Chapter 31

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The best day of the year finally came and if you guessed it right, that is my birthday. More specifically, my seventeenth birthday! I woke up that day from Astra biting my arm, and I hit her gently to leave me alone because I was really sleepy 

Y/n: Let me sleep, Astra 

I said with a sleepy voice, but of course, she ignored me and continued her gentle bites. After she realized that I wasn't waking, she bit me really bad. I stood up, touching my arm in pain, looking at her angrily, and then checked the clock on the wall. It was six in the morning 

Y/n: Seriously?

I said looking at her before standing up. I had never woken up this early in the morning during summer, but Astra seemed rather excited about something, and I looked at her small feet to find a letter attached to one of them. I recognized ginger's handwriting and immediately took it from her

Y/n: How many treats did he give you to do that?

I asked because I knew that Percy probably made her wake me up like that. I watched her fly to her cage and enjoy some treats that I knew I didn't give her. I am going to get revenge for it someday. I opened the letter as fast as I could, and from inside fell a piece of parchment and a small pink paper ring with a heart on it. I opened the small heart to find our initials written on it. A smile formed on my face before reading the letter

Dear Y/n,

         Happy birthday love and yes I paid your owl with treats to wake you up the moment she arrived. Please don't get mad at me, but I wanted my small present to be the first one you will receive on your birthday. I worked on it for days and in the end, I had to ask Ginny's help because I couldn't make a proper one. I enchanted it, so it will stay the way it is and not get destroyed. You are very welcome!                                                                                                                                          I hope you like it, and I also hope to see it on your finger the day when we return to school. I want you to see it as a promise ring which shows how much I care for you. Anyway, I hope you have a fantastic birthday!



I was right, he is indeed good with words. I smiled at the small ring before I slipped it on my finger. I admired how it looked on my finger before lay at my bed again with a smile on my face. I took the polaroid of Percy and I at the Slytherin party in my hands and smiled at it. Oh God, words can't explain how much I miss him

Then I stood up and wore my horse riding outfit. Because it was pretty early and everyone was asleep, I would go for a small ride with my horse. I changed as fast as I could, giving Astra my letter for Percy, and then letting her fly to the sky. I walked down the chairs as quietly as I could and then out of my house. I walked through Mom's beautiful garden and then to the back of the house to a huge stable. I walked in it to find my horse! She was my eighth birthday present because I had been asking my father for a unicorn for weeks and because he didn't want to disappoint his little girl, he bought me a horse. When I first met her she was a small pony and since then she has grown up so much. Her name was "Buttercup" and she was a beautiful white horse with a brown horse mane. I pet her head slowly and then gave her a green apple that I was holding 

Y/n: Good morning, Buttercup! Ready to go for a ride?

I asked with a smile, but she ignored me and continued eating her apple. I put the equipment that I needed in her back and then sat on her back. I hit her gently on the back, and she started running out of the stable and then out to the huge fields next to my house. I watched as the sun started appearing slowly from the back of the mountains, making the morning sky, and felt the warm summer air hit my face gently, waking me up completely. I smiled at the small bunnies who were running next to us before I threw them a small baby carrot that I had in my bag.The whole view that I was seeing was just breathtaking. 

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