Chapter 72

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Christmas has always had a very special place in my heart for many different reasons. Firstly, I love the Christmas decorations, the nice food, the music, the atmosphere, and most importantly because it is Percy and I's anniversary. On Christmas day just three years ago, Percy and I finally became official, and now three years later after all the bad things we both went through we are finally able to spend this special day together with no one destroying it for us. Absolutely no one! It is just me and him, like I have always wished for

I was sitting on the kitchen counter baking cookies on Christmas Eve to bring something with me to tonight's dinner at the Black House when a sleepy Percy entered the room, rubbing his eyes

Percy: What are you doing up so early, Ottie? It is literally six in the morning

He asked complaining before he sat on a chair next to the table looking at me with a confused look while I was mixing the cookie dough

Y/n: Oh, sorry! Did I wake you up?

I asked with an apologetic look on my face while handing him a cup of coffee with my free hand and he nodded negatively 

Percy: No, the alarm did because I forgot to turn it off last night

He said, taking a sip from his coffee. I smiled before I added some cinnamon to the dough that I was mixing. I watched him as his hand went through his messy hair making it even messier and then rested his head on his hand before looking at me 

Percy: What are you baking because it smells amazing in here?

He said while standing up and coming to stand right next to me. I smiled while letting the dough ball on the counter that I had poured some flour a few minutes ago and cleaned my hands in the towel 

Y/n: Cookies to bring to Christmas dinner tonight! I can't go empty-handed, you know

I said, giving him a quick kiss on the lips before starting to make my cookies with my clean hands

Percy: You know, my mother will be mad at you for getting yourself tired to bake her something 

He said, taking another sip from his coffee and I smiled, knowing that she probably would, but I just wanted to make her happy in some way. Also, cooking and baking always had a way of calming me down, and today I needed it the most because I was nervous. Not because of the dinner, but because of a letter I received this morning. It was from Ruby! She was telling me that she was going to run away from home tonight during her parent's Christmas party and that she needed a place to stay for a few days. I don't know but for some weird reason I had a bad feeling about it, that something would happen to her, something bad, but I had no idea if it was connected to what she was going to do tonight or some other day or the fact that my mind was playing tricks on me

Y/n: Yeah, but she will probably be busy meddling about the fact that her son is back 

I said, and I saw a smile form on his face with my sentence. I knew that Percy was happy that tonight he was going to reunite with his family, even though he was very nervous about it. Nervous about facing the people you fought with and didn't talk to for months. But it broke my heart knowing that under that beautiful smile, there had been nights when I heard him crying in silence inside the bathroom after he received a letter from his mother begging him to come back. I just wanted to take his pain and worries away. To finally see him truly happy again with a smile that wasn't fake but genuine

Percy: Can I help you? I swear that I am an amazing baker 

He said with a smile and I laughed before I took an apron from the drawer and wore it to him. Then I handed him some dough and watched him as he started making his cookies in different Christmas shapes, and I smiled at how carefully he made them. I took out my wand from my pocket and pointed it at the radio for it to play some Christmas music. I smiled before I silently started singing to myself "Last Christmas" which is a muggle song while watching Percy struggle with putting the cookies in the pan. I let out a small laugh before finally helping him 


I was fully dressed while putting the cookies in a pretty box carefully trying not to break them when Percy entered the kitchen while holding two different ties in his hands not knowing which to pick

Percy: Do you like the black tie? Or is it too formal for a Christmas dinner? Then I thought about the red one, but I don't really like it on me, I think it makes me too serious! What do you think, Ottie?

He asked while looking desperate for help and I smiled while taking a bite from my cookies before looking at him

Y/n: I think you should wear your mom's sweater! It will make her happy you know and all your siblings will probably wear them too 

I said, and he looked at the ground thinking to himself, but he knew that there wasn't any point in arguing with me so he nodded and walked back to our bedroom to change to the new sweater his mother sent him a few days ago. When I received the package, I didn't show it to him right away because I knew he would have sent it back because of how nervous he was for tonight and how he didn't want to go. Because he was scared of how his family would react after months of not talking to each other

He walked back into the kitchen wearing the blue sweater and I smiled at him while a thousand of memories of the past three years that happened during these days filled my mind and I smiled before walking up to him. I kissed his cheek and watched him blush like he always did before I wiped with my hand the lipstick that it had left on him. In just a few hours, we were going to celebrate our three-year anniversary, and it just felt like a dream. If you had told my younger self a few years ago that by the time she is nineteen, she would be madly in love with Percy Weasley, she would have laughed at your face. No seriously!


I kindly pushed Percy towards the door, gesturing for him to ring the bell, and he gave me a deathstare before he actually did it. I covered one of my ears with my free hand because I was holding the box of cookies with the other one when Mrs. Black started screaming insulting things about traitors and muggle-borns when the sound of the bell was heard. We heard footsteps coming down the stairs and a woman's voice was telling Mrs Black to close her mouth when suddenly the door was opened. Mrs Weasley's eyes widened when she looked at Percy, and she blinked twice to realise if she was dreaming or not 

Molly: Arthur, Percy is home 

She yelled before she hugged Percy tight not believing that her son was home after months of begging him to come back, and I smiled at the beautiful moment before I saw Mr Weasley slowly walking towards the doorstep not believing his eyes

Percy: I am sorry for everything, Dad 

He said while looking at him from his mother's shoulder, and Mr Weasley sighed before he joined the hug. I wanted to let them have their moment, so I decided to quietly enter the house when a hand grabbed my waist and I looked towards Mrs Weasley who had tears in her eyes

Molly: Thank you for convincing him to come back home, Y/n! 

She said, and I nodded with a gentle smile before finally entering the house to be welcomed by the rest of the people there with lots of hugs and food waiting for me. It made me happy, to see Percy back with his family and smiling after a long time because one thing I have learned from this adventure of mine until now is that if you are growing up in a family that doesn't always appreciate you, then look around to find one that does. 

"Having a place to go is home. Having someone to love is family. Having both is a blessing"

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