Chapter 32

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The streets of Ame was buzzing with life as children ran around the streets of Ame full of life and joy. The men and woman either shopping, talking, laughing or trying to get their kids home. Further within the village the kage, his wife and the rest of his council were greatly upset about villages that abandoned their family member feeling entitled to him. 

"Those fucking bastards. They have no fuckin shame at all. They abandoned him, they tortured him, they wanted him dead and all of sudden shit is hitting the ceiling for them and they want him back to use him. I so want to kill them. Those shit heads" Hida said without yelling but spewing out cusses.

"Get in line Hidan am going to kill those bastards first" Kisame said gripping his sword. When he saw Naruto laying there lifeless for absolutely no reason he felt so terrible for the kid. Yes he was a murderer every ninja was. But Naruto was someone who never deserved the pains that came his way. Now the kids is finally happy after years of neglect, abandonment, abuse, betrayal and heartbreak and they want to ruin it for him because they are all miserable.

"It would be good for Naruto to stay where is to avoid this drama" Sasori said 

"To late am already here" 

The family jumped at the new voice and got into defensive mode. Seeing a tall and beautiful boy with blonde hair an blue eyes. Wait blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Naruto is that you?"


The entire group gasped as Naruto gave a wide happy smile scratching the back of his head "gaki your back" the group rushed over to him as Kisame reached him first and pulled him into a hug. Followed by Hidan, Deidra and surprisingly Sasori and Kakazu.

Nagato and Konan stood still with joyful face at seeing Naruto "what you both don't miss me?" Naruto asked as he walked towards them and pulled Konan into a hug, hugging her tightly "Konan san am home" Naruto said making Konan bust into tears as she hugged him for a long time "your so grown. My baby" she said as she tightened her hold on him.

"Um my love. I think your hugging him to tightly, he can barely breathe" Nagato said to his wife much to the relief of a suffocating Naruto "oh sorry" She quickly let him following with a punch to the head "what are you doing here?" she asked in a low scary tone making Naruto and Nagato hide behind Sasori who was the closet making said man sigh.

"My summons told me about what was going. Kami kaa san, Yami Kaa san, Shinigami san along with the other deities believed it would be best if I came back and believed it was time I face Konoha and the others." Naruto explained backing away from the purple hair origami woman who was itching close to him "plus I missed you guy and wanted to see everyone" Naruto added calming her down. 

The men sweat dropped as Konoha had a bubbly but sweet personality. "It's great to see you Nagato san. Your looking great Konan nii chan is taking care of you"

"That she is " Nagato replied as he pulled away from the hug that Naruto had pulled him to with a tearful but happy smile. "You've grown Ruto" Nagato said taking a good look at me "yeah. Am now the tallest person here now. No more short joke" Naruto said making everyone laugh. "Hey your still a little brat" Kisame said ruffing his hair making Naruto pout. 

"And you were my favorite " Naruto said making the entire group gasp "wait I thought I was your favorite" Hidan said more like yelled but calming down when he got the glare from Konan. "Well you are now" Naruto said making Hidan cheer and pat Naruto on his back while dark formed over Kisame.

The group sat down as Konan prepare food to celebrate Naruto's coming back. They ate, laughed and cracked joke. Drinking to as Naruto told them stories of how he lived. Kakazu coughed when he heard the amount of money Naruto called "wait you mean you get 5- 10 million yen a week just to play a game that involves kicking a ball. Where has this job been all my life?" Kakazu said.

"Yeah I get paid 280,000 euros a week, around 30 millions euros a year. This is equivalent to between 5-10 million yen a week and billions of yen a year. It's a really fun job very competitive and energetic. It also keep me very fit. Plus I get paid by sponsor lots of money to use their product"

"WHATTTTT" they all screamed

"Yeah. I met new friends three of them do the same job as me. One is an actor and make lots of money. Then there is my girlfriends." Naruto said but got cut off as the akatsuki members squealed.

"Little Naruto now has girlfriends. I just knew I thought you well" Deidra said "you ain't teach him shit but how to not be able to get any woman" Hidan said "HEY I can get women" 

"No you can not"

"Yes I can"

"No you can't"

"Yes I can I bet I get more women than you" 

Hidan scoffed as the two got into a scoffle on who can get more women. "SHUT UP" Konan yelled eyes blazing as the shinigami appeared behind her here making the men gulp in fear. 

"Yes ma'm" they said calming down

Naruto proceeded to tell them about his girlfriend with a happy smile on his face and the group could not help but be happy for him that he found love and happiness. Truly they made the right decision. Hidan had hearts in his eyes when he heard Naruto describe how beautiful some of the women in the other world was. Naruto then gave them their gift he got for them.

He got Konan a costumed made necklace made of diamond and gold with origami designs on them. He also got her combat pistols with lots of bullets that she could use as a last minute resource when fighting.  Since Konan loved cooking he got her a cooking book with all of the best food from the other world along seasoning and ingredients from the other world that they might not have in the elemental nations. Finally he gifted Konan make up sets and knife sets.

As for Nagato he got a mug with a picture of the entire group on it specially made by Naruto. A security camera set with a computer for the village gate and other parts outside the village incase Konoha, Kumo, Iwa or any other village tried to play games and sneak in. A bullet proof vest specially made by Naruto using ideas from the other bullet proof vest. This one was specially made to be used with chakra making some weapon attacks futile. While also protecting from some ninjustu. Naruto got one for all the member except Hidan and Kakazu. It was meant for battle and war it was light and comfortable to wear. It isn't noticeable and made to blend with ninja wear. 

Kisame got a cool leather jacket, incase Salamander gets separated from him and he his away from water Naruto got a nice bottle for Kisame which had seals on it so the bottle will never run out of water. He gifted Kisame a motorcycle and promised to explain how it works to him.

Sasori got a drone and after Naruto explained what it was to him and how it worked it was excited as he could make good use of it for scouting he also got new poisons. Deidra got a small bomb that just had to pull the top to make it explode, Hidan the same as Deidra  and Kakazu simply got gold bars that he could sell along with a money counting machine and a safe.

Hope you like the chapter!

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