Nice bitch

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I saw Steve Harringtons car while I was talking to Tina and noticed Nancy Wheeler inside. We were working on a project together for English and wanted to talk to her about it. They were also making out and it was gross. I had always had a crush Steve Harrington since grade school but me and Nancy were friends so I never did anything because I knew she liked him. I knocked on the window and obviously scared them. As they both jumped and turned to me a waved and motioned for Steve to roll down the window.

"Hey Nancy, I just wanted to talk to about the project for Mrs. Swifts class" I said trying to sound as nice as possible because I think Nancy knows I like Steve. "Yeah, I don't care when we work on it, just not tonight" Nancy said saying the second part as if she had forget about it. "Why not tonight?" I asked her but before she could answer a loud engine revved and I turned around. It was a beautiful blue Camaro with and even more beautiful boy exiting it. A bright red haired girl got out the passenger seat. She couldn't have been any older than will, the son of the woman my dad was dating. Tina ran over to me and grabbed my arm dragging along with her. "Come on girl, let's go" she said completely ignoring Steve and Nancy. "I'll call you later Nance" I said walking away and laughing because of the things Tina was telling me about the "hot" boy she had also just seen go into school. 

"He's like actually one the hottest guys I've seen here, like a super fuck, don't you think" she kept going on about the boy.


I had to go to math which was my easiest subject so it wasn't a big deal till and boy named William Hargrove came in and sat in the seat next to mine. I wasn't paying attention because I was playing with my pen. That was until Tina has kicked my chair almost making me hit my head on the table. I quickly turned around and scream whispered "what the hell" to which she just nodded her head the right and rolled her eyes to the back of her head. "Ms. Newby, is there a problem?" Mr. Jones had said while slamming his ruler on my desk. "No sir" I said and gave him a slight smile. I was his best student yet he still didn't like me. As he turned to walk away I said "also sir, I'm done" while I waved my paper in the air offering it to him. He snatched it away. "Good job Ms. Newby, next time I think you should be able to work on it silently" he said almost sarcastically handing my paper back with a 100 on it.

"Your good" the new boy next to me said as I looked at him confused. "At math" he said for clarification. "Yea, I guess" I said not even looking at him. Tina kicked my seat again causing me to turn around. She mouthed the words be nice as I turned back to Billy "I'm Izzy" I said with a smile looking at his eyes. "That's a pretty name, im Billy" he said with his hand out for me to obviously shake. I took it and gage a slight nod then turned back to my work. "I don't get this at all, can you help me?" Billy said tapping his pen on my hand. "Yeah, I guess" I said bringing his paper toward me. He was on question 4 but 1,2,and 3 were all wrong. I didn't say anything about it though. As I explained it I could tell he wasn't paying attention. Then the bell rang. "Can I get your number? Maybe you can tutor me or something" Billy said "yeah, or something" I said bending down on the table writing my number down on a piece of torn paper.


At lunch I sat with Tina and all of her friends that I didn't even know that well. I had known them since grade school and yet somehow I didn't know them at all "so you and Billy Hargrove?" Tina said while smiling and hit me with her elbow. "What about it?" I said smiling knowing exactly what she was talking about. Nancy and Steve sat down across from us. "What are you so smiley about?" Steve asked me in a serious tone but before I could answer Tine was off "her and the new boy Billy are dating". Nancy and Steve both look shocked and confused. "Dating?" Nancy said "No we aren't, I'm just tutoring him for math" I said with an unconvincingly high pitched voice. "Yeah, or something" Tina said repeating the words I said to Billy in a mocking tone "Nice, bitch" Carol said look at Billy pass us as he waved toward me.


When school was over my dads girlfriends son, Jonathan Byers had to take me home. "Hey" I said to him walking toward him and walking away from Tina and everyone else. He ignored me and got in the car which I expected honestly. He doesn't like my dad and Joyce's relationship and neither do I honestly. We drove home with every breathe you take by the police playing which wasn't a fan favorite of either of ours but it's what the radio wanted. "What is this shit?" Jonathan said turning the radio to silence. "It's what's popular I guess" I said back to him. "It's shitty is what it is" Jonathan said looking at me then back at the road. I laughed at his joke. The rest of the way home was silent.


Later that night I heard my dad call me to the Byers living room. "We're watching a movie if you want to join" he said trying to convince me it would be fun. "I guess" I said not looking up from my English project. I heard the door shut the heard a movie start in the living room. I felt bad so I joined all of them anyway. I sat beside Joyce and Jonathan when the phone rang, but no one moved. I saw Joyce get anxious so I looked at my dad wondering if I should answer the phone or not. "Its okay let it go" Bob said grabbing Joyce's hand. "It's probably just a prank call" bob said but it didn't seem to help Joyce. The phone got annoying after 5 rings causing everyone to get antsy. I got up from the couch and got up from the couch and walked toward the kitchen phone. "What, asshole?" I asked aggressively to whoever was on the phone. "Um, Izzy? This is Billy Hargrove" I heard billy say. Shit.

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