Chapter 8

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A few days later, I was walking through some trees outside the school because the trio wanted to talk to me, and they arranged for a meeting place. Autumn was finally here and everything around me looked beautiful in those dark colours. I found the sitting next to the Black Lake and I went up to them with a friendly smile. Hermione came and hugged me before she gestured for me to sit next to her. I sat down and they all returned the smile 

Harry: First, we wanted to thank you Y/n for what you did for us the other day 

I said and Ron nodded agreeing with him

Ron: Yeah, my brother always described you as a bad person, but you are actually really amazing

He said and I smiled at his words 

Y/n: Yeah, let's just say that your brother and I aren't on really good terms 

I said, and he smiled at me before he sat next to Harry. Then Hermione spoke up 

Hermione: We wanted to ask you if you knew anything about the Chamber of Secrets. We asked Professor Mcgannogal, but she wasn't much help

She said, and I looked at her with a confused look. How could I be a better help than a Professor? But I can tell them everything that I knew

Y/n: Well, I have read it about it once in a book at my house library, and the only things that I know is that only the heir of Salazar Slytherin is able to open it, and it was last opened fifty years ago. During that time, a young muggle-born girl was murdered

I said and Hermione's eyes widened in horror and I rubbed her back gently

Y/n: Don't worry Mione as long as Dumbledore is here nothing is going to happen to you

I said encouraging her, and she gave me a grateful smile 

Harry: Do you have this book here with you?

He asked me curiously and I nodded negatively

Y/n: No, but my parents will come here for the game on Friday. I can owl my mom to bring it with her because I need it for a school project 

I said, and the trio looked at each other with excited looks 

Harry: Thank you Y/n you are literally way better than your brother 

He said and I smiled 

Y/n: Well, I know that my brother can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but he is actually a softie inside.

I said and Ron laughed 

Ron: Like way deep inside 

He said, and I just smiled. I knew that they didn't like him, but I wasn't going to blame them. Draco hadn't treated them the best the past two years. The reason why he did that was because Harry rejected his friendship last year. You can't imagine how excited he was to meet the well-known Harry Potter and be friends with him, or like he imagined best friends. So I don't blame either side for hating the other

When I returned, I did what I said and wrote to my mother. It was Tuesday, so my owl Astra will be there before Friday comes. I really wanted to help them because they reminded me of me in my first years. A little curious girl who wanted to discover and learn everything from whatever she saw and read.

Friday came and after classes, everyone gathered at the Quidditch field for the big game, Gryffindor vs Slytherin. Every year, everyone waited for these games like crazy because they knew they were going to be the best of all year. Both teams were super competitive, which made the games even better. We entered the game flying in the air and stopped in the middle of the field. Wood gave me his hand to shake it because it was the rule of the game, and that's what I did because the shaking showed that we will play a fair game and that wasn't going to happen for sure. Then Miss Hooch threw the ball in the air. As a beater, my job was to keep the small black ball away from my players, and that is what I did with my wooden bat in my hands. But this time the ball had gone ballistic. It was chasing after Harry like crazy, and it was this close to hitting my brother too while he was making fun of Harry if I hadn't yelled at him 

Y/n: Draco! Watch out 

I yelled, and he looked behind before he immediately flew away from the ball. It went after Wood's broom, and destroyed it, which made him fall on the ground. Draco and Harry were chasing the golden snitch under the stadium and when I saw my brother falling to the ground in pain my eyes widened


I yelled, but before I was able to ask for a time-out, Harry flew past me with the ball chasing him, and I was able to hit it away with my wooden bat. But unlucky for me, it flew right at me and when I went to hit it again, it hit my arm, breaking it and making my bat fall on the ground. I touched my hand in pain and I looked on the ground seeing Harry holding the snitch which meant we lost. I flew to the ground angrily and threw my broom to the floor while hearing the cheers that the crowd made. Ruby came running at me to see my arm, but I was too angry to even care for the pain.

Y/n: Fucking Gryffindors

I said, angrily kicking a bench that I saw in front of me. Madam Pomfrey came and tried to see my arm, but I didn't let her because I was too mad at that moment

Ruby: Fuck the Gryffindors for a moment and let her check your arm 

She said, and I sighed before I gave my arm to the nurse 

Y/n: Yeah fuck them

Madam Pomfrey came and put it in the cast and gave me something that will make the bones good again, but poor Harry had to create them all over again thanks to Professor Lockhart. Wood came to me with a proud smirk on his face 

Wood: Take that Malfoy 

He said cheering, and I showed him but middle finger before I notice my parents coming from afar with another man by their side. Mom hugged me tight and told me that I was great, and my father agreed with her. She put the book that I asked her for in my bag before Father started talking 

Lucius: Y/n I want you to meet my friend Mr Augustus Flint who is your friend's Marcus Flint father 

He said, and the man gave me a smile before he shook my hand 

Augusts: Nice to meet you Miss Y/n I have heard great things about you, and you are even more beautiful than my son described at home 

He said, and I heard Ruby behind me with Wood trying to hold her laugh

Lucius: Yeah, she is a Malfoy, she has beauty in her blood. What about we go to Hogmeads to talk more about our deal?

My father asked him, and he immediately agreed and followed him outside the field. I looked at my mother confused 

Y/n: What deal?

I asked full of confusion, and she just gave me a comforting smile

Narcissa: You have nothing to worry about dear, I won't let it happen

She said with a comforting smile and I looked at her confused, still not knowing what she meant 

Narcissa: Now if you will excuse me I am going to visit your brother in the Hospital Wing

She said, and I insisted on going with her, but she told me to stay with my friends. I looked at them and Ruby had exactly the same confused expression as I did 

Ruby: I don't know what your father meant, but I have a bad feeling about this 

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