It was the weekend before Christmas break and the day of the winter ball. I sat on my bed, admiring the dark blue and white dress next to me, with a smile on my face. Ruby had to go choose her dress on her own because I wasn't able to go with her, but she made an amazing choice even without me
My mom sent my dress just a few days ago, and it was the most beautiful dress I had ever seen in my life. My dress was a beautiful dark blue colour, and then it continued to a white colour. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and that is when Ruby exited the bathroom, already in her gorgeous silver dress. She had already helped me make my hair and makeup before she finished hers
Ruby: Come on Y/n get dressed because we will be late
She said spraying perfume on her and I nodded
Ruby: I will be waiting in the common room, don't be late
She said, and I nodded one more time while I was watching her leave. Ruby and I had arranged to meet the boys in front of the Great Hall, and I was really anxious about the whole opening dance thing, but I knew I would be okay because Percy would be right there next to me.
I wore the dress and zipped it with my wand before I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror with a smile on my face. My hair was down while some curls resting on my shoulders, and my makeup was as simple as possible. I sighed before exiting my dorm and joining Ruby in the common room. Then we both walked towards the Great Hall, joking about random things that came to our minds, trying to ignore how nervous we both were. When we reached the top of the staircase, Ruby was called by one of her other friends and I looked at her with a death stare because she left me all by myself. I sighed before I decided to walk down the stairs when I noticed Percy talking with Oliver just right before the entrance of the Great Hall. I began walking down the stairs and Percy's back was turned to me, so that meant that Oliver was the one to notice me and gently elbowed him on the ribs. Percy turned to look at me and a smile formed on his face before he slowly walked up to me
Percy: You are breathtaking
He said with a smile, giving me his arm, I blushed at his words before I noticed how handsome he looked in his dress robes and his messy hair
Y/n: You don't look bad either
I said, gently hitting his shoulder and he let out a small laugh before Oliver joined us
Oliver: Where is Rubs?
He asked, but then he looked at something behind us and his jaw dropped before a smile appeared on his face
Y/n: Close your mouth Wood or a bug will be a delightful dinner for you
I said with a smile and ginger next to me laughed, but he ignored us both and walked up to Ruby with a smile on his face
Ruby: You two are so lucky because you have as dates the hottest girls in the Slytherin house no sorry the hottest girls in the entire school
She said with a proud smile on her face and Oliver next to her was looking at her with an adoring smile on his face agreeing to everything she said. Oh come on, they are cute! We said goodbye to our friends and I walked with ginger in the row that the prefects had done with their dates. Whispers were heard between them, but I completely ignored them just as we went first.
Percy: Don't you step on my foot Ottie
He whispered to me with a smile on his face and I laughed just as the doors opened
Y/n: The same goes for you
I whispered to him with a smile before we walked into the Great Hall. I could hear whispers and gasps from everyone around the room, but I completely ignored all the comments and focused on having fun. Just as we stepped foot on the dance floor, a song started playing, and I put my hands around ginger's shoulders while his were around my waist. We didn't care that all eyes were on us, we didn't care that we would be what the school talk tomorrow morning, and we just pretended that it was just us. It was just us in the huge Hall without anyone else being around us. Just me and him

Forbidden love|| Percy Weasley
FanfictionY/n Malfoy the four year older sister of Draco Malfoy and the daughter of Lucius and Narcissa. Y/n is nothing like her father and doesn't want to follow his legacy but everyone else sees her as the little rich spoiled brat and no one has ever learn...