Chapter 16

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"Zelinski to Kvaratskhellia then he passes to Uzumaki he shoots AND HE SCORES. GOALLLLLLL!!!!" The commentator yelled into the mic as the Napoli fans went crazy at Naruto scoring the first goal for the team against Leizburg. With just 85 minutes left on the clock.

"Naruto Uzuamki is back at it again he scored a hattrick at his away game for Napoli against Latium three days ago helping his team win. Now he broke the tie of 0-0 by scoring a goal just few minutes left till the game ends. What a magnificent player he is. Am telling you Napoli are enjoying having him on their team"


"It's another win for Napoli as they defeat Inter Millan 4-0 with Naruto scoring two goals and two assists"

"He is so young but already contributing so much for Napoli. He played for Birmingham FC with Jude Bellingham now they are both playing professional football and playing very well for their respective teams."

"Naruto played his first five  games coming from the bench but has been playing so well for the team the manager had to make him a starter"

This was how playing in Napoli has been going for Naruto. He has made so far eleven appearances for the team with a stat line of 7 goals, 4 assist, 3 clean sheets and twenty possessions gained so far.  I was slowly starting to make a name for myself being on this team and I wanted to keep it up

Walking on the streets of Italy enjoying the nice weather I saw a dark skin lady looking to be around the age of 60 had tripped and was closed to falling not to far from me so I hurried to her helping her till she gained her balance. "Are you alright ma'm?" I asked wanting to make sure she was good.

"Yes. Thank you very much for helping me would've have injured myself if not for you" She said "no problem as long as your okay but the things your carrying seems to be heavy. If you don't mind I could help you carry them you seem to be going into this building here" I said she nodded.

"Yes I am but I hope it won't be a bother for you" She replied with a strange accent that I haven't heard before "no it won't I actually happen to be staying in this same building also ma'am" I said assuring her.

She finally agreed and I helped her carry the heavy bags all the way to her floor. I waited patiently for her to open the door and get in before following her and placing the things on top a island. Once doing so I turn around about to leave "have a nice day ma'am and please get some rest and make sure your okay"

"Thank you so much for your help and I definitely will get some rest" She said and I left to go to my apartment. Sitting in my living room I remembered my agent told me to create social media accounts and that's what I did. I sat down on the couch  creating accounts for Instagram and twitter.

RutoUzamaki for Twitter

NarutoUzamaki for Instagram

I finished placing my phone down as my clones appeared before me "Hey boss" clone one said "hey how did it go?" I asked "well" clone 2 replied.

"With the small jobs we did we were able to make a total of 263,000 Euros cash in the past years we have been here while you were training and honing your shinobi skills in the forest and in the summoning realm." The leader of the first group clone one said. 

This group were in charge of spreading out changing their identities using the transformation justu to work and make a few money for him since I had the deities and Shiro stop giving him money once I was fourteen. They weren't happy about it but decided to listen to me although they already had at least 300,000 Euros in the account for me and 50,000 cash with money I saved up. I put put all those cash into my account I was so used to working hard for something that I wasn't really used to the deities giving me money when I could work for the money with the advantages I had.

"Group 2 what about you?" I asked

"Yeah why you were away training we attended team training, events, played in games and watched film. All while writing down and learning boxing and MMA techniques "Clone two finished reporting what him and his group did while the original was away.

I nodded liking what I was hearing so far "what about you group three?" Clone three stepped up and spoke "we did online and in person classes for college you now have an associate degree in Mechanical Engineering, we also dived a bit into medicine learning about how this world medical system works how they make there medicines and technologies they use to treat patient. Which I believe we can buy someday and send back to Ame and to Danzou and Sarutobi Jiji's"  I liked the idea they will be useful in Ame.

"Clone four"

"We found an area in Italy that can be used as a training ground it's far but am sure you can get there. It's spacious and hidden it has a nice scenery but we made it better. We also helped the homeless man that you knew back in London. I gave him the old house you used to stay in with everything paid for with the money we made. I made sure he had medical treatment and got cleaned up opening a bank account for him and putting fifty thousand pounds in there for him along with getting him grocery's. " 

After they gave their reports they poofed away as I got each of their memories impressed with what they had done so far while I was away. As for the money in the duffel bag I will put them in my account tomorrow.

A/N: I hope you like this chapter. I don't want to focus to much on the games but also his daily life's. Anyway can you guys guess who the old woman with the strange accent was?

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