Chapter 22

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With Naruto:


I called out. I was replied with a laugh from the superstar "that's what you get for making me chase you" the lady said laughing as I pouted.

"It's not my fault you couldn't keep up Robyn" 

"You should have know I wasn't going to lose so easily" She replied running with the ball as I chased her. Now seventeen my contract with Napoli comes to end in a week and in the last six  months since I met Robyn we've become best friends we even have nicknames for each other. A month into our friendship and she told me to start calling her by her first name, we talked a lot and did a lot of things together I even became close friends with her friends and brothers. Now we were in Barbados playing football on the beach with her brothers and friends.

She was in the middle as we kept kicking the ball around to prevent her from getting it. After not being able to get the ball she came to me placing her hand against my stomach though I had a shirt on and grabbed the ball of the floor. Now she was running with it and we were chasing her across the beach.

I caught up to her picking her up and carrying her back to where the game was being held as she laughed. Her younger brother knocked the ball out of her hands and started to kick it around "don't be a sore loser" I joked as she pouted at the ball being taking from her.

She went to go sit down after getting tired as we switched to playing a real game me and Rahjad both being captains we played with my team winning of cause. We went back to the house with Robyn on my back since she wanted me to carry her.

"Robyn stop disturbing that boy and get down from his back" Mama Monica said to Robyn who was still on my back her chin on my shoulder. "But he is so comfortable and warm" She whined but got down as soon as her mom gave her a look.

"You want some pork roast Ru"  Robyn asked I had no idea what that was "you never had roast pork before have you?" She asked and I shook my head no she had a wild smile on her face and grabbed a plated fixing some food that I never seen before on it. It had a lot of meat on it though. She placed the plate in front of me and it's delicious smell had me drooling.

"You should try it. Really good" she put her thumb and pointy finger in a o shape and let her other fingers stand straight as a way of letting me know it was really good. I had already finished all my food greatly enjoying Mama Monica's cooking. I grabbed a fork and stabbed it into the meat before raising it up to my mouth. 

I took a bite out of it and my eyes probably sparkled due to how good it tastes. I started to eat so more till I got full. "It's really good." I said as I took the last bite I took my plate and the other plates to the kitchen to wash them.

"Boy what do you think your doing?" Mama Monica asked with a stern look hands on her hips and everything. "Washing the dishes" I replied lowly.

"Would you go relax and have fun. You helped me out earlier with the food I can do the dishes" She replied but I wasn't going to "am almost done with dishes I can't leave you to do this after the amazing food you just cooked" I tried to argue but she wasn't listening.

"Majesty is looking for you go see her" She say

I pouted "you trying to kick me out Mama Monica"


I eventually left seeing the young lady with her aunt "Majesty you wanted to see me" I said sitting down next to the little girl "hello" She said giving me a toothy smile as she hugged me. I hugged her back smiling. "So why where you looking for me?".

"I wanted to show you my doll house" 

She had it in the living room "I build it by myself " her dad shook his head "no she didn't" he whispered. "This is my dolls kitchen" she started giving me a tour of her small doll house. I paid close attention to what she was saying. 

"And that's my doll house" She rounded off her presentation of her doll house. "It's a really beautiful house Majesty " 

It was night and almost everyone had left. It was just Mel, Robyn, Myself and Robyn's younger brother here. Here mom left cause she had to go home and her brother along with his wife and Majesty left. Right now I was outside with my feet in the pool talking with Kylie on facetime.

"Am sure you will do great Ky" I said assuring her since she was worried about a bussiness meeting she had to go to. Like Robyn we had became best friends, talking over the phone and hanging out a lot. We had nicknames for each other and everything just like with me and Robyn but I never meet her family and I was okay with it as she explained to me that she was afraid that her family might push me away.

I took notice that her eyes were closing and she looked really sleepy "have you rested today?" noticing my concern she tried to play it off "am okay" was her reply but it wasn't the answer to my question.

"You haven't been resting Kylie get some sleep" 

"But I want to keep talking to you" She replied dozing off mid words " I know but your tired and you need to go to sleep " I told her she pouted a bit but agreed "okay!" was her short reply. I smiled at her telling her to hang up.

"You were talking with your other friend" Robyn said sitting right next to me dipping her foot in. I looked at her and noticed she a small frown. For some reason Robyn doesn't really get along with Kylie but I hope it will change one day.

"Yes I was talking to Kylie" I replied

She hummed not saying anything. I looked at her "you alright?" I asked her "yeah. Why you ask?" 

"It's just that you seem upset about something" I said "no am okay. Probably tired my nephew really tired me out" She said as I laughed Rajhad son was very playful and energetic. "It's not funny that boy had me working like a nine to five job trying to take care of him" I continued laughing she smacked me in the arm. 

"He's awesome. Kids are really stressful but a bundle of joy" I said as it got quiet.

"They are. I love them and I really want to be a mother and a wife someday" 

I stared at her as she seemed to smile at the idea "what about you?" She turned her head towards me. "Me?" 


"I do want to have kids in the future with the right person" I said and she nodded. She laid her head on my shoulder as we stared at the stars.

A/N: Yeah I did a timeskip. I was so sure how to go about them building their bond so I decided to do several month timeskip. I hope you like this chapter.

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