Chapter 11

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I was looking through some books in the bookshop waiting for my mother to come after she got the books signed from Lockhart. Oh, that man, I never liked him. I don't know why he just got on my nerves in a regular basis. Then I heard a familiar voice coming towards us and I turned to see who it was

Draco: I bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter? Famous Harry Potter! Can't even go to a bookshop without making it on the front page

I heard Y/n's Malfoy brother saying. He always had some kind of rivalry against Harry. Never got why, but it was definitely worse than the one Y/n had for me. She must be here somewhere if her brother is here! I watched Ginny getting upset and walking toward him 

Ginny: Leave him alone

She said angrily, and Malfoy Junior smirked 

Draco: Oh look Potter, you have got yourself a girlfriend

He said, and then his father stepped into the shop, putting him out of his way 

Lucius: Play nicely Draco 

I never liked this man, and my father hated him more than anyone in this world. He hated the whole Malfoy family because of how proud they were of themselves and the fact they thought that they were better than anyone. But Y/n wasn't like that! Yeah, she thought that she was better than me academically, but never really bragged about it. Not like I did last year when I took first place. You had to see her face when she saw that her name came second. I wish I had got a picture of it to make it my Christmas card

Lucius:Mr Potter! Lucius Malfoy

He said with a smile on his face and then gave him his hand to shake

Lucius: We meet at last. Forgive me 

He said and pulling Harry towards him by his hand to see his scar

Lucius: Your scar is a legend, as of course the wizard who gave it to you 

He said with a proud smile on his face. According to my father, Lucius Malfoy used to be a death eater in the times when who-must-not-be-named lived, and he was one of his biggest supporters. Harry stepped back, looking upset

Harry: Voldemort killed my parents. He was nothing more than a murderer

He said, and Lucius Malfoy's expression change into a serious one 

Lucius: You must be very brave to mention his name or very foolish 

He said and smiled at his own stupid words

Hermione: Fear of the name only increases fear of the thing itself

She said, entering their conversation, and Malfoy turned to her with an evil smile

Lucius: And you must be Miss Granger! My daughter's new little friend! I have heard a lot about you and your parents. Muggles are they?

He asked looking at them confused, but Hermione didn't say a word, and then he turned to us 

Lucius: Let me see red hair, vesicant expressions, second-hand book! You must be the Weasleys!

He said, and I noticed my dad coming toward us 

Arthur: Children! It is mad in here, let's go outside

He said, and Lucius turned to him 

Lucius:Well, well, well Weasley senior

Artur: Lucius 

My dad said, looking at him with an unpleasant expression. I didn't listen to the rest of their conversation because I heard footsteps coming from the stairs and I noticed the familiar blonde hair (or y/h/c) in her Slytherin robe. It was Y/n who was holding herself in a woman who looked just like her but Y/n was taller, and I believed it was her mother. They came downstairs and her mother tried to lighten the mood. Y/n turned to look at me. She got taller over the summer, her beautiful blonde (or y/h/c) hair got longer, and the only thing that didn't change was her eyes. I could recognize her eyes from miles away, and my younger self used to get in lost in them, but not anymore. I had got over my childhood crush and focused on things that actually mattered, like being a prefect and getting more good grades. I had also got a girlfriend who I actually liked, and she liked me too. Y/n could never like me, the way that I did for her which was one of the reasons that I forced myself to get over her, and also my dad would never forgive me for liking a Malfoy, like not in a million years. But no matter how much time passed, I believe that a piece of my heart would always beat for her!

I watched her leave the shop by her mother's side with her brother following from behind and then my mom smiled 

Molly: That woman always had a way to make people smile, I remember her from Hogwarts! I don't know how she married a man like that 

She said, and Dad agreed with her before she turned to me

Molly: Her daughter Y/n is in your year right Percy dear?

She asked, looking at me, and I took my eyes off the door before I looked at her 

Percy: Yes unfortunately

I said, and I saw Hermione, Ron's friend roll her eyes annoyed 

Hermione: I wish Y/n would be in my year! She is a really great friend and an amazing person 

She said, and I knew she was right, but I would rather disagree with it because I didn't want anyone to know what I actually thought of her



I didn't tell Oliver that I comfort Y/n the day that I found her crying because I knew that he wouldn't let me alone without bringing it up every two seconds. I tried to ignore her the best I could and answer her insults when she made them. That was our thing, and I didn't have a problem with it. Over the years I have gotten used to it and called it a regular habit.

I was watching her sleeping in Divinition's class with a worried expression on my face. She looked so peaceful sleeping and traveling in her own world, but it was also concerning seeing her this tired with black circles under her eyes. She never slept in class, like never. Something was wrong with her and I didn't know what! I felt a pair of eyes burning in my back and turned behind me to see Flint glaring at me 

Marcus: Just forget it, Weasley! You will never have a chance with her, not in a million years, 

He said, whispering to me with an evil smirk on his face, and I rolled my eyes annoyed. And he thought that he had a chance with her? He was just pathetic for thinking that. The only person that had a chance with her was Oliver B, everyone around me was saying how cute they looked together, and I hated it. Yeah, I know that I have a girlfriend, but I just couldn't stop feeling jealous of them. I don't know why but I just did

When class was finished, I looked around after class looking for Pen. I haven't seen her all day and something just felt off with it. I don't know, I just had a bad feeling. I was looking around for more than ten minutes and I couldn't find her, anywhere. Until I heard her voice inside a broom closet, and I knew that she wasn't alone. Was that a male's voice with her? I opened the door quietly to see if it was really her, or it was me imagining things just because I was tired and...

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