Now that Penelope and Oliver B were petrified, I was forced to check the corridors every night with ginger boy, and you guessed it right. I wasn't happy about it! After we finished checking every single one in awkward silence, we sat next to each other on the floor in an empty corridor, waiting for the time to pass because we couldn't return sooner to our dorms.
Y/n: I am bored how much time we have left?
I asked in disbelief before he looked at his clock and then sighed
Percy: An hour and fifteen minutes
He said, and I rested my head back on the wall. I couldn't survive one hour and fifteen minutes doing nothing. Oliver B used to bring a UNO, and we could play to spend our time. Where is he when I need him?
Percy: I am sorry about your boyfriend
He said, and I looked at him confused. Boyfriend? Oliver B and I never really talked about what we had, so I suppose that it wasn't a relationship. I really liked him, and the fact he kissed me a couple of times showed me that he liked me too. But we were never boyfriend and girlfriend like I would want to
Y/n: He was never my boyfriend but thank you! I am also sorry about Pen, I hope she gets better soon. I bet you miss her
I said, and he laughed before he looked on the floor. The truth is that I have never actually seen him visit her once in the Hospital Wing, and he doesn't look sad like I am for my friend. That was kind of weird
Percy: It doesn't matter because we broke up. More specifically, I dumped her
He said, and I looked at him with an apologetic look. I wasn't going to ask the reason why because it was clearly not my business
Y/n: Oh, I am sorry-
Before I was able to finish my sentence, he interrupted me
Percy: No, don't be, I did it only because I found her cheating on me
He said looking at me and my eyes widened. I never would have believed that a person like Penelope Clearwater would do something like that. It was just unbelievable to think about. Because all this time I thought that she was a really caring and loving person. But again you never know when the person you have next to you will be the one that will stay with you forever or the one that will backstab you before you know it
Percy: And the person who she cheated on with was your little friend Oliver Brown
He said, and my eyes widened in hurt. I shouldn't be sad because I wasn't even his girlfriend but this still hurt. I looked on the floor to hide the tears in my eyes
Percy: I am sorry Y/n, they told me to hide it from you for weeks and now that they are both petrified I thought that it was time you should know the truth! Brown didn't want you to know because he said that he cared about you
Bullshit! If he cared about me, then he wouldn't kiss me and then go to make out with someone's girlfriend. I mean I know we were nothing but that wasn't fair. I wiped the tears from my cheek. I smiled at him and thanked him for telling me the truth. I can't believe that Oliver used me like that and then went and had fun with another girl. That was awful and it hurt so much! I just couldn't believe that Oliver could do something like that. I trusted him
Y/n:Nahh it's okay because we never actually were in a real relationship, we were just messing around after all
I said in a low voice, looking at the floor. What was so wrong with me that I wasn't capable to be loved? Why every single boy in this school only wants to date me just to spend their time with something and not because they actually liked me? Am I cursed or sth? What I am doing wrong? After a couple of minutes of silence, he spoke again

Forbidden love|| Percy Weasley
FanfictionY/n Malfoy the four year older sister of Draco Malfoy and the daughter of Lucius and Narcissa. Y/n is nothing like her father and doesn't want to follow his legacy but everyone else sees her as the little rich spoiled brat and no one has ever learn...