Chapter 13

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I was excited exiting class today because Shiro was going to sign me up for a soccer academy after three weeks of continuous training or torture from Shiro. Learning the basic of football, from the different positions, to the rules, to how many people is needed on each side to play. I learned about the different teams around the world and I could say my favorite teams were Man united, Real Madrid and Arsenal but my favorite player was Messi.

He knew how to really play the game and didn't need to talk to much to prove himself. He proved himself by playing good. Shiro taught me how to joggle the ball, dribble and score a goal. Today I was going to be putting all my practice into action for the Birmingham city FC academy u15 club tryouts.

Today also happens to be Friday which was the perfect date for the tryouts. Although Kevin was not at school due to being sick. After tryouts I will call him to check on him. I ran back home changing on my uniform to my football jersey and shorts. I put my boot in my bag opting for a simple Nike slippers or was it slide. Yeah slide. That would make it easy for me to quickly switch to my boots and get into the tryouts.

I grabbed my bag and left the house walking all the way to Birmingham fc. I happened to be early and changed into my boots. There were only a few people here some look to be older than me. I saw some coaches and went to one. 

He had a clipboard in his hand "good afternoon sir am here for the try outs" the man stared down at me "name" was his simple reply not even looking at me. "Naruto Uzumaki"

He finally looked at me "you look like a pretty boy are you sure you know how to play" he said rudely 'yes. I know how to play" I replied not paying him any mind.

He sighed "alright your with team two" he said to me still staring at me with doubt I went to the team I was told to join introduce myself to the team "Am Jude, Jude Bellingham nice to meet you Naruto"

"Nice to meet you too Jude" I replied. "All right kids were going to  run a few drills to check out your skills then at the end a game. To see how well you all play but first we'll start with some stretches"


We started by stretching then moved to the first drill which was juggling the ball so they could see our feet control as we did the drill the coaches wrote down on their clip board lot's of the players in team 1 decided to be flashy some failing and some succeeding. A few on team two tried to copy them as to not get looked down. While the others including myself and Jude decided to keep it simple. 

Once done with the first drill we moved on to passing I had Jude and some other guys as my partners. I passed the ball to them running through obstacles before receiving the ball back I guess we did good based on the look on the coach face. We finished the drill after doing some defensive and shooting drill.

"Now we are going to test your physical abilities, your pace, agility, strength and stamina. Here's what you lads are going to do" Coach said to us telling us what were going to be doing. 

With the Coaches

"That kid" the head coach said referring to number 21 "him and number 22. Most especially 21" the assistant head coach said. "What's his name?" 


"Number 21"

"His name his Naruto Uzumaki he has Japanese heritage hence the name but he was born in London and has citizenship to Italy, France and Japan so he can play for any of those countries" the assistant coach said making the coach nod. The kids had finally end the drill and so far Naruto was by far the best, along with Jude .

Now it was time for the game ...

A/N: I decided to end the chapter here. Hope your enjoy and please vote and comment.

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