Chapter 5

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"Lord Hokage" An anbu called 

"What is it Dragon?" Minato asked.

"The Uchiha. He escaped, he was helped by Orochimarus right hand man and the sound four. I guess Mebuki and her husband found out so he decided to kill them knowing they were his inlaws." at this news Minato jumped out of his seat.


"That's not all hokage sama" The anbu paused wondering whether he should let the hokage know this. "What is it? Speak"

"Your daughter. The Uchiha drugged and raped her. He also beat her up badly and caused damages to her body. She's in the hospital as we speak" Dragon said as Minato rushed to hospital after hearing the news.


With The Konoha 10

"That bastard. How dare he? I will make him pay for what he did to my sister" Menma said furious at what his once bestfriend did to his sister.

"And he also killed Sakura's parents too" Ino voiced out as the were trying to find the Uchiha Sasuke why? I loved you and you pay me back by making me an orphan was the thought going through Sakura's head.

"I can't believe Sasuke would be so unyouthful. "Lee said furious by Sasuke's actions. The uchiha had cross boundaries that can never be repaired.

 The group came to a stop when they saw the sound four, Kimmaro and Kabuto. "Sorry, but I have to stop you right there. Sasuke is a bit busy now so I wouldn't want you to interrupt him"

"Menma go. We'll handle them. Go handle Sasuke" Shikamaru said, Menma left without an ounce of care for his team.

He ran to the Uchiha compound where he believe the Uchiha was.  Upon getting there he was attacked by Sasuke and the two got into a battle. Both had Kunai's in their hand

"SASUKE. How could you? How could you betray Konoha?" 

Sasuke scoffed "cause I am tired of being held back by a weak village. I want power, lot's of power. I want to kill Itachi for taking my revenge away from me, he killed Shisui who killed my father. That honor should have been mine"

"As for Naruko. Well she tried to deny me from sleeping with her and threatened to harm so I taught her a lesson, she's useless to me now" Sasuke said Menma furious activated the Kyubis powers. Disappearing from where he was putting Sasuke on guard. He appeared in front of Sasuke and before he could do anything he slashed the Uchiha across his face. From his brow to his chin missing his eye.

The Uchiha screamed in pain and anger at his face being ruined. "MENMAA" He yelled lunging for the red haired boy who did a couple of flips to get away from the crazed Uchiha attack. 


Their kunai knifes banged against each other before backed away from each other. Sasuke was in his final form of curse seal. The same form he used but yet got defeated by Naruto. The thought infuriated him but Naruto was dead. He laughed at how bad Naruto suffered for harming him. He was glad that the weakling got what he deserved. But he was not going to allow him self to be defeated a second time especially not by Menma.

All he just had to do is wait for Menma to be drained from over using the Kyubi's chakra. If he remembered correctly Kyubi  said she hadn't full regain all her power so despite her being at more than half her power she was still strong. Menma couldn't fully contain the Kyubi chakra neither could Naruko.

They were given the chakra and not the soul. The only thing allowing them to handle the kyubi chakra was the Uzumaki bloodline which increased their chakra pools. Plus the two had abused and misused the Kyubi's chakra not caring since they now had kyubi who was willing to give them chakra. But there was a limit to how much of the chakra their body could handle.

Kyubi was mad at Menma for always sleeping around and abusing her power. He never showed any of his bethroted car or love like Sasuke. All he wanted was sex. So due to being mad at Menma Kyubi hasn't giving Menma or Naruko any chakra and disappeared. Menma has a limit before he get weakened by the chakra.

Sasuke kept dodging Menmas attack. Using a fire just to block his water technique. Seeing an opening in Menma's attack and him getting weaker. Sasuke went for the attack kicking Menma in the chin. He appeared behind him and kicked his back.

As Menma was about to fall he slammed his fist on the back of Menma's head slamming him to the ground. Menma grabbed Sasuke by his wing and slammed him and used the opportunity to back up and wait for another chance to attack.

"Let's end this Menma. I have somewhere to be" Sasuke said forming his attack "Well Teme your not going ANYWHERE" Menam formed the rasengan and charged at Sasuke.

Both their attack clashed with each others but was the only was screaming. "ARGHHHH" The red haired shouted after feeling a sudden sharp pain in his shoulder. Sasuke felt pain to but was able to hold it in. 

It turns out both their attack hit each others shoulders but Sasukes chidori did more damage to Menma. Piercing his shoulder and frying his arms. Menma dropped to the floor screaming in pain.


Sasuke seeing Menma's down state decided to torture him painfully as Menma cried loudly for Sasuke to stop and someone to help him. Sensing more people were coming Kabuto got to Sasuke.

"Sasuke we have to go. The Hokage, His wife and ninjas are on their way" Kabuto informed Sasuke who decided to leave Menma for now to escape being captured again. "Let's go!" Was Sasuke's simple order.

By the time the group got there. They saw Menma laying on his own blood unconscious. "We have to take him to the hospital and start healing him. He's dying" Was what Tsunade said after checking on Menma.

"Damn that Uchiha!" Was Minato only reply

A/N: Another update. Am trying to update as much as possible as possible so I don't lose interest in this story. My hope is to finish this story and finish it well. Anyway comments your thought on Sasuke betrayal.

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