Chapter 34

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"This has to be the biggest joke I have heard so far. That you think I would want to happily be around any of you after all the things you did."

They people that wanted Naruto back frowned this wasn't looking so good. Naruto hated them "Am happy where I am and I have no interest with associating my self with Konoha, Suna, Iwa, Wave, Kumo, Demon country or Spring. So get rid of that illusion you all created in your mind that am still the same Naruto you all did vile things to and would still smile and want your acknowledge cause am not I could care less about any of you" Naruto replied sitting calmly on his seat.

"Well that should tell you all what you need to know. Hopefully you safeguard the remaining shame you have left and leave him alone" Nagato said  "You have turned my sons mind against us. Your supposed to be my brother but your nothing but a traitor to the ideals of the Uzumaki clan" Kushina stated as Nagato and Naruto had raised eyebrows but said nothing seeing she had more things to say.

"As the clan head of the Uzumaki clan you are banished from the clan and I demand that Naruto comes home with us." Kushina said confidently as Minato and Tsunade smirked. The akatsuki members looked at each other before busting into fits of laughter. Kisame, Hidan and Deidra rolling on the floor or banging their fist on something in pure laughter. Konan had a hand on her face as she gave small fits of giggles. The people seeing the lost their smirk wondering what was so funny.

"Oh man that was a good joke. That was a really good joke. I had no idea you were such a comedian ni chan" Nagato said as he wiped tears from his eyes as Naruto and the rest finally calmed down.

"And what was funny about what my wife said?" Minato asked in a threatening manner.

"Calm down Namikaze san don't come here trying to threaten my uncle because your wife made a fool of herself" Naruto said as said wife gasped.

"The fact that you think anyone in Ame gives a shit about you or that you think your the clan head of the Uzumaki clan I don't know which one is more funny" Nagato said chuckling again.

"Or maybe she just demanded Naruto to come back to Konoha like he was going to listen. Now that's funny" Kisame added. "No I think is the fact that she dares calls my husband a traitor to the Uzumaki ideal when she had broken them over and over again and still does" Konan said making Kushina and Minato flinch.

"Adding to the fact that she accuses us  of turning Naruto's mind against her and her useless husband when they had done that themselves. Nobody told you to be stupid and foolishly follow a prophesy. You guy didn't even understand said prophesy" Sasori said a small smile on his face due to how to stupid Kushina was now looking.

"You" Kisame pointed as Mei "the nerve you have to show yourself here you cheap slut." Mei flinched at that as she looked at Kisame "you get to sit here as the kage of kiri thanks to Naruto. If not for him you will be long dead killed by Yagura. He did more for Kiri than you ever did. He gave Kiri it's freedom and peace that they enjoyed with little training he defended Kiri from Yagura. After all he did you gave him hope that he had finally found love after years of heartbreak then squashed it like the monster you are. You made him watch as you cheated on him with Menma humiliating him, poising him and having him beaten to near death then kicking him out of Kiri. You gave the credits of his hard work to Menma and Sasuke"  Kisame said glaring at Mei who couldn't say anything.

"That bastard Zabuza and his stupid daughter joined you in doing vile things to him. After years of choking on Menma's shrimp like the low life prostitute you are, you decided that you wanted Naruto back because Menma was ruining a lot things for Kiri and he wasn't even important. Thanks to him, Sasuke and Naruko Kiri is going through financial crisis and loss in weapons. Do you really think Naruto would actually want you back you really delusional. The fact Minato here and his stupid wife" Kushina tried to say something but Kisame cut off.

"They blame us for Naruto not wanting them. They  had forgotten the fact that made his life hell, that they took everything he had from him down to the left over food they had thrown in the trash so he would go hungry. When all Naruto had as a friend was a old, spoilt, small teddy bear which Menma and Naruko had beaten him for despite having everything. You both beat him, took the teddy bear from him and gave it to your precious little demon knowing they were lying. The times you locked him outside and sent genin to attack him as a final genin exam test or was it when you supported the villagers attacking him on his birthdays. Beating him up because he tried to make friends and they hated him. Making young girls accept friendship or a relationship with him just so he would be heartbroken. As if everything was not enough you  tortured him for doing his job when he was the one dying. you did not just brake his body but also broke his spirit and left him to die" Kisame said as the Namikaze family looked down followed by the other kages.

"Yes Kakashi was still your ass kisser but he still felt like Naruto did not deserve what he went through and brought him out of the pit he was thrown in so people could see him and hopefully give him a befitting burial if he was dead or try to  heal him and give him a nice life. Kakashi looked at himself and rethink his actions realizing that he had made a mistake in following you all do terrible things to Naruto. When I saw Naruto he was dead and when we finally saved him he was broken. When he woke up from his coma he was like a walking dead physically alive but dead inside. I don't know even remember how long it took to full get Naruto to open up a little. Now you bastard want to come here and ruin his happiness because your life's are in one way or the other ruined. I WON'T ALLOW IT" Kisame yelled as he brought out salamander with Konan pulling out a gun. Each of them pulling out their respective weapons.

"Leave. You all have over staid your welcome" Nagato said " oh and Kushina your not the clan head. You don't even have the right to call yourself an Uzumaki you lost that privilege  a long time ago. Am the clan head of the Uzumaki clan with the dragon fang and the mark of the god of Dragon Bahamut as prove" Nagato said revealing them to her. As if you had them it means you have been chosen to be the clan head. Kushina gasped once she saw it.

"No way your...." She started off "that's right and as the clan head of the Uzumaki clan you Kushina and you two idiots Menma and Naruko and Narumi so that makes it three idiots are banished from the Uzumaki clan" as soon as Nagato said Kushina felt like half of her chakra were drained from her body. Her hair turned white and she felt like she was loosing her energy and stamina. She collapsed on the floor before Minato could get her.

A/N: Here is another chapter. Am so far liking the pace am going in releasing this chapters so I will try to keep it going.

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