Chapter 39

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One day, I was in Herbology class with Ruby until Professor Sprout entered and informed us that she had changed everyone's partner for this year. This class was with Ravenclaw and I didn't have a problem with any of them except the Ravenclaw Quidditch captain Roger Davies. Like Oliver, he got on my nerves about Quidditch, and we never got along in the field, which made us sometimes not get along in real life too. We weren't enemies or something, just two people who didn't like each other. And because I am not a fortunate person, Professor Sprout made him my Herbology partner and Ruby got with another seventh-year boy from their house. I was sitting at my desk while copying the notes from the board in front of me, and he sat next to me

Roger: Look Y/n, I know we had an awful start, and we don't get along about Quidditch stuff, but what about we have a fresh new start?

He asked, and I looked at him confused. Why did he want a fresh start with me? I then thought that it was our final year and that we could have a truce for our last months here at Hogwarts. But that doesn't mean that I won't get mad at him during our games. So I sighed and gave him my hand to shake, which he did with a smile on his face

Roger: That doesn't change the fact that I am still mad about the fact that you beat me at our last match

He said before he started taking his notes and I let out a small laugh 

Y/n: If you don't like losing, then don't suck at playing 

I said with a smile, which made us both laugh, but then Professor Sprout gave us an angry look and we both fell quiet and continued taking our notes

I was walking out of class the same day with Ruby when I noticed the trio coming running towards me. From the look on their faces, I knew that they had done something again! When they noticed me, the three of them stopped at the same time, taking a breath from running

Y/n: What did you guys do this time? Please don't tell me you broke into Gringrots because I can't do anything to save you this time 

I said with a bit of humour in my words and the three of them gave me a death stare which made my smile faded

Hermione: No, but we wanted to tell you that Buckbeak hurt Draco, and now he is in the hospital wing

She said, and my eyes widened in horror but also surprise at the same time. Was Draco in the hospital wing? What happened to him? And most specifically, how did a harmless creature like Buckbeak hurt him?

Y/n: What happened?

I said and started walking really fast towards the hospital wing with the trio and Ruby following me behind 

Hermione: Draco walked up to Buckbeak, and he thought it was a treat and then hit him with his claws

She said and I looked at her surprised. Merlin's beard, that boy! I thought to myself while walking a little bit faster towards my destination

Ron: I mean, he asked for it

He said, and I looked at him confused before they explained to me everything that happened with every single detail. I thanked them before entering the hospital wing to find Draco sitting on the bed while Madam Pomfrey was putting a cast on his hand. I hugged him tight and then when I pulled away, I hit the back of his head hard. He touched his head in pain and looked at me with the are-you-serious-right-now-look

Y/n: What were you thinking going towards a Hippogriff like that? You know they will have to accept you first before you walk towards them 

I said with a serious and angry tone in my voice, and he scoffed annoyed at me

Draco: It is the bloody chicken's fault! Just wait until I talk to father about this 

He said and I gave him an angry look

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