Chapter 24

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"Am done"

"I can't do this shit anymore. Am tired of the lying, the cheating, the mind games, the same shit over and over. I don't want to remain with a man that does not value me or my kids. The kids don't even want to be around you anymore. You've become a terrible husband and father and you don't even care. I have stuck with you several times and am finding out you have kids outside. It's over" 

"Come on Bey don't do this. We can still make it work" Was the reply of her no good husband who keeps cheating on her over and over.

"There is no making it work. You fucked up am tired of trying to make it work only for you to fuck up again Shawn. You had a whole other wife and kids outside of your marriage with me that I had no idea about. You brought your other family here and allowed your kids to bully Blue and the twins. Now you want me to make it work" I said getting riled up as Shawn started to look scared realizing that I knew that he married another woman and had kids with her without me knowing. Imagine Blue and the twins crying to me that their dads wife and his other kids were mean to them. I was confused but I finally found out. I was his trophy of a wife.

"Bey I can..."

"Get out"


"GET THE FUCK OUT" I yelled lunching a vase at him which sadly hit the wall. Realizing my anger he left and I broke down. I tried I really did despite knowing that I was slowly loosing feelings for him I still tried to make it work. Even forgave him for cheating on me but to find out that he was secretly married to another woman and has kids with them is sick.

I felt disgusted. Disgusted that I let this motherfucker play me like that to use me as a trophy to brag to his friend cause he was nothing without me. I was foolish enough to let him manipulate me all this long, foolish enough to stay with him for so long despite all the cheating. Foolish for not listening to my mom and my sister who warned me about him. Foolish for listening to my no good dad and sticking with him. Foolish for all the times I defended him from fans who mocked him being ugly because he was one ugly motherfucka inside and out. I was motherfucking Beyoncé Giselle Knowles that nigga done lost his damn mind thinking he could continue play me like that.

But for some reason despite the hurt I felt free. I wanted love true love but right now I need to focus on my kids and I.

I got up from the floor and started to clean the house knowing my mom and Solange would be here soon with the kids. I took care of the broken vase and other things before packing most of his things too. 

"BEY were home"

"In the room"  I yelled out

She came into the room "Bey when are you going to divorce that no good husband of yours?"


Solange looked taking back by my response "What?" she sat down with me on the bed "am done Solange. Am done with him. He not only cheated on me but had a whole other family. That's why he has been neglecting my kids" I said crying.

"What?" Solange said jumping out of the bed " am gonna fuck him up so bad" She said clearly furious. "I feel like such a fool" I said breaking down.

"No your not. If anyone is the fool it's Shawns dumbass. For him to treat you and the kids like this. You should have allowed me to beat his ass " my younger sister said pulling me into a hug. "What do I do?" I said confused.

"Be strong. Them kids need you. They need you to be strong. Fuck Shawn you don't need him, divorce his ass and try to find healing." Solange advised and I won't lie it was legit advise.


"My client doesn't want to divorce. He would like to have it stopped he also has a message for his wife" Shawn's lawyer said

The judge made a motion for him to say what he wanted to say and he stood up "Bey we have been married for more than 10 years now and built so much together do you really want to ruin that now that we have achieved so much over a mistake. I know I messed up but I deserve another chance for the sake of our kids"

I scoffed the nerve of this man. Many people seemed to shake their head at what he was saying even the judge. "Beyonce do you have anything to say ?"

"Yes, Yes I do " I answered looking at me soon to be ex husband "your disgusting. Using the kids as leverage against me. The same kid you have been neglecting for you other kids. You had a whole family while your still in a marriage with me imagine my kids coming to me crying about how you allowed the woman you have been cheating on me with and your kids to bully them and verbally abuse them only you for you to punish them when they report. Now I want a divorce and all of a sudden you care about the kids. Your sick" I simply said.

"So you have another family and you allowed them to abuse your kids?" The judge asked as Jay looked like he wanted to say something back "it was a misunderstanding" he replied while the judge simply replied.

"Well the court grants Beyoncé a divorce and allows her to switch her name from carter back to Knowles. Also according to the documents which you signed Beyoncé get's full custody of the kids. She allowed to keep all the cars and houses along with that she keeps Ivy park, Parkwood and Tidal. You also agreed to give her $550 million and rights to all the songs and albums you did together. " The judge finished as I sighed in relief.

"Wait that's impossible." Shawn said surprised "your signature is on it" the judges said giving it to a officer to show him Shawn looked at it and I could tell he came to realization " you tricked me" he said clearly upset at losing half his money along with all his cars including his most expensive which he always bragged about.

"Mr. Shawn I would advice you to watch your tone and watch the way you speak to Mrs. Knowles " The judge said sensing his tone. I could tell Shawn wasn't expecting to lose this case or lose so much. Neither was his hoe as she glared at me.

"Court dismissed"  

"Thank you so much. I could not have won this case without you" I told my lawyer. She just smiled at me "no problem Beyoncé you don't deserve what you and your kids were put through. Your an amazing mother."

I was about to get into my car with Julius holding the door "Bey" the voice of the man who I just divorced voiced out "What is it Shawn?" I asked not wanting to be around him much longer " are you for real. You just gonna leave me over some damn mistakes. You gonna take away all my hard work like that" He said walking close to me but stopped when he saw Julius his hoe was still staring at me like she got a problem. So I decided to ask.

"You got a problem. You keep staring at me. Don't think I won't beat your ass I still got to sue your ass for putting hands on my kids and trust me I got proof" I said and her face softened and a look of fear came over her.

"You ain't got shit" Shawn said 

"But I do though you forgot I have a camera in the living room which shows her pushing Sir to the floor when her son tried to fight him for his toy car and you sat there watching" I said and he calmed down.

"As for you hard work. You ain't do shit. Most of the shit you got was because of me. You would have been a used to be had I not married your ugly ass. The only reason you got all this business, all those Grammys, all those fame was because you was married to me. You of all people know that you only had nigga's in this street respect because you managed to pull me don't get it twisted. Like you did not try to take away all my hard work when you tried to trick me into signing those papers that would have given all my money, music and companies to you while leaving me with your tax bills incase I decided to leave you. I just played you at your own game" I said and his eyes widened that I knew what her tried to do. He better be lucky that I still left him with the other things.

I took tidal cause it wasn't doing well and I felt like I could do something with it.

A/N: I wanted to do a quick chapter about Beyoncé. Sorry for taking so so long also know am working on a new chapter now.

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