Chapter 59

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A few days ago, I received a letter from Hermione telling me how she needed my help to choose a dress for the Yule Ball that was happening in Hogwarts, and I was determined to help her make her choice. So, after multiple tries, I finally convinced my parents to let me visit Hogmeads for a day! I had a free weekend because I had already finished my homework and projects for the entire week when I was bored on Friday night and left my roommates on Sunday morning to study independently. Ruby begged me to let her copy my work, but I decided to give her some other kind of help and tell her what books to look into for her projects

The moment I apparated at Hogmeads the familiar nostalgic feeling filled my heart. It felt so nice to be back home again. A smile formed on my face looking around at the familiar place, and it became even wider when I noticed from afar a familiar brown messy hair. Hermione was outside a bookshop looking at some books, and I walked up to her while putting my hands in the pockets of my coat to protect them from the cold. I stopped next to her, looking at the huge piles of books inside the shop 

Y/n: Well, I have heard that Sense and Sensibility is a rather interesting book 

I said, and she immediately turned in my direction when she heard the sound of my voice

Hermione: Y/n 

She said happily before she hugged me tight, and I laughed before I wrapped my arms around the younger girl who I had missed so much 

Hermione: I missed you so much, Hogwarts is definitely not the same without you around 

She said, and I smiled at the younger witch's words

Y/n: Well, glad I am back then 

I said, taking her arm and started walking between the busy streets of Hogmeads while looking around at the snowy place

Hermione: So, how is France?

She asked with a curious look on her face and I smiled 

Y/n: You know study, study, study

I said, and she let out a small laugh before she nodded in agreement 

Hermione: Yeah now I think I know why we have clicked so well dear sis 

We walked to the most famous clothing shop in the entire village to find it filled with students of all years looking for their dresses or robes for the ball. I walked with Hermione through the excited students, and she went to the changing rooms while I looked through the piles of beautiful dresses. I chose her around ten dresses and gave them to her before I waited for her outside to change. But after multiple tries, we couldn't find anything good to her liking, she was looking in the mirror wearing the last dress while thinking to herself 

Hermione: It is not that I don't like it, but something about it just feels wrong 

She said, and I nodded while looking around for another dress until the owner of the shop appeared holding a beautiful blue one. Hermione's eyes lightened up while looking at the gorgeous dress and I asked the owner if we could borrow it for a second 

I handed it to Hermione, who had a wide smile on her face before entering the changing rooms. While I was waiting for her outside, I heard a familiar voice calling my name and I turned around to see Ginny coming my way with one of her friends whom I hadn't seen before

Ginny: Y/n what are you doing here?

She asked before she pulled me into a hug. I smiled at the younger ginger hair girl because of how excited I was to see her again 

Y/n: I am here helping Hermione choose her dress

I said with a smile, pulling away from her hug, and gave her friend an acknowledging nod before she gave me a friendly smile. From behind us, we heard the sound of a door opening, and we turned around to see Hermione walking out in her gorgeous blue dress with a wide smile on her face which showed that she had found the dress she wanted 

Hermione: I think this is the one

She said looking in a mirror. I nodded from behind her with a proud sister smile on my face 

Y/n: Yep, this is the one 

Later on the day, I sat with Mione and Gin at the three broomsticks while they waited for me to tell them everything happening in France. They were looking at me in awe while I was telling them my stories and a smile formed on my face while looking at their excited faces 

Hermione: Did you seriously have to throw cold water on Ruby's face?

She asked amazed after telling them how I woke up Ruby the first day of school because she refused to get up from bed. Ginny next to her had died from laughter and was wiping the happy tears from her eyes 

Y/n: I mean, how else do you want me to wake her?

I asked with a smile and Ginny started laughing harder, ignoring the stares we had from the other customers who were sitting at the tables around us

Hermione: That reminds me of the time you threw apples at Percy

She said with a smile which I returned to the memory and Ginny stopped her laughing before she looked at me with an amazed look 

Ginny: You threw apples at my brother?

She asked trying to hold her laughter by putting her hand on her mouth, but she couldn't hold it anymore and started laughing again

Y/n: It was one time, two years ago, and I did it because he got on my nerves. It was also before we started dating, so-

I said, and Hermione started laughing too. After a few minutes, I joined their laughing, forgetting everything that bothered me or made me upset the day before and just enjoying that unforgettable moment 

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