Chapter 23

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The next morning, I was sitting in Potion's class next to Ruby, who was asleep at the desk next to me. Behind us was Percy with Oliver, and I have to say that Oliver was in much worse condition since last night. She was literally snoring, not that loud, but loud enough for Snape to hear. I watched Snape noticing Ruby and coming towards our desk angrily because her snore interrupted his sentence. I kicked her feet under the table, and she immediately stood up looking around confused before her eyes fell on Snape who was glaring at her. I watched her eyes widen, and then she smiled at him like nothing happened 

Ruby: Yes professor?

Snape gave a glare at her and the empty page of her notebook before he crossed his arm angrily 

Snape: Miss Baker, please tell me what ingredients you use to make a polyjuice potion!

He asked, not questioning her but demanding her to answer. Ruby thought for a minute before she said

Ruby: Lacewing flies, leeches, powdered horn of a Bicorn, knotgrass, fluxed, and boomslang skin.

She said with an innocent smile and then Snape continue to glare at her because he knew that she was correct. 

Snape: That is correct 

He said with his usual tone and then walked back to the board before he turned to her one more time. Now because Snape never takes points out of Slytherin, he didn't have another choice than-

Snape: But detention Miss Baker for sleeping in my class and fifteen points from Gryffindor because Mr. Wood seems to be in his tenth dream by now

He said before he picked up his wand and started writing something on the board. Ruby groaned annoyed, and I looked at her with an apologetic look. Oliver had just woken up and was looking around the classroom with a confused look because he had no idea what just happened or where he was

Y/n: Next time, don't drink that much tequila 

I said with a smile copying whatever Snape was writing on the board, and she rolled her eyes 

Ruby: And be a snob like you, never 

She said before, she took her notebook to start writing, but she fell asleep on it again as a result to win a second detention.

At lunch, she was sleeping on Oliver's shoulder who was sleeping on the table and Percy who was next to me clapped his hands in front of them. They immediately woke up looking at him annoyed 

Y/n: Good morning sleeping beauties

I said with a smile, and they rolled their eyes at us. Then I gave Ruby a glass of water, which she took with a grateful look on her face.

Percy: Take Y/n and I as an example. We didn't drink, and we didn't get detention or house points off

He said with a smile, and Oliver gave him a deathstare before he ate a slice of bread, still trying to stay awake. Then I turned to Percy because we have already finished our lunch and got too bored waiting for them

Y/n: Come on, let's go study 

I said with a smile, and he nodded before he took his bag. We had made a little tradition that every day after classes we will go to the library to study together what he had from the next day. Because Percy was taking 12 classes (God knows how he is handling them) and I only took seven, we had the exact same homework.

Ruby: At least we are not nerds like you, and we know how to have fun

She said, before she lay her head on Wood's shoulder, who was already starting to fall asleep again on the table. We started walking out of the Great Hall when a familiar voice approached us

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