I was sitting in the Hospital Wing watching Madam Pomfrey taking care of Percy's wounds. I was sitting on a chair next to his bed with my hand in his. She said to him to stay the night there because he had hit his head and in case he fainted or got dizzy. Dumbledore made two other students from fifth year to do our usual routine around the castle, so we wouldn't have something to worry about. When Madam Pomfrey left, Percy was begging me to go back to my dorm to get some sleep, but I refused
Y/n: I am not leaving you. End of discussion!
I said with a serious look on his face and he sighed because he knew that whatever he said I was going to do my own thing
Percy: You are so stubborn, you know that?
He said before he lay his head on his pillow, and I smiled. Thank you, I will take that as a compliment
Y/n: Yeah, but you are still here with me after a month of dating
I said with a smile on my face, and he looked surprised at me. Yeah, it has already been a month since we first kissed, since we first confessed to each other, since the day we made it official
Percy: It has already been a month? Merlin time flies too fast
He said with a sleepy voice before he yawned and I nodded.
Y/n: The best month of my life
I said with a smile, and then I heard a tiny snore leaving his mouth. He had fallen asleep. I took my chair closer to him and I opened a book with my free hand while the other was still holding his while he was sleeping. I just couldn't sleep. I looked at him with a smile on my face, watching him sleeping peacefully. I cleared some hair that was falling on his forehead and then continued my reading.
After a while, I heard the door of the Hospital Wing open, and then someone opened the curtains from around his bed. Hermione walked in and handed me a bag
Hermione: Ruby told me to bring this to you, it has your pajamas and some food because you both missed dinner
She said, whispering when she saw ginger sleeping. I smiled gratefully at her before taking the bag
Y/n: Thank you, but I don't feel like going to sleep
I said, and she nodded, understanding what I was saying. I closed my book and was looking at Percy with a smile on my face. Hermione looked at the floor and then sighed
Hermione: You really love him, don't you?
She asked with a smile, and I looked at her before I nodded. I never really thought about it before. I mean, I knew that I liked him, but did I love him?
Y/n: Well, I don't know what love is supposed to feel like, but it feels like I do
I said with an adoring smile, still looking at him and Hermione giggle with a smile on her face
Hermione: Well if you didn't then you wouldn't be staying here all night Y/n
She said, and I knew she was right. I don't know exactly how love is supposed to feel, but it actually feels like I love him. I do love Percy Weasley, but the real question is how do I tell him? It felt like if I tell him, I would scare him away, and he will hate me for it.
Hermione: When did you know that you were falling for him?
She asked and I looked at her confused. Since when, she was all interested in love? She always told me that loving boys is just a waste of time. But it seems like her feelings for Ron beat everything else
Y/n: The day he tried to protect me from the monster. I felt so comforted and protected in his arms. Even if I didn't accept it at first, I knew that I was falling for him hard even if he can be an annoying git sometimes
I said with a small laugh leaving my mouth while I was slowly caressing his hair with a smile on my face but carefully trying to not wake him up from his peaceful sleep. Because from the smile on his face, I knew whatever he was dreaming was making him happy and that made me happy too
Hermione: Can I ask you a question completely out of the subject?
She said and I nodded, not looking at her
Hermione: The day when you and Percy heard the monster, what it sounded like?
She asked confused, and I sighed before finally turning to look at her, my hand still holding Percy's. Mione had this curious smile on her face and I knew that she had something on her mind
Y/n: We don't know if it was exactly the monster, it could also be a first year doing pranks, but it was like we were hearing a snake
I said, and then her eyes widened in realization
Hermione: The Slytherin symbol is a serpent, right?
She said and I nodded, looking at her confused
Y/n: Yeah why?
I asked, and she immediately stood up from her chair taking her bag
Hermione: Y/n do you know any books about snakes?
She asked and I thought for a second. There are tons about them in the library as long as I remember, but the actual question is what she needed them for
Y/n: You can always check the care of magical creatures section in the library but the library it's already closed, and I think you should get going because curfew is in ten minutes
I said with a smile, and she nodded, thinking to herself before she hugged me and stormed out of the room running. Well, that was weird, but I am glad that I helped her. Because if Hermione sets her mind on something, she will do anything to t achieve it, no matter what! I went to open my book until I felt Percy turning to my side, I looked at him and I saw him smiling at me
Percy: You love me, huh?
He said with a silly smirk on his face, and I hit his shoulder. Merlin's beard he heard the whole freaking conversation, didn't he?
Y/n: I don't know what you are talking about
I said, trying to hide the blush behind my book, but he laughed
Percy: Don't hide your blush from me because firstly it is cute, and secondly I heard the entire conversation
He said, and I rolled my eyes annoyed before pretending to read my book
Y/n: You were probably dreaming
I said, and he smiled mostly to himself while looking at the ceiling
Percy: Okay, whatever you say, love
He said, kissing my hand and then putting it on his chest. I smiled with a blush on my face and then started reading my book

Forbidden love|| Percy Weasley
FanfictionY/n Malfoy the four year older sister of Draco Malfoy and the daughter of Lucius and Narcissa. Y/n is nothing like her father and doesn't want to follow his legacy but everyone else sees her as the little rich spoiled brat and no one has ever learn...