Chapter 64

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Take some popcorn, tissues, put on some music and enjoy :)


I don't know how many days have passed since the day Voldemort asked me to join him, I lost count after I locked myself into the room, refusing to go out. I only did when we had visitors or when my mother desperately wanted to tell me something because I didn't want to see my father in any other circumstances. When I looked at him, a feeling of disgust and hate was building inside me. To me, he wasn't my father anymore. He was just an awful man who got the title of my father, but to me, he was nothing else than a stranger. He tried multiple times to talk to me or like he said he wanted to convince me that it was a good idea to become a monster like he was. A copy of his horrible self. Well, I would rather stay locked in my room forever than became a murder like he wants me to. 

He came knocking at my door the same day after my small meeting with the Dark lord, but I didn't let him enter the room. I heard him sigh when he realised that I wasn't going to answer him or even open the door 

Lucius: Don't be a child Y/n and pull yourself together

I heard him sigh one more time outside my door while he was knocking it angrily, but not a single word left my mouth. I was sitting behind the door with my back against it and my face hiding between my legs

Lucius: I know you don't like the idea of it, but you will follow the Malfoy tradition and join him whether you like it or not. You will honour our ancestors, or you will be a fucking bloodtraitor like your friends 

He said, but again not a single word left my mouth. I heard his footsteps walking away before I sigh to myself and wrapped my arms around my legs. This couldn't be real! This nightmare of my life just couldn't be real. Why am I not freaking able to decide what I want to do for my life? I mean, I am an adult and I have no say in who I am going to marry? We are supposed to be in 1995 not the freaking 2nd century! As a woman with rights I should have been able to decide for myself, but I can't even do that because according to my father I have to follow the family tradition which in my point of view is freaking bullshit

A few hours must have passed when I heard one more gentle knock on my door, which I knew that wasn't my father. I didn't answer, but someone tried to open the door as a result to hit me in my back and I growled in pain before finally standing up to face the person who was trying so hard to enter

Y/n: You are the last person I want to see today Flint 

I said sitting on the floor again crossing my arms, and he sat next to me not saying a thing. An awkward silence followed between us and I kept staring at the wall, thinking to myself before I hear him sigh 

Marcus: I don't like this situation either Y/n, but we have no choice 

He said, and I looked at him with an upset look. Was he serious?

Y/n: You mean that I don't have a choice

I said looking at him with my puffy eyes, and he looked at the floor 

Marcus: Do you think that I wanted you to marry me when you are clearly in love with someone else? Of course, I didn't! I thought to myself that maybe I could make you love me like you loved Weasley after you spend some time with me, but now I know that this would never happen, as much as it hurts me

He said, but I didn't answer to him, instead I was staring at the wall opposite of me and listening carefully to his words not knowing if he was lying or telling the truth to me

Marcus: You will never realise how much I care for you, Y/n! So what I can do to make you happy?

He said, and I looked at him with not a single emotion in my face because I knew that all he said was just an act that he had to play, but it was my turn to also join that ridiculous little role play of the happy future bride

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