Chapter 7

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Everything wasn't looking so well for Konoha. The village that once praised Sasuke and Menma now hated them, Sasuke more than anything. Before the whole Sasuke incident Menma harmed a civilian who tried to stop him from sleeping with his wife. Then Menma took a sword from a weapon shop without paying for it. Naruto ate ramen without paying for it. The three of them along with kiba beat up kids or anyone who dare talked back at them. Many ninja's lost their jobs because Menma and Naruko lied to their father when they couldn't get their way.

Minato allowed them to do what ever they wanted because thy were the child of prophesy or so he believed. The villagers and other villages believed them, but got fed up with their behavior.

 Ever since the Sasuke incident things went downhill for Menma. His arm was ruined and had to be cut off,  most especially almost all his chakra was gone. He only had enough chakra to keep him alive, his chakra reserve was depleted and nothing he did could change it. If Menma tried anything to increase his chakra reserve like taking Kyubi powers or using any seal it would instead cripple him and kill him slowly. Menma was now just as powerful as a civilian genin and  that would be his fate for ever.

As for Naruko well she was afraid for a couple of weeks but finally calmed down. She now hated Sasuke Uchiha with a passion. She also lost some of her chakra but not as bad as Menma she could at least reach jounin level in chakra but she can no longer use Kyubi's power it would kill her. As of right now Konoha had no jinchuriki. Kiba broke a couple of ribs and lost a finger but that was it.

Right now Menma's behavior was coming to bite him in the ass as many leaders of different villages came to report him to his parents. "Minato, Kushina am done. Am tired of this relationship with your bastard of a son" Mei said barging in.

"Mizukage" Minato said getting up "am ending the marriage between me and Menma. Am tired of his cheating, he disrespects my authority as the mizukage he comes to my village and tries to control my ninjas and people. But the worst thing he did was that he took three of our seven swordsman blade and sold them to Rogue nins and Bandits who happen to be very powerful. Now those people are using those same weapons to attack us and killed some of our genins. Was this your plan all along Minato?"

Minato and Kushina's eyes widened at the question. They didn't know that Menma had been causing so much trouble. "Mizukage" but Mei simply raised her hand shutting him "I just hope I did not make a mistake with all of this" Mei said.

Minato knew he had to do something, Menma had done nothing but cause trouble in the village and outside along with Naruko and Sasuke. But they got away with it thanks to him. Now that Menma lost almost all his chakra he got worse because they kept spoiling him so he wont feel sad about it. Last week he raped a merchants daughter, the merchant wanted Menma punished but they made excuses for him so the Merchant stopped coming to Konoha.

"Now Mei. I understand  your upset but you don't have to end the marriage Menma didn't mean it" Kushina pleaded with Mei who wasn't even listening. "Yeah babe" Menma added. Mei glared at him with disgust and hatred as she was starting to truly see how ugly Menma was inside out.

Mei made a move at him to be held back by Aoi, Haku and Zabuza  "calm dawn Lady Mei" Haku said to her. Minato seeing that Menma made the situation worse decided to send him away "Menma go home and we are going to have a long talk when we get home"

"But dad" Menma replied "Minato easy with the kid. He didn't mean it he just lost close to all his chakra you know" Jiraya said stepping down from the window, he looked at Menma "go home kid" Jiraya said to him. Menma nodded and left but not before looking at Mei flinching as the look she gave was not one of love or admiration like she normally did but of pure hatred.

"MINATOOO" A loud voice boomed through as the door was blasted open. Walking in was a furious Raikage "A, what's the matter?" Minato asked

"Your son, Menma. Where is he?" The raikage said "what happened?" Kushina asked "your son happened. Myself and the people of Cloud has had enough of your son and daughter. This marriage between Menma, Mabui, Samui and Yugito is over. Having them marrying him was the worst decision I have ever made in my life. All this boy does is sleep around, disrespect and attack anyone that doesn't give him what he wants. He's lazy and all he does is depend on the kyubi chakra without caring that he is hurting Yugito, he depends on the rasengan a lot without those two his other techniques are c ranks at best since he doesn't train to improve them."

"He does not think before engaging an enemy he rushes in and chickens out when he realizes the enemies strength. He's a shinobi for show offs but it will be alright if he trained hard and was a good shinobi. The most painful part is that he put Samui and Karui in danger then abandoned them along with the client to the enemy. Both Karui and Samui are in critical condition after being captured and raped for days without food or water. The client died and the daimyo punished us for it since it was his friends son." A ranted before calming.

A let out a sigh "tell me Minato. How are you going to fix the damage your son caused for Cloud?"

This was bad. Really bad Minato thought as he freaked out. With what Mei and A were saying the marriage alliance was off. So Leaf just Cloud and Kiri as allies because of Menma.

"Give us some time A, Mei will fix it. We are family. Menma is your husband Mei along with the husband of Samui, Yugito and Mabui you can't abandon him at this time of difficulty for him" Mianto said, the two leaders scoffed "your pathetic. I was a fool for trusting you. The marriage alliance is over. Menma does not have any wives in cloud. The alliance is done, you ignored the fact that I said Samui is in critical conditions because of Menma. He deserves what's happening to him" A said making the Minato and Kushina along with Jiraya flinch.

"That sick son of your is not my husband I regret the day I married him, the day I let slept with him I regret everything. Kiri and Konoha are no longer allies. Am done with you and your family." Mei said sending more blows to them.

"Am starting to think that maybe we were wrong about Naruto" A voice said making everyone flinch at the mention of the name.

"Kazekage why would you say that things name here?" A asked with a frown on his face as Mei suddenly remembered the boyfriend she dumped. "Because he did us no wrong, we all foolishly followed the hokage because we trusted him. We all believed lies told about him by the leaf, he was a demon, he was a thief, a traitor, a failure, he was a criminal. What else wasn't said. But it's looks to me now that the real criminal was Menma and Naruko but you used Naruto to cover for them why?" Gara asked now looking at Minato who looked away.

"Because of a stupid prophesy" 

A/N: Sorry I made the chapter long but I wanted to get almost everything about the other villages realizing their decision out. Don't worry Naruto's chapter of him in another world is coming very soon.

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