Chapter 28

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I smiled seeing as Naruto was celebrating his team winning the champions league. I haven't talked to him in so long and he has been calling but I couldn't bring myself to talk to him for long knowing I felt something for him.

"Hey Robyn" he made his way towards me waving I was going to walk away but he grabbed my arm gently. "Robyn am so happy your here. It's so great to see you" He pulled me into a hug and hugged me tightly. I swear whatever pain I had after seeing him with Kylie dissolved as I leaned into his hold. "Robyn am sorry. I don't know what I did wrong to make you, Bey and Kylie not want to talk to me but am sorry. I miss my best friends" he said softly still holding to me.

"It's not you Ruto" I said softly "then why are you all staying away from me" he said and I looked ahead to see his teammates waiting to celebrate with him "go be with your team Ru we'll talk about this later" he seemed hesitant to go so I gave him a little nudge and he left. 

I did spend time partying with them but I left a bit earlier and went home. Going home I showered and changed into night clothes before going to sleep.


"Come in" Robyn said letting me into her home walking in I saw the Kylie and Beyoncé there with their kids.

"Hey everyone" 

"RUTOOOO" the kids yelled running to me and tackling me to the floor giggling as I giggled with them "you were gone for a long time" Blue said getting off of me "I know Blue and am really sorry. I had series of important games to play" I explained to her and she nodded. "It's okay am glad you won the championship"  She responded

I was finally able to get up with Sir, Rumi and Stormy clinging to me. I walked to where their parents where and sat them on the couch but they won't let me go so I had to sit on the couch with them.

Sir climbed into my lap and laid his head on my chest while playing with his toy car quietly "me and Stormy watch Trolls" Rumi said to me happily.

"You did?" they nodded yes "did you enjoy it" they nodded again "what about you Sir?" I asked the boy wanting to include him in the convo "it cool" he said giving a thumbs up "since your here can we build Legos together" Blue asked and I replied with a yes. See Blue loves architecture and building things with Lego. "Sure we all can" I said referring to her and the younger kids as they cheered "but first I have to talk to your mothers and aunty Robyn okay" I said and they nodded 


Blue took them upstairs leaving us the adult in the living room "your so good with them" Kylie said "thank you" I said softly. "It's been months since we have talked to each other. You guys haven't been talking to me since what happened between me and Kylie. I want to know what I did wrong. Was it because I kissed Kylie? Am sorry for that I don't want to lose you three"

Robyn sat down next to me "It's part of it but your not at fault" Robyn said "then why have you three been acting like I don't exist. "

"Because" Beyoncé started off but paused

"Because what?" I pressed on

"We were angry okay" Beyoncé said and I got confused "were sorry for ignoring you since we saw you in your room with Kylie but the truth is I  was hurt " Robyn said

"I think we both were "  Beyoncé added "I don't regret the kiss. I mean I kissed you but I did feel like a bad friend. Me and Rihanna never got along neither did I get along with Beyoncé due to my family history. But over the years thanks to you all three of us have built a great friendship. I knew I had immense feelings for you but I also knew they had feelings for you"

"Despite knowing I kissed you but regretted it feeling that I might have ruined a great friendship that all four of us had built" Kylie said looking at me. "It's selfish I know but I wanted to keep my distance from you hoping that I would be assured my feelings for you" Robyn said.

I was hurt but I was also trying to hide my smile they had feelings for me. I never suspected it. "And are you?"   I asked 


"What about the two of you?" I asked Beyoncé and Kylie

"Yes" they replied at the same time

"What are they?" I asked hoping they would say what I was hoping they would say "am in love with you"

A/N: Hope you like the chapter. Do you think I brought their romance up in good way? Or could I have done it another way?

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