Chapter 33

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Two Days Later


Again Konoha had come to trouble Ame and it's citizens over Naruto Uzumaki other villages following them. This was the fourth time this month this villages are doing this. They refuse to leave Naruto alone.

"And I have told you time and time again that I wont allow you to ruin the boys life just because each of your life's are ruined" Nagato said in the meeting his wife right next to him. Tsuande scoffed "Naruto is our concern not yours. You have no reason to hide him from us" she said.

"It seems you have terrible memory. You all have forgotten all the things you did to him. You tortured him to near death and left him to die. We found him and loved him as our very own and have never regretted it. He's happy and you all are miserable. You need him now and now act like your entitled to him" Konan said trying to contain her anger.

Minato, Kushina, Konoha and other villages flinched at what she said "I want to thank you for takin care of our son when we had made our mistake. But please tell us where Naruto is as he is no longer of your concern. Naruto has always wanted to be loved by the village and we assure he would be very happy to see things have changed"

"Delusion at it's finest" Konan mumbled rolling her eyes. Onoki noticed the empty seats that belonged to the other akatsuki member "what is this Amekage? Do you and your people dishonor us so much that they do not find it of importance to attend this meeting?" Onoki asked furious.

"What my advisor do is none of your business? They are my ninjas not yours they don't have to satisfy your ego" Nagato replied to the anger of Onoki "YOU BRAT" the old kage yelled getting up but stopped once anbus came out ready to fight.

"Mind your self. This is not Iwa this is Ame my village if you attack better be ready for the results of your actions." Nagato warned making the old man calm down "though the way lord Onoki said it was wrong but he is right. Where are the other members? They should be here to answer some of our questions" Mei said and it was not hidden to Konana or Nagato that she was trying to sweet talk and Konan's eyebrows furrowed.

"They are busy catching up with a very important friend" Nagato replied "and what so important about that friend that they won't honor us by being here to answer some questions we have for them" 

A was cut off when the door opened and in walked in the member all laughing happily with a man they did not recognize. They took a good look at him and could only stare in awe at how handsome and tall he was. The women had huge blushes on their faces as they continue to stare at him with drool sliding down the side of their mouth's. The way his hair, eyes, jaw line just came together making him look like an angel among men.

Some of them stared at him confused due to the clothes he had on as they had never seen clothes like them before. But for some reason he seemed familiar like they knew him Who was this man?

The group stopped laughing when they took  notice of the people in the room "everything okay?" the man asked Nagato

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The group stopped laughing when they took  notice of the people in the room "everything okay?" the man asked Nagato. "No because this people cant seem to get that you have moved on from them Naruto. In fact you all came at the perfect time" Nagato said 

Wait did he just say Naruto

This was the thought that ran through the minds of the people as the man they couldn't believe that the man that they had been searching for was here. "Sochi is that you " Kushina said with teary eyes but Naruto didn't even look at her or answer her question just  walked to were Konan was before he was grabbed by a crying Kushina who attempted to hug him only for him vanish and reappear beside Konan and took a sit beside her.

Kushina caught by surprise by what Naruto did almost fell but was thankfully caught by her husband "Naruto what was that for apologize to your mother?" Minato said but wasn't expecting Naruto to ignore him and pull out a strange device.

"Naruto" Minato called again "apologize"

"For what? She should have kept her hands to herself and  to correct you she's not my mother. So please advice you wife to stay away from me Lord Hokage" Naruto said with indifference.

Kushina and Minato hearing this were shocked. Was he still mad about what they did to him. Embarrassed by seeing that his wife was being laughed at they both sat down to discuss with Ame.

"Naruto kun" Mei voice out loudly with a happy smile but Naruto was too busy texting his girlfriends to acknowledge her. "Naruto Konoha here wants to bring you back and won't listen when I tell them that you are happy where your at and don't need to be bothered by the likes of them. They feel that they are entitled to you welcoming them into your life with open arms now that their karma is starting to bite them in the ass. The others are following them like lost puppies because they believe that you will take them back and make their countries better" Nagato said bluntly not caring about the frowns on the said peoples face.

"And why should I. I mean why would they want useless weakling to help them I thought they were all powerful. I thought Menma and Sasuke were the gods that were going to lead them to glory what happened to them?" Naruto asked but it was in more sarcastic taunting manner as the group looked down in shame.

"We made a mistake Naruto"

"And I should care because?"

A/N: I don't know I don't think I might do 100 chapters probably 60 or 70 or less. I will just have to see how the story goes but here is another chapter.

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