The next morning in the hospital wing in one of the beds there was an unconscious Y/n lying with her eyes closed. The last words the girl said were her boyfriend's name, and then she fainted, which means that she had been asleep in the bed for over ten hours and Madam Pomfrey didn't know when she would wake up. Percy was sitting in the chair next to her bed with her hand in his still in his pajamas and with puffy eyes, next to him was Ruby with her arms crossed waiting for her best friend to wake. To the other side of the bed was Hermione looking out of the window, trying to forget the fact that the person she loved and admired as a sister was lying unconscious in the bed and almost died in front of her eyes. Little Ginny was sitting on her bed facing Y/n while also holding her other free hand and singing to herself a song that her mother used to sing to her while she was sick or when she wasn't well. She was the only one to hear it and the only thing that gave her comfort at that moment. Oliver had to leave with Ron and Harry because they had Quidditch practice, but Oliver promised Ruby that he would come back later to check on them.
The doors of the hospital wing opened and after a few minutes, the curtains around the bed spread, and in the small room that the curtains made, entered the headmaster with Professor Snape and McGonagall coming right behind him. After the three of them entered, everyone's eyes fell on them, not saying a single word until Flint entered last in the small room
Percy: What the hell is he doing here? You want to witness what you did to her in a better view because you couldn't believe the rumours?
He asked and everyone looked at Percy surprised because it was the first ever time they heard the boy swear. Flint looked at the floor with a face of regret because he didn't know that his actions would have this result. He never wanted to poison her, he would never do something like that. He just wanted her to love him like she loved the Weasley boy next to her.
Percy walked towards him and Ruby put her hand on his shoulder to hold him back and not do anything stupid
Albus: Mr. Flint came and confessed what he did this morning when he found out about Miss Malfoy
He said, looking at the students before he turned and took in his hands the box that was sitting on the table and was the one that contained the wrapped chocolates the previous night. He smelled it carefully before he looked at the other two professors
Albus: You were very right when you smelled the love potion, Miss Baker, but I am afraid that you missed the small smell of poison that was mixed with it. Very clever Mr Flint, you tried hiding it with rose perfume, and it seemed to work
He said, and Ruby was the one to know to look at the floor. She doesn't want to know what would have happened if she hadn't left the bathroom on time. What if she had decided to stay in her bath for another ten minutes like she was planning to? What could have happened to her childhood best friend?
Percy: If I ever see you near Y/n again, then I will be the one to make sure you will regret it
He said with pure disgust and hate in his voice, while Flint didn't say a word
Percy: Say something, don't just look on the floor! Can't you at least say sorry to her for how you almost killed her, or you are afraid to hurt your fake pride and-
But before he was able to say another word, a small voice interrupted him. It was a whisper that a familiar voice said, and his head snapped immediately to Y/n's direction, looking at her slowly moving but still with her eyes closed.
She said whispering, and a feeling of relief filled his heart when he heard the voice of the person he adored the most. Her voice sounded weak, and he looked at her pale face, which used to have the brightest smile just a few hours ago. Percy walked towards her, taking her hand and sitting on his previous chair, completely forgetting what he was going to say or the fact that other people were watching. The fact that Y/n needed him was enough to make him give up whatever he was doing. Even if it was the most important thing in the entire wizarding world, then he would give it up, just for her
Percy: I am here Ottie
He whispered to her, caressing her hair slowly with his hand, glad that she was okay. Flint was looking at them with hurt in his eyes, wishing that he was in Percy's place at that moment, but he knew he wasn't and that he would never be. He grew up thinking that money and power could give you anything in this world, but he never realized that one thing that money can't buy is love
True love
Albus: There is nothing more beautiful in this entire magnificent world than the love two people have for each other
He said with a small pause before he returned to the rest of the people inside the tiny room
Albus: Come on, everyone, Miss Malfoy is being well taken care of. You Mr Flint, please come with me
He said and gestured for everyone to go outside and that is what they did before Ruby turned one last time and gently put her hand on Percy's shoulder comfortingly, but he didn't look at her. He didn't want to take his eyes off Y/n in case anything else happened
Ruby: I will come back later, take care of her
She said, and he nodded, not taking his eyes from the girl he loved in front of him, before Ruby left the room and went outside. She was trying to hold the tears that wanted to leave her eyes. From afar, she noticed a familiar figure walking up to her, and she fake smiled when she saw it was the person she once loved the most
Oliver: Hey, how is Y/n?
He asked with a concerned look, and Ruby smiled at him
Ruby: She is good! Percy is with her
She said and Oliver nodded, looking at the floor before he heard a small snob from in front of him. He looked at Ruby who was trying to hold back her tears with no luck
Ruby: My head is being tortured by the thought of what would have happened if I hadn't entered the room on time and brought her to you. I would have never forgiven myself if anything happened to my best friend
She said with the tears now leaving her eyes and Oliver pulled her into his embrace
Oliver: Yeah but nothing happened and this is what actually matters
He said rubbing her back slowly trying to comfort her
Ruby: She is the only friend I had growing up and the only person who actually listened to me talking about you
She said, and a smile appeared on Oliver's face hearing her last words
Ruby: When we were little, I made her promise that when we get old and cranky, I want to be the one who leaves first and the same goes for us. I am not allowing you to leave me first. In fact, I forbid you to go first
She said and Oliver nodded before he placed his hand on her, stained from the tears cheek
Oliver: I love you so much Rubs
He said and Ruby looked at him surprised because it was the very first time he ever said to her those words. Those three were that she desperately wanted him to tell her from the very first moment they made eye contact in their first year on the train
Ruby: You do?
She asked, and he nodded while wiping the tears from her cheeks with a smile on his face
Oliver: I do, and I am sorry for not saying it sooner to you, but I really do love you
He said and Ruby smiled before she hugged him tight, not believing in her ears
Ruby: I love you too Ollie
"You don't love someone for their looks, or their clothes, or for their fancy car, but because they sing a song only you can hear."
— Oscar Wilde
The first week of school was a nightmare! We are only in the beginning and I already have tons of homework for the weekend😭

Forbidden love|| Percy Weasley
FanfictionY/n Malfoy the four year older sister of Draco Malfoy and the daughter of Lucius and Narcissa. Y/n is nothing like her father and doesn't want to follow his legacy but everyone else sees her as the little rich spoiled brat and no one has ever learn...