The afternoon before the Quidditch World Cup at the burrow, Bill and Charlie had picked up with their wands the large tables to put them in the garden, so the whole family would be able to eat their dinner outside in the warm weather of the summer. Mrs Weasley who was inside the house and most specifically in the kitchen cooking was looking out of the window looking for when the young Malfoy girl would arrive. Percy had told her everything that happened one day because of how upset he was, and she started worrying herself. She really liked the young girl because she knew that she made her son happy, and she believed that what her family wanted her to do was unfair. She liked the girl so much that she was considered her own daughter, and she wished that she was able to save her from her "evil" family and protect her under her big mom wings, but she also knew that she couldn't
The two tables were crushing into each other constantly making lots of noise. Little Ginny had died from laughter, while Hermione on the other hand was thinking if this was a situation to laugh or judge. She didn't know what to do, so she chose to not say anything about it
Bill's table was able to break the foot of Charlie's, making the viewers of the scene laugh even harder. Then a loud noise was heard from above them, and everyone looked that way. Percy's head appeared, and he looked pretty angry with all of them. He had to do some work for his boss, which made him turn into his perfectionist self and was angry to be interrupted, but he also couldn't concentrate on what he was doing because his thoughts always ended up travelling to Y/n. Checking the clock every second turned out to be his habit for the past hour because he wanted to have a proper talk with her before she left for France. He wanted to know what she would do, how she would do it and if it would be safe for her but the fact that she was almost an hour late which isn't usual for her British self (or your nationality) made him even upset
Percy: Will you please raise your voice down?
He asked trying to control his nerves and Bill gave him a smile
Bill: Sorry Percy! How is the bottom of the pot? Does it go up?
He asked, trying to hide the sarcasm in his voice, and his brother nodded
Percy: Yeah but slowly
He said with a serious tone ready to close his bedroom window until another noise was heard from the front of the house. Everyone's head turned that way, and Ginny let out an exciting gasp
Ginny: Y/n is here
She yelled, running towards the older girl, Percy's eyes widened before he let out a sigh of relief knowing that his Y/n was safe
Percy: Y/n
He said mostly to himself but loud enough to hear before he ran down the stairs leaving the window behind him open
Ron: This is the first time I have seen him run
He said looking at his brother surprised from the window and Harry next to him nodded. On the other hand, Y/n had in her embrace both Hermione and Ginny who seemed mad that she didn't answer a single one of their letters but also relieved knowing that she was okay.
Hermione: You made me so worried when you didn't answer my fifth letter
She said, and Y/n gave her an apologetic smile, ensuring her that she had no idea where the letters went, Hermione started thinking to herself trying to find a reasonable explanation for the matter. I mean, it's not usual for letters to just disappear like that
Y/n noticed the ginger most willing to see, and before she knew it she left the two girls arms and ran to his hug. The moment her arms were wrapped around the boy she knew she loved the most, she didn't care about anything else around her. His comforting embrace was the only thing that gave her hope at that moment, and the familiar smell of cinnamon and coffee was what made her feel at home

Forbidden love|| Percy Weasley
FanfictionY/n Malfoy the four year older sister of Draco Malfoy and the daughter of Lucius and Narcissa. Y/n is nothing like her father and doesn't want to follow his legacy but everyone else sees her as the little rich spoiled brat and no one has ever learn...