Chapter 51

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I exited the Great Hall with Ruby excited with the fact that I had finished my NEWTS, and I was officially a Hogwarts graduate. It hurt a lot the fact that after the summer I won't come to my favorite place in the entire world, but life keeps going on, and we have to accept it no matter how sad it makes us. My best friend next to me was doing her happy dance when exams were over, and I decided to join her for the first and last time in my entire life. Until she suddenly stopped and looked at me because she had just realised something 

Ruby: Wait, does that mean that we are adults now?

She asked, and I stopped looking at her confused, realising the exact same thing

Y/n: No, we still have one year at college, so-

I said reminding her of the good news that we will still be roommates in our college in France and a smile formed on her face. I begged Ruby to consider the fact that it would be great for both of us to spend one more year studying in France and when she said yes we were both over the moon

Ruby: I need to tell you something 

She said taking my arm before we started walking outside 

Ruby: My parents want me to have an arranged marriage with Adrian Pucey 

She said whispering and my eyes widened in horror 

Y/n: Wait what?

I asked surprised and she nodded

Ruby: Yeah, and I don't know how to tell Oliver about my parent's plans! How did you tell Percy about Flint and make him stay with you?

She said and I looked at the floor

Y/n: I haven't told him about it because I told you that I am running away the day I finish college

I said looking at her and her eyes widened having just thought of an idea. I looked at her, confused and scared of what her brain had just thought of

Ruby: Mind if I join you?

She asked with a small smirk on her face, and I just smiled because I knew that we were thinking the exact same thing. We stayed in our dorm all day thinking of the perfect plan and how we would actually make it happen, but we still had a year to truly think about it. But the problem we both faced was how we told the boys about the entire situation! I mean, I know that Percy won't be happy when he finds out that my parents want me to marry Flint after everything he has done to me. My father told me in one of his recent letters that the plans have not changed, but people actually do, and I should give Flint a chance. In simple words, I would rather die than marry someone like Flint

I looked at the sky and saw a small green leaf flying against the wind before it fell on the lake in front of me. I was playing with Percy's hair while he was lying on my lap reading a book, and I was just thinking to myself. He noticed that I had zoned out in my own world and closed his book before he stood up and looked at me

 Percy: What is going on in there?

He said, showing my head with his finger and a smile on his face

Y/n: I need to tell you something

I said with a serious look on my face, and he looked at me confused

Percy: What's wrong, Ottie?

He said, putting some hair that was falling in front of my face behind my ear with his hand before he gave me a comforting smile 

Y/n: One year ago the first time that the four of us went to Hogsmeade I received a letter and the same day you found me crying in an empty hallway, remember?

I asked looking at him and waiting for his reaction before he nodded

Y/n: It was a letter from my father which said that after a decision he made with Flint's father, they decided that it would be best for our families if I-

I said, pausing for a moment, and he looked at me eager to learn more but also scared of what it would be 

Percy: You what?

He asked, confused, and I looked at my feet before taking my hands in his 

Y/n: They want me to marry Flint as an arranged marriage 

I said as quickly as I could, not even hearing my own words, and he blinked twice not believing what I just said

Percy: What-

Y/n: But before you say anything I want you to know that Ruby is in the same situation as me but with Pucey, and we came up with a plan to run away

I said, interrupting him, and he blinked twice again trying to analyse all the information I had just given him

Percy: And where will you go?

He asked concerned looking at me completely ignoring the first part about the marriage thing 

Y/n: I was thinking of my aunt's Andromeda Black well Tonks now but still. She still keeps in touch with my mom, and I am pretty sure my mom will help me to get there. Also, Ruby will come with me

I said with a smile trying to break the tension 

Percy: And what will happen to us?

He asked, looking at me before he put his hand on my cheek, rubbing it slowly

Y/n: I will stay with my aunts until I find a job, and then we could live together somewhere

I said with a smile because even the idea of it gave me comfort and made me happy. He looked at the floor, not saying a word for the next minutes, before he looked up at me with a smile

Percy: Do what it takes and then come back to me. I will be waiting no matter how long it takes

He said, crashing our lips and kissing me lovingly

"Little bit did they know that nothing will go as planned"

                                                                 *END OF THEIR SEVENTH YEAR*


I have given you so many little spoilers in the last two chapters, and I really hope you find them. Also, a small piece of advice I give you is to have a box of tissues next to you when you read the upcoming chapters 🤫

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