Chapter 8

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All of the leaders of villages that were allied with Konoha. From Kazekage, to the Mizukage, to the Tsuchikage and  the Raikage along with the daimyo's for spring and demon coutries were in the Hokage's office as they listened to him explain his reason that him, his wife and the two remaining senins decided to lie about Naruto.

"So all this while you knew that Menma and Naruko were terrible but decided to cover it up and put the blame on Naruto." Shion said.

"You never trained him  and you told the academy teach to neglect and abuse him instead of training him" A said furious 

"And here we all thought the kid was just weak" Onoki said glaring at Minato disgusted. "Even with little training he still protected his team from me and helped Kiri win the war. What have I done?" Zabuza whispered loudly as others were starting to regret their action towards the now dead boy.

"All this for a prophesy, I so regret following you all those times" Kakashi said making his opinion known as Rin and Obito looked down. "Kakashi don't say that to Sensei " Obito said 

"Kakashi your sensei and his wife had a reason for everything. The prophesy had to be fulfilled even if it caused Naruto his happiness and led him to suffer. Menma and Naruko were the children of prophesy and needed all the love, care and attention possible. They shouldn't have to be going through any form of punishment so it was best Naruto suffered for them though that was the only thing that brat was good at "

"JIRAYA" Danzo and Hriruzen yelled "don't talk about about Naruto like that. He is far better than you or any of those brats you call saviors." Sarutobi said to his disgrace of a student. "Why did you have to get the shameful students Hiruzen? I just can't help but pity you" Danzo said shaking his head as said person sighed.

"Even a child can tell that neither Naruko or Menma were the child of prophesy" Kakashi said making everyone look at him. "What? How dare you Kakashi? Are you trying to accuse me and the toads of lying?" Jiraya asked Kakashi furious.

"You said it yourself not me" Kakashi replied 

"KAKASHI" Obito yelled furious at his teammate for speaking ill of their sensei. "Of cause sensei's personal ass kisser defends his wrong doings. What do I expect from someone who worships sensei like a god. Your in deed a fool, you and Rin truly deserve each other. Both to far up sensei's ass to see his wrong doings" Kakashi said glaring at his old teammates who gasped. 

Kushina furious spoke "Kakashi how dare you speak to your sensei like that. Your ungrateful bastard. After everything we did for you" Kakashi hearing this bowed Minato believing that Kushina had talked some sense to him smiled. 

"It's okay Kakashi" Minato started as Jiraya and Kushina sighed calming down believing that Kakashi had "am thankful for all the things you and your family did for me. Taking me in when my dad died I believe that's why I followed you all in your wrong doing towards Naruto. But your wrong Naruto never deserved all he went through. You made sure Naruto had no source of love for what?" Kakashi said not hiding his anger.

"Now listed here you ungrateful brat. The toad and myself are not wrong about what we did we can never be wrong" Jiraya said.

Two toad appeared by Jiraya's shoulders to everyone's surprise "Ma, pa what you doing here?" Jiraya asked.

"We made a mistake Jiraya. We were all wrong" Pa said everyone was confused as to what they were talking about but a few had some ideas. Jiraya not understanding asked "what are you talking about?" 

"The prophesy" Ma's answer  got everyone by surprise as a feeling of dread started settling in Jiraya and the Namikaze family,

"We were wrong. Menma and Naruko weren't the children of prophesy. There is only one child and it's Naruto"


A/N: I will end this chapter here. Next chapter will be something different. I won't be too focused on Konoha or the other villages till about 3 chapters.

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