Chapter 38

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In Elemental Nations:


"Is it true?"

"Did Naruto really come back?"

"Was he in Ame?"

"Yes. Naruto was in Ame" was the reply of Mei Terumi the Mizukage. Her face held a frown as she remembered her surprising encounter with Naruto. Her Naruto.  He didn't even acknowledge her. Throughout the meeting she had looked at him hoping he would stare into her eyes with love and give her that beautiful smile of his. 

But she got nothing from him. He said nothing not even when Kisame had said those things to her he never said or did anything to defend her. The Naruto she knew would have stood up for her and not allowed any one to talk down on her even if he couldn't fight the person. Oh how times have changed.

She would do anything to have her man back. The man she had so wrongfully thrown to the side like he was nothing but trash for a boy that wasn't even worth her time. She let the Namikaze family get to her and has now come to regret it painfully.

"Ahri where are you going?" Mei asked the kyubi

"To see my Naruto Kun" Was the simple reply of the power beast.

"I don't think it is a good idea" Mei said with a frown.

"Has Naruto kun really changed?" Haku asked really hoping not "yes. He wants nothing to do with any of us that hurt and betrayed him" Mei said looking down. "Don't worry Haku we will show Naruto that we have changed. He will forgive us Mei" Zabuza said to cheer the two women.

"Wait where is Ahri sama?" Aoi asked as the tailed beast in human form was no longer there. "Looks like she went to Ame. Zabuza, Haku follow her and try to convince not to go to far. Naruto has a special place with Ame and if we want him back we have to be friendly with them" Mei said and the two nodded before leaving to do their Kage's order.



That was the yell that rang through the room as the people in the room were surprised by the news their Kage gave them "Naruto was in Ame?" Kankoro asked 

"Yes. It seems Naruto remembers everything we did to him" Gara said with a sigh "Gara please try to make an alliance with Ame I need Naruto back. You have to help." Temari said to her younger brother who nodded Kankaro being the energetic one pumped his fist in the air. 


"Don't worry Temari. We will get Naruto to forgive us and get with you. I also believe an alliance with Ame will do us good after all the things Naruto has done for them" Baki said as members of the council nodded along.

The news of Naruto being Ame spread from the leaders to the council and trusted peoples. Many of the women who abandoned women made it there mission to get Naruto back and be with him.  None of these people knowing that Naruto has already left and won't be back for a while.



"Caught you" 

"No you cheated" little fits of giggles made it's way around the house as a certain blonde ninja played with the kids of his girlfriends. As said girlfriend watched. "Kenshi help us noooo" Stormi yelled giggling as Naruto tickled them.

"Alright guys you need to come eat" Robyn said stopping the playful banter between her man and the kids with a smile on her face.  "Robyn help us" Blue said trying to control her laughter. She tries to help them and I pulled her in and started tickling her to the kids joining me. "I know you little kids ain't betraying me" Rob said playfully gasping at the betrayal. 

"Sowy. I make it up to you" Sir said before running away with the others probably to go get their food.  "Ru stop" Robyn said trying to get me to stop tickling her "nope you have to give me a kiss first" I said moving my fingers to start tickling her again "okay" she said giving up when she realized she could not move me off from her. She grabbed the side of my face and gently pulls  me in for a soft kiss which lasted 2 seconds.

"You got your kiss so get off me" 

"Hmm I guess that will have to do for now" I said before getting off from her.

"Your such a big baby" Kylie said as I walk into the dinning room with  my arms wrapped around Robyn's waist.  "Yeah but you love me " I replied and shook her head smiling.

We took our seat eating the nice ribs and fries that was made. "Babe I have to go back to LA to see my family" Kylie said "it's been long since I last saw them and my mom and sister are breathing down my neck. So I have to go with Stormy next week. Spend some time with them, then go to New York for fashion week so I will be away for like three weeks" Kylie explained 

"No momma I want to stay with Ruto" Stormi whine "but you have to see grandma and you didn't let me finish" Kylie said to her little girl "Stormi baby you got to let mama finish" Beyonce said correcting her. "Sorry mommy" Stormi said to Kylie who nodded and smiled at her. "It's okay baby"

"I told my family about you and they want to meet you" Kylie said but she was nervous. "Alright. Do you want me to go with you to meet them?" I asked and she nodded "alright. But why do you seems nervous?" I asked

"My family can be a lot. I don't want them to push you away" 

"Don't worry they won't"

A/N: Another chapter. I might do another time skip next chapter am not sure. But I hope you like the chapter.

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