as the ball was now with Saka *, and finally scoring goals * seeing me open and onside Saka passed the ball to me and as soon as the ball got close to me I caught it with my chest and volleyed it into the net*.

 Getting tackles * I tackled the ball from Trent*, passing * I passed the ball to Jorginho*,  out pacing opponents * I used my speed to run pass the defense as the ball was now with Saka *, and finally scoring goals * seeing me open and onside Sak...

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I did my signature celebration move running while doing a calm down motion and then pointing my index finger to my head. My teammates jumped on me happy as we got the goal and were now ahead by a goal. Arsenal fans roared with happiness as the goal put us ahead while Liverpool team looked down and their fans were booing. 

My first goal in the champions league final. Now we just had to prevent them from scoring  and hopefully get another goal or two.


Arsenal 2- 1 Liverpool

Walking back to the locker room the atmosphere was both exciting but tensed. Our defense just had to let Mo Salah through and he ended up scoring beating the keeper. If we were going to win this we needed another goal during the second half, increase our chances. I wanted to win I planned to make Arsenal a trophy winning team during my stay here so I couldn't lose hope. Not when we are so close to getting a taste of victory.


50 Minutes Passed

Being pressed by Trent and Van as I had the ball I spinned while kicking the ball through Trent leg getting to ball and getting pass the defenders with a dribble move. I kicked the ball using my explosiveness and dribble to get pass other defenders till I was outside the box before the ball with power watching as it went pass the keeper and into the net.


"AND NARUTO UZUMAKI HAS HIS HATTRICK" The commentators yelled as I did my signature celebration.

Arsenal 3 - 1 Liverpool

88 Minutes Passed

Arsenal 4 - 1 Liverpool

Am dreaming. Were winning, were actually winning. I kept playing pressing, tackling and intercepting  Liverpool player as the game slowly came to an end. My heart kept thumping in my chest as I came to a realization that we were the new champions.

89 Minutes Passed

It looked to me that Liverpool had finally given up hope as the clock wined down. 

90 Minutes

Referee blows whistle


The entire Arsenal fans roared with happiness as players on the bench along with the coach and owner ran to the field. I jumped on Saka as we celebrated this great victory. Fireworks went up displaying Arsenal colors along with confetti's which popped up. 

I saw Mo Salah with his head down sad and went to him and patted him on the shoulder "good game brother. You guys made it really hard for us" I said and he nodded and hugged me "congrats" he said before we parted ways.

I went to line up with my team as it was time to get our medals and lift the trophy. When it was my time to get the medal Aretha hugged me with a big smile "I knew we made the right decision. Thank you kid"

A/N: Naruto has led Arsenal to several trophy wins and now the champions league. Really making a name for himself. Anyway how do you feel about the whole Kylie, Beyoncé and Rihanna situation? Do you think the two were upset or jealous?

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