Chapter 37

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The huge light of the camera showed us that the picture was taken. I sighed in relief when Professor Dumbledore gestured for me to stand up. I was sitting on a chair in my usual Quidditch uniform, and above me were standing the three other captains. In the middle was Cedric Diggory, and in his two sides were Oliver Wood and Roger Davies. Like every year we were taking the picture that was going to be framed on the wall with all the awards inside the castle. It was a nice touch to the castle and I really liked it, but after all those years I got bored by it. We all walked toward the headmaster who was looking at us with a smile on his face 

Albus: Can't wait to see which is going to win the Quidditch Cup this year, but I expect each of you to train your players for clear and fair games 

He said, and Oliver scoffed 

Oliver: Say that to Y/n 

He said, and I elbowed him hard in the ribs, which made him groan in pain and gave me a deathstare. The headmaster smiled before walking away with the other two captains 

Oliver: I absolutely hate you 

He said and I smiled innocently at him 

Y/n: I can live with that 

I said with a smile before walking away to grab my things. As I was packing my bag I heard footsteps from behind me and when I turned I saw Cedric Diggory looking at me with a smile and then giving me his hand 

Cedric: I don't think we have properly met before, but I am the new Hufflepuff captain, Cedric Diggory 

The Hufflepuff said with a grin which I returned before shaking his hand

Y/n:Y/n Malfoy 

I said and he nodded knowingly 

Cedric: Yeah, I already know who you are! You are kind of famous around here

He said and I smiled. Well I mean I am the Slytherin captain and also a Head Girl, so this explains why people know me 

Y/n: Well, that is nice

I said before I noticed Percy behind Cedric already looking at us 

Y/n: Well I have to go, but it was nice to meet you 

I said with a smile, walking away, and he didn't say anything else but just stared at me with a smile. I walked up to Percy giving him a smile, but he continued giving glares at the Hufflepuff and then put his arm around my shoulder 

Percy: What did Diggory want?

He asked, looking at me confused and glaring one more time at Cedric behind us before we walked out of the field 

Y/n: He just introduced himself. Jealous much ginger?

I asked with a smirk on my face and he just scoffed 

Percy: You wish Ottie 

He said, looking at me with a smile, and I let out a small laugh 

Y/n: Well I like the overprotective side of you but don't take it too far 

I said with a smile, and he nodded before he grabbed my hand and pulled me toward a different path from where we were going 

Y/n: Where are we going?

I asked with a laugh leaving my mouth before I realized that we were in the black lake. He suddenly stopped and turned to look at me, but before I was able to say another thing, he pulled his hand on my waist and pulled me in for a kiss. I kissed him back, putting my arms around his neck, before he gently pushed me against the tree behind me. The kiss was a hungry and aggressive one, nothing like the ones we had in the past. He pulled away to catch his breath, and I was doing the same before I looked at him surprised by his sudden gesture, but I didn't complain and decided to joke about it 

Y/n: Yeah, you aren't jealous 

I said sarcastically with a grin on my face, and he scoffed before he looked down at my neck and then back at me like he was asking for permission. I nodded at him, giving him the permission he asked for, and then with no hesitation he started kissing my neck. I let out a small gasp while I felt his warm lips travelling around my exposed skin and I felt my cheeks burning like crazy at the feeling. I put my hands in his hair playing with his curls while he was doing his job and then after a few minutes, he pulled away looking with a smirk at his work. Then he leaned in and whispered in my ear 

Percy: Please don't cover this up, Ottie! It will be something to keep Diggory away 

He said, kissing my cheek. I felt my cheeks burn like crazy when I felt his warm breath on my ear, and I let out a small laugh before kissing him gently on the lips. Then I took his hand and hid it between my Quidditch uniform and his robes before walking into the castle. When we entered the Great Hall, we let go of our hands and walked to our friends at the Gryffindor table. We sat down like nothing happened, and I felt his hand gently resting on my knee under the table. Ruby gave us a confused look because we were quiet, and then looked at my neck, which I hid with my hair. A smirk formed on her face and I gave her a glare 

Oliver: Where did you two go to after the photoshoot?

He asked, taking a bite from his chicken. I felt my face warm up, and Percy next to me had the same reaction. Ruby opposite of me let out a small laugh and Oliver looked at her confused 

Y/n: We went to the Black Lake and hung around 

I said with an innocent smile on my face and Ruby laughed at my words 

Ruby: Well, that is interesting! Also, nice lipstick Y/n 

She said, handing me a napkin from under the table. I gave her a thankful look before I wiped my lipstick off and then handed the napkin to ginger next to me, who gladly took it before he did the same. Oliver looked at us confused but decided to not question it and then talked to Percy about Herbology homework

The same night I was sitting in the common room reading a book and I saw Ruby sitting next to me with a smirk on her face. I closed my book and looked at her, confused. Then she took out from her pocket a concealer and a mirror and threw them at me 

Ruby: You're welcome 

She said with a smile and I thanked her before applying it to my neck now that no one was watching

Ruby: So you guys moved to stage 2 really quick, as I see 

She said with a playful smirk and I just smiled with a blush on my cheeks 

Y/n: Well I don't know it was rather sudden, and he is extremely overprotective after what Flint said 

I said handing her back the concealer, and she nodded understanding what I was saying 

Ruby: Well he loves you Y/n and doesn't want to lose you of course! But I swear if he breaks your heart, I will be the first to beat his ass 

She said and I let out a small laugh 

Y/n: Note it 

I said, and then she stopped smiling before a smirk formed on her face 

Ruby: You are lucky I am your only roommate this year, so if you want I can leave the dorm for a couple of hours

She said before bursting out in laughter. I threw the pillow next to me at her to shut her up

Y/n: Sometimes I wonder why I am friends with you 

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