I was pretty upset the other day to find out that Coleen Creevy was attacked and had been petrified. I went to visit him in the Hospital Wing, but Madam Pomfrey didn't let me stay for long. I knew that I was a pureblood and that I wasn't in danger, but it was still pretty scary, the fact that a monster was walking around freely in the castle. Weasley and I didn't talk about what happened the other day to anyone, and kept it to ourselves. When we went to the Great Hall, everyone was surprised to see us together talking and not yelling at each other like we usually did. But thank god, Ruby had returned with Oliver and kept me company at the Slytherin table. We returned to our old selves and cursed each other every time we saw each other, but it was okay with me. Yeah, I lied, the only person that I told was Ruby, but that doesn't matter.
I know that you all have been wondering what the letter contained which made me cry. First, it was a letter that my father wrote and gave to Flint to give to me on the day of the game before he left because he wasn't able to find me. Let me show you what it said:
My dear daughter,
I wish we had more time to talk yesterday, but I was too busy talking with Mr. Flint, who was fascinated with you. We talked more, and we realized that you have a lot in common with his son and how great it will be for you to marry him and our families will be connected. I know that this idea sounds crazy, and I know sweetheart, but please listen to this. I know that the who-must-not-be-named will come back and take revenge on our family for my stupid mistakes. The only family that he is scared of the most is the Flint Family, and by you marrying his son will mean that you will be protected. I want nothing more in this world than to make sure that my own daughter will be happy and safe. So it was decided, but of course, nothing will happen without your opinion on this subject, but I know that you will be delighted with the idea like Marcus was. Please write back and tell me your opinion
Your father
Of course, I hated the idea! More than anything! I also knew that my father didn't only want to protect me. He was also thinking about how he will win more power and money than he already had. He always talked about marrying me off to some rich guy, but I didn't know that he actually meant it. I want to marry someone for love and not to save my butt because he is powerful or to win more than I already had. It was ridiculous! Just ridiculous! I don't want to be married, especially to Marcus Flint. He was a jerk, asshole, dick, brainless, ridiculous, ugly, horse face, and a lot more things that I cannot name right now. I knew my mom will put a stop to this like she promised, and that is what I really wanted it. She always told me to marry for love and I knew that she wouldn't let my father do it, and that is what gave me hope!
I was at the bookshop with my mother buying the books that I needed for my sixth year because I got too bored listening to Lockhart and decided to wander around with my mom by my side. Draco was with us looking bored with his life and I didn't notice him going down the stairs because I found a really interesting book in my hands. "Pride and Prejudice". My mom's eyes lighten up when she saw it and came to my side
Narcissa: Oh my goodness, this was my sister, Andromeda's favorite book. She made me read it when I was around your age, and then I became obsessed with it
She said, and I opened it, looking for a particular page. When she found what she was looking for, she read it out loud
Narcissa: "Their eyes instantly met, and the cheeks of both were overspread with the deepest blush."
She said with a smile on her face before she closed the book and put it in the basket
Narcissa: Remember Y/n that whatever will happen in the future, you will get married for love no matter what it takes. Because there is nothing more beautiful in this world than the love two people have for each other and when you will read this book you will realize it too
She said, giving me my books, and putting her arm around mine. We started walking downstairs and saw Father talking at the Weasleys with Draco. I knew that it was no good when I saw how angry Mr. Weasley was
Narcissa: Well, hello there
My mother said walking between them. My mother knew that my father said something insulting that made Mr. Weasley ready to punch him and tried to save it before a scene was made. Miss Weasley had held her husband back, and my mom was trying to do the same with hers. My eyes fell on ginger, who was already looking at me with an unhappy look on his face.
Narcissa: I am Narcissa Malfoy, I see that you have already met my husband, Mr. Potter. And I bet that you know Y/n and Draco from school. It is so nice to finally meet you. I have heard great things about you!
She said giving him the only hand that was free because she was holding my arm with the other and Harry shook it.
Narcissa: Miss Granger, what a pleasure. You too, Mr and Mrs Weasley! Y/n dear, please do me a favor and go pay for your books while I talk with these nice people
I did like she said and went to pay for my books. When I returned, Arthur Weasley looked much better now, and he shook my mom's hand like Hermione did with a smile on her face. My dad on the other hand was giving her weird looks, but she ignored him
Narcissa: Such a lovely day that it is today. I hope you all have a good time here. Come on sweetie
She said, looking at me with a smile and taking my arm again. We walked outside, but I noticed Draco stayed behind me and my mother turned to him
Narcissa:You too Draco!
My parents fought all the way home that day because Dad was unhappy about the way my mom talked to them. Then he tried to convince her for days of how awful they looked covered in dust and that we shouldn't make friendships with them, but the only thing that my mom did was ignore him.
Ruby shook my shoulder to wake me in class because I hadn't slept for days and I ended up sleeping in Divinition. Miss Trelawney was sitting in front of me with a concerned look on her face
Trelawney: Are you okay, dear? Would you like some tea to feel better because you look pale?
She asked and I nodded negatively. She nodded and returned to her lesson. Oliver B from behind me put his hand on my shoulder and asked if I was alright, and I ensured him that everything was fine. I hadn't told Ruby what happened because I didn't want to upset her or anything, and I was waiting for my mom's letter like crazy. It should have been here by now! I exited the class half asleep and could see the concern in Ruby's blue eyes, but I didn't want to talk about what happened. We walked to the Great Hall for lunch, and I was waiting for the owls to come, and when mine did she left the letter on my knees and then sat on my shoulder waiting to give her a treat and that is what I did before she flew away. It was another annoying letter from my father to write to him my opinion and I immediately ripped it apart without even reading it. Why was my mother not answering my letter, what is going on? I stood up with no other word, put the letter in the rubbish, and stormed off the Great Hall angrily. I was going to write to my father and tell him my opinion, and that is what I did. The same day I didn't show up to Quidditch practice, nor for dinner because I was too angry to even eat. The same night, I received another letter from my father telling me that my opinion was accepted and that he was going to inform Mr. Flint. Wait, that was too easy! There is no way that it is not hiding a trap or something! Anyway, I got excited and didn't think too much about it. I went to find Oliver B for our usual routine check around the corridors with a much better mood
Oliver: Looks whose mood finally came back to normal
He said with a smile on his face and his blue eyes admiring mine
Y/n: Well, let's just say that the problem that was bothering me is now gone
I said and he smiled before he kissed me
Oliver: Glad that you are now happy! I missed that smile

Forbidden love|| Percy Weasley
FanfictionY/n Malfoy the four year older sister of Draco Malfoy and the daughter of Lucius and Narcissa. Y/n is nothing like her father and doesn't want to follow his legacy but everyone else sees her as the little rich spoiled brat and no one has ever learn...