Chapter 26

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Quick Notes: I noticed that this Ai pictures I use for Naruto isn't really working out so I will be using some pictures of Harland, Odegard and Mbappe during instagram post.

Quick Notes: I noticed that this Ai pictures I use for Naruto isn't really working out so I will be using some pictures of Harland, Odegard and Mbappe during instagram post

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Worldfootball: Naruto Uzumaki already has 9 games with 10 goals and 8 assist  in the Premiere League. This makes me him the player with highest goals and assist in the premiere league at just age 17. 

EASPORTS: Thanks the Uzumaki crazy run in the premiere league Arsenal has never lost a premiere league game with 9 back to back wins. One of the highest in premiere league history. Can they extend their win streak to 10. 

Username: Yeah. Arsenal definitely made the right decision signing him. I know Madrid feeling stupid for over looking him for Benzema.

Adrian: They probably do but if Naruto played for Madrid he wouldn't have gotten many minutes he would have been under Benzema's Shadow. Now I would say Napoli made a dumb decision for how they treated him and let him go.

Stefan: Not really since they were able to make so much money off him plus they still have Osimhen who is currently dominating the Serie A.

Elvin: And many were saying Arsenal made a mistake. His performance doesn't look like they made a mistake. I just wish Chelsea got him.

"Welcome to the Nike family Naruto Uzumaki" The representative said shaking Naruto's hands as he just signed his very first endorsement contract a seven years $ 180 million. Which would see him make $25.7 million a year from them, a signing bonus of $ 5 million and extra bonuses included in his contract. 

This was the first of many endorsements. He was happy as he walked out  the  meeting with a bigger bank account than he expected.


"Naruto Uzamaki and a pass to Bukayo Saka GOALLLL. THAT'S THE THIRD GOAL FOR ARSENAL from Bukayo Saka with an assist for Naruto"  

"Naruto get's passed his marker and makes a beautiful pass to Saka who shots the ball at the right lower post . The keeper was to late to get to the ball and Saka gets the goal beautiful goal there. Arsenal are surely happy about this win. As they are now the leaders in the premiere league football" Thierry Henry commentated.

"Arsenal now has 10 win in a role as they finish the game with three goals. Uzumaki having to do with all three goals as he had a brace in the first half and an assist 85 minutes left on the second half defeater Brighton" 

After getting a win against Brighton Naruto was making his towards the locker room with his team when he was pulled aside for an interview

Reporter: Naruto you have been awarded both the player of the game and player of the week. How do you feel?

Naruto: Honored. To be able to help contribute to my teams wins  in so many way am happy. Then there is the player of the week among several great player that has played so well this week I was giving the award am really happy

Reporter: Naruto since you joined the premiere league you have been awarded the player of the week three times in a role now. Do you think this shows fans out there that you are adapting to the new league?

Naruto: Yeah. Definitely it should show that m committed to playing at my best and winning

Reporter: Finally do you think your fitting in well with your new team?

Me: Yes am fitting in very well with my new team although I do miss my best friend and former teammate Victor but we still keep in contact with each other and hang out when ever we can.

Reporter: Alright thank you very much for the interview Naruto and congrats on the award.

Naruto: Thank you

Naruto walked away from the interview and headed to the locker room to change into casual clothes so he could go home and get some rest. This couple of weeks he has been so busy with football, meetings and training that he has gotten time to relax and spend time with his loved ones.

Thankfully the team had a full weak off from games and training since they have been playing so well and it's almost time for the FA cup and international friendly's. He got in the car that was waiting for him.

"Take me home please" I kindly told the driver who simply nodded and started to drive "you played so well today boss. Arsenal really made the right decision signing you " the driver said "thank you and you know you don't have to call me boss. Just call me Naruto please"  I said to him and he nodded. We talked for a while before we arrived at home. I got out the car thanking him and going into my apartment complex.

"Hey Ruto" 

"Kylie. Your here" I said seeing her standing by my apartment door "I am. I was here in London and I came to come visit you I was just knocking on the door thinking you were inside" She said and I could tell she was telling the truth.

"Am so glad your hear. I missed you so much, Where is Storm Storm?" I asked happy to see her after two months. "Slow down Ruto and I missed you too" She pulled me in for a hug and kissed my cheek. 

I sensed Storm Storm hiding behind a wall. No doubt trying to surprise me. "Now where is my little Storm Storm" I said playfully pretending like I couldn't see her. I heard little fit of giggles and smiled. Kylie caught on and decided to play along.

I started walking along the hallway acting to be searching for her "Well your Storm Storm is not here she said she didn't want to come as she was to tired" Kylie played along as I gasped "is that so cause I could have sworn" I walked closer to where she was hiding as her giggles got even louder. 

"I saw her hiding here" I say popping up on her making her squeal "you found me" she said with a wide smile on her face "I did" I said picking her up.

"How are you Storm Storm?" I asked going towards my apartment door with her in my arms "good" she replied laying her head on my shoulder. I unlocked the door letting the two in. "You've been good for Mama?" I asked 

"Hmmm" She said nodding her head happily as I sat her on the couch "that's good. How did you enjoy your flight here? You had fun?" I asked and she nodded yes. "Are you staying here Ky?" I asked the mom "yeah. My clothes and Stormy clothes are already here" She replied and I nodded.

"I just came back from a game so I need to shower if not I will stink" I said fanning my nose making Stormy laugh as she copied my hand movement "stink" I laughed with her. "Yes. You should also go with mommy and get changed then we can watch Trolls together okay" at this she jumped out her chair. 

"Okay. Let's go mommy" She grabbed her moms hand dragging her to the guest room where the normally stay when they come to visit. I went to my room and took my clothes off about to take my pants off I heard a knock on my room door "come in"

The door opened and in walked Kylie she seemed to have frozen in her spot as soon as she saw me "Kylie" I said and she snapped out of what ever trance she was in. She walked up to me and kept staring at my lips "Kylie" I said softly .

A/N: I got this chapter out late. But I hope you like it. I will do a time skip next chapter but know the time skip will be further out and probably include flashback.

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