Chapter 30

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"What are you guys doing?" I asked seeing a group of men surrounding one woman. "None of your business kid so get lost" the one with long brunet hair replied. He was shorter than me and a bit skinny too with a mustache. Next to him was a man who stood at 5 feet 7 inches with short black hair and the last man was a bald head with full, long beards standing at 6 feet. For normal people they would look intimidating most especially for the woman who is stuck between them with fear of getting rape but for me. They were nothing more than trash that needed to be dealt with.

"Let the woman go" I said again "have some shame. I know your your all ugly but that shouldn't be a reason to try and force yourself on a woman your parents should have taught you better" I said wanting to infuriate so they would focus their attention on me and give the lady the chance to escape. Let's just say it worked as they left her and walked towards with pure anger and their face seriously red.

"You've done it now brat. Now were going to beat you to a pulp" they said before rushing towards me their fist raised. I dodged all their attacks and kicked the 6 foot one in the jaw while doing a backflip making him lift of from the ground landing harshly on the ground with his head banging against the concrete. 

I sidestepped a punch countering by grabbing the arm and delivering a elbow to the ear and chin of the brunet guy probably shattering his ear drums and chin. He fell to the floor withering in pain before passing out. It was just the last guy and seeing his buddies were beaten was a little shaken but still decided to fight. He brought out a knife and aimed for my sides I gripped his hand and flipped him over breaking his arm and knocking him out with a punch.

"Thank you so much" the lady said towards me "no problem" I responded I saw the police had arrived. She must have called the police while I was handling the guys smart. The carried the guys putting them in handcuffs and taking them to the car before two of them walked towards us.

"Hello am officer Hendrix" the firs officer introduced

"And  am officer katherine" the female officer introduced. "Please tell us what happened" they asked the lady and she then proceeded to tell them what happen till after I stepped. After getting her side of the story they turned to me "can you tell us what happened Mr. Uzumaki?"  The male officer asked 

"Yes. I was jugging when I took notice of the three men surrounding the lady at first I believed that maybe she was friend with them or something but I then realized when I saw the way they were grabbing her and pulling her clothes and by her expressions I knew she was in trouble and those men were planning to do despicable things to her. That was when I stepped in. I first tried to talk them into letting her go but they weren't listening to reasoning" I said and the officers wrote down everything I said.

"Alright thank you very much Mr. Uzumaki for stepping in we'll take it from here and let you know if we need any new information" the female officer said before they left with the women. I continued my jogging till I had arrived home.

Walking into the house I saw the ladies sitting on the dinning table conversing and laughing

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Walking into the house I saw the ladies sitting on the dinning table conversing and laughing. "Hey loves" I greeted giving them each a kiss on the lips. "Hey baby" they all said at the same time.

I tried to get a deeper kiss from Kylie but she placed her hand on my chest pushing me off "go take a shower babe" she said "your all sweaty and sticky" 

I pouted as they laughed with Bey pecking my lips once more. I walked upstairs to my bedroom putting my clothes in the dirty clothes hamper and got in the shower. Taking a nice warm shower, washing away all the sweat and grim. I got rinsed my body once done scrubbing and spent a few more minutes in the shower. Coming out the shower I dressed into some shorts and a shirt.



"Kenshin what are you doing here?" I asked my personal tiger summon who had suddenly appeared before me. "Hey kid I know your busy with your ladies but Konoha and the other villages are trying to cause trouble for Ame and want to go to war against them because of you. They found out you were alive and want you back. They have been trying to force Ame to give out your whereabouts believing that Ame was controlling you" he finished.

I had a confused look on my face "Why would they be worried that Ame was controlling me?" I asked "because they want you back. They found out you were the child of prophesy all along and Menma can no longer be a ninja while Naruko still can but an average at best. Things are going bad for them and everyone who did you bad and after it was revealed you were the child of prophesy with the toads, snake and slugs summoning contract about to be punished  they saw the things you did for Ame and want you to come do the same for them" He finished and I scoffed.


"Naruto your now the strongest shinobi in the world ten times stronger than Madara, Hashirama, and Tobirama combined. They summons, and deities think it will be a good idea for you to go back there and show those people that you want nothing to do with them. "  Kenshin said and thinking about it, it was. Ame were my family, they were there for me. The fact that these bastards wanted to cause trouble for them because things were going bad for them was upsetting. I wanted to go back.

"Am going back to elemental nations. It's been long since I saw my family" 

A/N: Thoughts

What do you think about Naruto going back to the elemental nations after so long?

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