Chapter 47

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When we returned to Hogwarts, every single student in this school knew that Percy Weasley was dating Y/n Malfoy. I mean, there is no student that I haven't heard talking about. Some of the students suspected it, so they weren't as surprised as others were. While walking through the hallways holding hands with ginger and going to our next class, I could hear things like "Fucking finally" or "It took them long enough". But the students of course found a different subject for their discussions after a few days and completely forgot the fact that the Head Boy and Head Girl were in a relationship.

Flint on the other hand was furious, he threatened me a dozen times that he would tell my father and I told him that if he dared to tell him a single thing then I would tell him about the time he attacked me. Of course, he got scared and stopped his blackmailing after a few days.

Also, Hermione spent the entire afternoon with me because Harry and Ron were mad at her for running out Harry's new mysterious broom to Professor McGannogal. She told me that he received as a present the new Firebolt from an unknown person, and she suspected that it was from Sirius Black. Of course, the boys said that she was being paranoid for thinking something like that and Harry wanted to keep it until the professor took his broom because Mione told her. I am sorry, but I think I am going to side with Hermione in this one. I mean, he got a mysterious broom from an unknown sender, and he didn't even think that it might be cursed or jinxed. I think that Hermione did the right thing

One morning when I entered the common room, there was talking that Sirius Black had broken into the Gryffindor house and I exchanged with Ruby a worried look before we ran out of the Slytherin tower. I was so scared that something happened to ginger that I was running so fast for the first time in my entire life like I was being chased. Ruby suddenly ran out of breath and stopped to relax a moment, but I was so worried that I didn't stop until I noticed the familiar red hair from afar. He turned around confused when he heard the footsteps, and before he was able to say a thing, I hugged him tight.

Y/n: Are you alright?

I asked looking at him worried, checking for any wounds or any sign that he wasn't okay until he gave me a reassuring smile that he was indeed alright

Percy: I am fine, Ottie

He said before an out-of-breath Ruby came behind us breathing heavily and trying to catch her breath 

Ruby: Merlin's beard Y/n when did you learn to run this fast

She asked with her hand on her heart and I gave her a quick smile 

Y/n: I am doing an hour running alone before Quidditch practice 

I said with a smile, and she looked at me with the-are-you-serious-look before she remembered the reason we were actually running 

Ruby: Where is Oliver?

She asked a little bit concerned before he told her that he had a free period this morning, so he went to do some practice on his own before Ruby smiled at us 

Ruby: I am going to see how he is doing. See you in class!

She said with a smile, walking away from us and I laughed before turning to look at Percy again 

Y/n: I was so scared when I learned that Sirius Black entered your tower and most specifically the boy's dormitories 

I said, cupping his face with my hands, and he smiled at me. I was truly so worried that something happened to him that words couldn't explain the fear that I was feeling at that exact moment when I heard the news

Percy: I am okay,Ottie

He said, taking my hands that were on his face in his, and kissing me gently on the lips, completely ignoring the fact that we were in a hallway filled with students. The noise of the bell made us both realize that we had missed breakfast and that we needed to go to our class. I pulled away and gave him a goodbye kiss on the neck because I knew that it was his weak spot, and he immediately turned red. We had a different class at this hour, so I waved at him goodbye before walking to my potions classroom

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