Thousands of miles away, the cold fog that was once in the City of London was now above a river that had rubbish scattered on its banks. A huge chimney, the remains of an abandoned building, rose dark and menacing towards the sky. The only sound that was heard was the roaring of the water. There was no sign of life anywhere else, except a small fox who had come down the river to smell an old paper that had fish and chips previously in it and had been thrown to the grass. Out of the blue, a sound was heard and a person wearing a hood appeared mysteriously. The fox looked terrified at the figure before another one appeared next to the woman with the long blonde hair
Bellatrix: Cissy, he can't be trusted
She said following her sister, the fox now completely scared. It started running to find a hiding place near the river before a green light appeared, and then the fox fell to the ground unalive
Bellatrix: A fox? I thought it was an Auror... Cissy wait
She said and ignored her sister for the rest of the way until she stopped in front of a door of the house that was a few meters away from the river
Bellatrix: Cissy you need to listen to me
She said being out of breath after chasing her sister from the place they appeared to the house that was now in front of them. Narcissa desperately wanted to come here for days to ask for a favour even though her husband's refusal. She knew this place so well from the times when Severus Snape would invite them for dinner sometimes, and she still remembered it clear in her mind because it made her happy the fact that her husband had at least one real friend
Narcissa: I have already heard you and I have made my decision. Now leave me alone
She said, and Bellatrix sighed in defeat, knowing that she wouldn't change her sister's mind no matter how hard she tried. She turned to look at the house in front of them, but she looked hesitant to ring the bell because she was scared that she wouldn't get what she wanted at the end. Which was to secure Draco's safety and learn if Y/n was okay
Bellatrix: Is this where he lives? In Muggle's landfill? We definitely are the first of our kind to walk in that...
She said mockingly, but before she could finish, her sister had already rung the bell and was waiting impatiently for someone to open the dark wooden door in front of her. The door was finally opened and a man with long black hair appeared on the other side of it. He looked rather surprised at the two sisters that were standing right in front of him and the question on his mind was why they were there in the middle of the night?
Severus: Narcissa? What a pleasant surprise!
He admitted looking at her surprised before letting them come in and guided them towards the living room where a newspaper and an unfinished glass of whiskey were resting on the table next to the chair, where he sat the moment the door was closed. After he had ordered Wormtail to bring the two women something to drink from the kitchen and even thought Wormtail tried to deny doing it, he didn't have another choice
Narcissa: Severus I am sorry that I came out of the blue and I know that I shouldn't be here. The Dark lord himself forbade me to speak of this
She said looking at the ground. Severus interrupted her while taking a sip from his drink
Severus: If the dark lord has forbidden it, you were not to speak - put it down Bella we mustn't touch what isn't ours
He said, cutting his own sentence, looking at Bellatrix with a serious look on his face while she put back what she was holding in her hand with a mocking look on her face

Forbidden love|| Percy Weasley
FanfictionY/n Malfoy the four year older sister of Draco Malfoy and the daughter of Lucius and Narcissa. Y/n is nothing like her father and doesn't want to follow his legacy but everyone else sees her as the little rich spoiled brat and no one has ever learn...