Chapter 31

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Kenshin smiled at what I said before his stomach growled "seem like someone is hungry" I said to him "yep. I wanted to let you know what was going on before I go find something to eat. Plus my wife is angry at me so I can't really go home now" 

"Well that's okay. You can just come downstairs with me to the kitchen I will get you something to eat" I said but he looked at me as if he was unsure.

"Are sure? What about your partners and the kids?"

"Don't worry I will just tell them your my friend and that they are safe. The kids might be scared at first but once they see how cool you are they will like you. Just don't talk yet they don't know about my shinobi life. " I said and he nodded "alright. I guess you plan on telling them about your past once the relationship has gone far. I can't wait to see little Naruto cubs" he said following me out the room.

We went down the steps "Naruto" the kids yelled  happily tackling me "hey little tricksters" I greeted tickling them making them laugh "your back can we play Minecraft?" Sir asked and I nodded "yeah. But after eating breakfast but first I need to introduce you guys to a friend of mine."

"Friend?" They all asked shocked "we didn't see you come in with anyone" Robyn said confused  till she saw Kenshin and jumped in shock "Is that a white tiger?" Bey asked shocked the other were confused till the saw Kenshin who walked in front of me and jumped.

"Friend?" They all asked shocked "we didn't see you come in with anyone" Robyn said confused  till she saw Kenshin and jumped in shock "Is that a white tiger?" Bey asked shocked the other were confused till the saw Kenshin who walked in front of m...

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"Yes and don't be afraid. Kenshin won't attack you he's good" I said trying to calm them down as they panicked while Kenshin had a saddened mood "that's a tiger. A wide animal" Kylie said "and he is friendly. He won't hurt you guys I know he won't. I have known him since I was a kid" Which is true. I have known Kenshin since I was a kid way before I signed the tiger summon. I met him in the forest were the chunin exams were taking after running away from mobs. So when I found out he was part of the tiger summon and the bosses son I quickly chose him to be my personal summon.

"He won't hurt you guys. He just came to visit me " I said to them and my girlfriends face softened. Kenshin had a down look and attempted to turn around and walk away before being hugged by a happy Sir.

"It's a tiger mommy" Sir said as he hugged Kenshin to his surprise. I apologized to kenshin through our shared mind connection and he understood but was happy that Sir wasn't scared of him. Bleu, Stormi and Rumi seeing how Sir hugged Kenshin petting his tail and Kenshin was leaning to his touch. Soon followed him and jumped at the tiger hugging him and petting him.

"He so fluffy" Rumi said as she kept playing with his fur on the side of his face while hugging him. My girlfriends were amazed by how calm Kenshin was with the kids and the way he seemed to have fun with them. Before following in the kids footsteps and petting him with smiles "he's so cute" 

Hearing this from my girlfriend Kenshin gave me a smirk "cute I don't see it" I said glaring at him as he had the same smirk before rolling his eyes at me making everyone laugh as I pouted. "I thought you were hungry Kenshin" I voiced out as he got up with the kids hanging unto him.

I got a plate and put a full roasted chicken that I had bought from the store for myself on it for Kenshin. He sniffed it for a while his mouth watering at the smell before diving in "careful it's spicy" I said but he didn't seem to care and just ate the chicken I sat down on the table and ate break fast with everyone. 

After eating I decided I wanted to talk to them about the new situation that just came up. I took them somewhere private in the house leaving the kids with Kenshin. "Babe what's wrong?" Kylie asked. "I wanted to speak to you about something. Originally this wasn't of my vacation and spending time with you guys. But it came and it's very important." I explained.

Robyn sat up straight "should we be worried?" She asked and I shook my head no " I have to go see my family and sort out some issue that's affecting them. It's a long story and I want to wait till I go into details about everything but I will same some part"

They nodded " My real suppose parent had triplets on October ten to add to their first daughter. A girl and two boys. One of the boys being me" I said and they seemed shocked but didn't say anything waiting for me to finish. 

"It's crazy but we don't look alike. I am the youngest of the triplets but my parents never loved me neither did my siblings. I was abandoned and left to die  but got saved by my adopted parents and uncle Shiro who you guys haven't met yet. But to cut the long story short the people who abandoned me are causing trouble for my adopted parents so I have to go sort it out" I explained and was instantly pulled into a hug by my girlfriends and surprisingly the kids. I had no idea when they got here.

"Am so sorry you went through all that babe. " Beyoncé proceeded to put my head in her chest and rub my back. "Those some fucked up people. What type of bastards neglect one child and love the others. It's stupid" Robyn said clearly upset. 

"Why don't you let us go with you? The kids can stay with our parents" Kylie suggested "that's a good idea" Beyoncé supported but I shook my head no as the kids wrap their arms around me in a hug.

"No it's not a good idea at least not yet."

A/N: That's chapter 31. With the way am going I might be able to do a 100 chapters of this book before this year ends. 

As for the story. I wanted them to know a few part of Naruto's life and then they know the full thing when they are strong in the relationship like in Banished Hero. Although I hate how I ended the book. It could have been better.

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