Chapter 52

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Summer was quickly to come and my last year at Hogwarts was over. The moment I got emotional was when we were in the boat going to the station because that was the exact place I met my best friend seven years ago and one wonderful phase of my life had come to an end. It made me sad to say goodbye to this chapter, but I am also ready to turn the page of my book and start a new one, and I can't wait to see what will happen in my future 

I learned that on the day of the exams, the trio got themselves in their usual trouble but thanks to Merlin, they were able to free Buckbeak. Hermione didn't get into details on the ceremony a week ago, but I was waiting for her letter to learn even more

Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup and the House Cup again. Oliver was rubbing it on my face the entire week, but if Percy hadn't prevented me from killing his best friend, then I am afraid Ruby would have been crying for him for weeks. 

Anyway, I was now sitting on my desk in my room writing a letter to Percy to see how he was doing. Now that he got the job with the ministry, he was so busy with work that he didn't find time to answer a single one of my letters, but it was okay with me. I knew how excited he was about working for Barty Crouch, and I was even happier for him for making his dream come true. I was also accepted by Ruby in our college in French and couldn't wait to start my studies in the fall. I just couldn't wait for the weekends that my best friend and I would be free for studies and be able to walk around the city on our own

A sudden knock was heard on my door, and I called for the person who did it to enter. One of the house elves entered looking at the floor and I smiled kindly at her. My smile fainted when I saw her scared and upset face 

Y/n: What's wrong, Nala?

I asked her with a curious look on my face, but she didn't look at me and instead chose to stare at the floor. She hesitated to talk for a moment because of how upset she was but then managed to let a weak sigh leave her mouth before she finally spoke 

Nala: Your father has been asking for you, Miss, and he doesn't seem very happy. He wasn't happy with Nala either because she accidentally put some sugar in his black coffee

She said, and I nodded before standing up. I put my hand on Nala's shoulder comfortingly and thanked her for telling me before I made my way down the stairs. I walked through the living room and the dining hall before I came across the dark brown wooden door of my father's office. Before I was even able to knock, the door opened and Flint exited with a proud grin on his face. When his eyes fell on me, his smile fainted, and I gave him a glare before entering the room. What was he doing here?

I entered his office, which was one of the second-biggest rooms in the manor. It had a dark green colour on the wall, while on the ceiling there was luxurious lighting filled with diamonds. One of the walls had a big library, while the opposite wall had a large window with a view of my mom's garden. It was cloudy outside, ready to rain, and you could see the leaves of the tree in the garden moving in the rhythm of the warm summer wind. In the middle of the room, there was my dad's desk in a dark brown colour matching the door and in front of it there was a black leather sofa. 

The first thing I came across was my mother sitting on the sofa with her head resting on her hand looking at the family portrait that was hanging on the wall behind my dad's desk. The portrait was painted a few years ago when I was in my fourth year at Hogwarts. My dad had looked everywhere to find the best artist in the entire wizarding world and paid him thousands for this painting. It was worth it because the detail in it is just unbelievable, and I could stare at it for hours because of how well-painted it is

My dad was hiding his face in his hands, really upset with something, and from their faces, I knew that something was wrong. My dad looked at me with a disappointed look before he gestured me to sit next to my mother. I looked at him weirdly, scared that something horrible had happened. When I sat, he took a deep breath before he started talking 

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