Chapter 39

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" Nice to meet you Naruto Kylie has told me so much about you"

"Nice to meet you to Mrs..." Naruto pause unsure of what to call her

"Kris just call me Kris" His girlfriends mother replied Naruto nodded shaking her hand.

"Oh My God! Kylie your boyfriend is fucking beautiful" Kim exclaimed to her younger sister staring at him.

"I know " Kylie said looking at Kim with a suspicious look not liking the way she was looking at her boyfriend. She did not tell her family that she was sharing Naruto with Beyoncé and Rihanna as they wanted to keep it a secret for now and enjoy each other. Her family knowing would have it revealed to the public.

"Hey Stormi I haven't seen you in so long" Kim said to her niece stretching her arm for a hug. "Hi aunty Kim" Stormi said hugging her moms elder sister.  "Hey Storm Storm we've missed you. Chicago and True haven't stopped asking about you."

"Where are they?"

"Their outside playing" 

"Okay. Ruru I want to show you my friends" Stormi grabbed his hand dragging him outside where her aunt said they were. Naruto let out a small chuckle as the eager kid pulled him along.

"Slow down Stormi"

Upon getting to the back Naruto saw many kids playing around. "STORMI" A little girl yelled running towards said person. 


Stormi let's go of Elijah's hand and hugs her cousin and friend. "Stromi your back" another girl joins them she looked like Kylie sister Kim. "Chicago hii" Stromi squealed hugging her also they talked amongst their selves.

"This is Ruru he's my friend" Stormi said  happily to her cousins who looked "woah your pretty" the now known Chicago said with a smile.

"Well thank you Chicago your very pretty too both of you" Naruto responded making silly face making them laugh. "No way he's a boy boy's aren't pretty. That's for girls" a little boy said walking over followed by several other kids.

"Hi am Saint your so cool" Saint stared in amazement at the man standing in front of him. He was currently the  best player in the world as of right now. "Nice to meet you Saint am Naruto" was the reply of the blonde hair shinobi turned footballer as he gave a small smile.

After Stormi introduced him to all her cousins Saint being a big soccer fan asked Naruto to play soccer with him after eating. Naruto went back inside to join the family for the meal. Crazy enough Kylies entire sisters were here.

Everyone was at the dinning table eating and talking. "Naruto Kylie as telling me about you and how your treating her right. Thank you. Kylie has been in so many relationships and none of them have been good for her. None of the men treated her right. So am glad she found someone like you" Kris said with a small smile in which Naruto responded to with a small smile of his own.

He spent the entire day with Kylies family having dinner and talking with them. Before him and Kylie went to her house together since Stormy wanted to spend time with her cousins.

Once we got to Kylie's house it was filled with peaceful silence before the lady of the house walked towards him and wrapped her arms around his waist  with her head on his shoulder. Naruto wrapped his arms around her as they remained like that for a while.

"I hope my family wasn't to much for you?" 

Naruto shook his head "no. They were alright. I had fun" he replied as she gave a sigh of relief "thank god. I was afraid they were going to make you distant your self from me. "

He gave a little chuckle before leaning down to kiss his girlfriends head. "You don't have to worry about that am not going anywhere" 


Kylie not being able to control herself around him started to brush her lips against his neck dropping her hand from his waist down to his crotch palming it. 

"Kylie" Naruto whispered staring into her eyes as it became clouded with lust

"I need you. Make love to me"

"Are you sure?" 

She nodded as Naruto picked her up as they kissed following the directions she gave him to her room. He dropped her on the bed as the kiss intensified taking a few moment to stop their kissing session and undress her.  

Naruto feasted his eyes on her beautiful body feeling himself grow hard in his pants by her mere sight alone.  Looking at her for permission which she gave him he dove down and sucked on her nipple. Kylie released shaky breathes at the feeling of her man spending time to show special attention to her body as Naruto went from sucking her breast to kissing down her body till he got between her thighs.

Naruto couldn't help but lick his lip at the sight in front of him, catching a whiff of her snatch he dove right in not giving her any warning as he ate her out sticking his tongue into her hole to taste more of her juices.

"Rutooo ohh" Kylie gasped out as she threw her head back eyes rolling to the back of her head with a hand on his head to keep him. His mouth was amazing as she could only moan out his name as his sucked her dry or attempted to. 

"Am soo close fuckkk" 

Naruto licked her clit and sucked her clit before stabbing a finger into her hole making her orgasm. He drilled her with his finger enjoying how tight and warm she was around his finger. He rubbed a thumb on her clit making her lose it and squirt unto his face. 

Kylie let out a loud moan with he legs shaking as she looked like she had forgotten how to breathe for a while.

Naruto pulled his finger out of her licking her juices of them. Kylie pulled him in for another kiss moaning out for him to fuck her.

"Is that what you want?"

"Yes please"

Kylie palmed his bulge wanting to feel him inside her. She sits up as she watches him take off his top amazed me his physique, his abs, his pecs, his muscle. Everything seemed so well arranged on him perfect even.

Kylie watched him pull down his boxers slowly as if teasing her revealing his huge dick. She watched as Naruto climbed on top of her biting her lips as he was between her legs sliding a condom on before pressing his tip at her entrance. He leaned down locking lips with her as he pushed into her. Naruto spent the rest of the night making Kylie scream and cry out his name.

A/N: Sorry I ended the chapter like this but I felt like I got stuck on the chapter and just needed to end it. I will do my best to make next chapter better than and am sorry for taking so long to update.

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