Chapter 36

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"Did you hear? Naruto sama was seen in Ame" A villager said to another villager. This was the gossip spreading throughout Konoha and other five villages. "I heard that he was the reason why Ame is the way it is now" 

"Those Ame bastards. They have turned Naruto against us. They made him hate us, that's the reason why he does not want to come back to Konoha" Asuma said as Kakashi busted out laughing. The people in the restaurant turned to look at me "everyone in this village are so delusional." he said as Itachi frowned and asked what he meant.

"When have you all ever smiled at Naruto when he was in this village?" He asked and no answer was made "when have we ever offered him help, gave him food that wasn't poisoned, or protected him the times he was running from his life from being beaten. When have one of us sat down and asked yourself if Naruto deserve the hatred he got? Have you ever stopped him to give him a nice birthday gift, or just smiled at him without having evil intentions behinds it? What about Sasuke?" Kakashi said and Itachi angrily got up.

"Enough Kakashi don't mention his name before me" Itachi said "or what Itachi. He was after all the monster of our creation. Him, Menma, Naruko and Narumi.  To be honest your just as bad as your siblings" Kakashi said to Itachi's girlfriend. "Kakashi"

"Shut up Itachi. You can leave if your not comfortable with taking responsibility. Naruto's near dead body was dragged out of Konoha with people cheering at the pain they cause him. That was tortured to death by all of us for bringing a traitor back to Konoha with few injuries. I mean why are we shocked Sasuke is a traitor I mean the Uchiha clan tried to plan a coup and got caught. But Naruto was punished and blamed for it.  Naruto's body was abandoned to die slowly. I saw him I brought him out of where he was left to die." Kakashi said shocking everyone.


"Yes. I was like you all but I never thought he deserved the punishment he got. Kisam Hoshikagi was there and the things he said made me think. I asked question but it seemed not one had answer as to the reason why Naruto deserved the neglection, abuse and hatred. Not Minato, not Kushina, not you Narumi, Not even you Itachi. The most surprising was Kyubi not knowing why she hated him when she's the reason he went through all he went through. The akasuki and the people of Ame were there for Naruto. They revived his spirit when it was broken and him to be happy. They helped Naruto to become way stronger than some of us even you Itachi" Kakashi said

"I mean the kids defeated Orochimaru with ease and had Sasuke running back to the village with his tail between his legs." Kakashi said as Sasuke heard and made his way over to Kakashi. "What did you say Hatake?" he demanded.

"You heard me Uchiha. Naruto is far better than you. You better respect yourself and know that no one in this village likes you. The council are no longer you willing dogs and will most likely bite you if you disturb them. There's no village for you to go as every village hates you. Even sound. There is no use for you anywhere your just being managed" Kakashi said and Sasuke was going to retaliate till his brother glared at him "leave Sasuke"

The look Itachi and everyone gave him was terrifying so he left. "Back to what I was saying. Naruto has moved on to where he ever he stays. He is happy, he is more stronger. at peace and making way more money than the fire daimyo can hope to sniff. Ame is better thanks to Naruto and they never made him do anything. You all need to stop being delusional that if you bothered Ame Naruto would want to happpily come back to Konoha." Kakashi finished and got up leaving the restaurant.

"Kakashi sensei" Sakura called out. "Get away from me Sakura. " Was all he simply said and kept walking. Sakura frowned at how harshly she was shunned by her old sensei. "We have to get Naruto back"



10:20 PM 

I walked into the house as it was really quiet. With the lights off. "Your back Naruto" I jumped up at the voice as the owner of the voice let out huge laughs "I can't believe it" 

"Hush Kenshin"

His laughter reduced as he was now wiping his tears "alright, alright. The kids are sleeping. As for your ladies. They are upstairs, but I have no idea what they are doing" the tiger replied and I nodded. 

"Get some rest Kenshin. You have done a lot thank you" I said before making my way up the stairs. "No problem kid" Was the tigers reply. I walked inside my bedroom to see that there was no one on the bed. But then I heard water from the shower running. So they had to be there.

I walked into the bathroom to see them about to get in the shower. I wrapped my arms around Robyn who was cleaning off her make up. She jumped till she saw me.


A/N: Thoughts on what Kakashi said

Do you think he got to the head of Konoha shinobi's or will they still be stubborn?

Are they going to cause more trouble?

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