Chapter 66

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He screamed the spell so loud that some birds, who were enjoying their sleep, flew away from their nests. Before I even processed what I was doing I went to get in front of Percy but someone or rather something was quicker than me. I saw a white bird falling on my feet and my eyes widened when I realized what just happened 

Y/n: Astra no 

I said, practically screaming my owl's name while watching her lifeless body lying on the ground. I fell on my knees next to her while covering my mouth to hold back the sob that was trying to escape my mouth. Flint was still pointing his wand but now towards me with a shocked face trying to analyse everything that just happened

Ruby: Stupefy

I heard her yell from afar and Flint went crashing to the nearest tree and then fell to the ground unconscious. The quatre came running towards us with worried looks on their faces. Ron ran towards his brother when he found him lying on the ground with Oliver next to him. Ruby kneeled next to me before she hugged me tight, while Hermione was looking in shock at little Astra. I started crying so loud, letting all the emotions I was feeling at that moment finally escape because they were too much for me to hold inside me 

Y/n: Astra died trying to save me

I said between my sobs and Ruby nodded with tears filling up her own eyes 

Ruby: Yeah but she didn't die suffering, she died like a hero 

She said, looking at the little owl that was lying next to us with an apologetic smile on her face 

Y/n: But she didn't deserve to go by the hands of a monster 

I said meaning Flint by saying the word "monster" and Ruby seemed to get it because her eyes fell on Flint's body who was a few meters away from us. She helped me stand up from the ground and I made my way towards Percy, who was now sitting on the ground. I sat next to him before, I hugged him tight and hid my face in his neck.

Y/n: Thank you for coming to take me

I said in a low voice for only him to hear, and he pulled away from the hug before he looked at me with a smile on his face 

Percy: I will always come for you

He said, whispering to me, I smiled before I leaned in and slowly kissed him on the lips after a long time. My lips moved against his after months, but the feeling I got every time I was able to do that was the same. It was like nothing had changed in those six months that we had to see each other. It was like the last time I saw him at the Yule Ball, everything remained perfect like it was always but with a few changes that I would rather not talk about 

I stood up and slowly walked towards Flint who was lying unconscious on the floor and raised my wand in his direction.  Percy stood up and came next to me before he took my hand in his making me look at him

Percy: It is for the best

He said to me and I nodded before I closed my eyes 

Y/n: Obliviate 

I whispered the spell and watched the blue light going towards his head, removing every single memory he had of what just happened. When all of his memories were erased, I lowered my wand and turned to others with a faint smile on my face

Y/n: Crazy night, huh?

I asked and Ruby smiled before she started laughing remembering the night's events 

Ruby: You had to see your father's face when he realised that you were gone 

She said before she started walking, and I followed her with a smile on my face 

Y/n: Let me guess! He wasn't happy, right?

I said, and she nodded, trying to stop herself from laughing more 

Ruby: No he wasn't


We buried Astra somewhere near the lake before we apparated at my Aunt's house outside of London. My mother had already informed her that I would run away from home and need a place to stay for a few days, and my aunt immediately said that I should go to her. Well, you see, Andromeda Black had a similar experience with me when she was my age. Her parents wanted to marry her to a well-known pureblood like her sisters, but she fell in love with a muggle born wizard named Edward Tonks. She didn't follow her family's tradition, and she was called a bloodtraitor like I was a few days after the engagement party 

I was sitting in the garden of the Tonks house with a book that my cousin Nyphadora Tonks, who prefers to call her Tonks, gave me to entertain myself when she was at work. My aunt joined me a few minutes later and sat under the same tree with me

Andromeda: I thought I should show you this 

She said, handing me the Daily Prophet, and I looked at her with a confused look before I took the paper in my hands. There was a picture of me on the first page with the title 

" The Malfoy Bloodtraitor"

I looked at it confused before my eyes started scanning the article right next to my picture, which was definitely the biggest because it had captured the entire page. Well, at least I became famous

 Y/n Hyacinth Malfoy is called a bloodtraitor by her own family after the embarrassment she caused them at her engagement party. The eighteen-year-old girl who ran away in the middle of her party just because she didn't want to get married to her fiancé Marcus Flint, who told us after an interview we had with him that Y/n had always been in love with a bloodtraitor Weasley who was actually the one she ran away with-

I didn't want to read more, so I ripped the page in half and gave it back to my aunt before I continued reading my book like nothing had happened

Andromeda: If it makes you feel better, I had the same article when I ran away

She said with a smile on her face, and I smiled for myself. It did actually make me feel better, the fact that there was someone who knew how I felt

Andromeda: I think you did the right thing by running away, Y/n. Sometimes families are the worst, but the only thing you need to do is to focus on yourself and what makes you happy 

She said while standing up, and I smiled before I looked at her 

Y/n: Thank you... for everything 

I said, and she nodded before she touched my shoulder comfortingly with a kind smile on her face. She started walking away before she turned to me one more time with a smile 

Andromeda: Before I forget, a young man is looking for you in the living room 

She said, and I thanked her one last time before I stood up and ran to the living room to find Percy waiting for me. I hadn't seen him in a few days because of how busy he was with his work, and I hugged him tight because of how much I had missed him the entire week

Percy: I have two good news

He said, clearly not waiting to tell me what made him so excited, and I smiled before I asked him what was going on 

Percy: Firstly I found a place we could live together in London just a few meters away from the ministry, and secondly I was promoted to Fudge's junior assistant

He said with the proudest smile on his face, and I looked at him with a shocked face before I smiled. Well, the Weasleys will definitely not like that...

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