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I on woke up to Robin pacing around the room and Dustin and Steve gone. "Where is everyone?" I asked her and Erica. "On the roof" she said looking up. I got up and me and her started to talk about how to get out of this stupid little room. That was before we saw a little stream of liquid running down the side of the building. "Could you redirect your stream please?" Robin said. There was no response just the Steve's piss moving directions.

We sat there in disgust before Robin put her ear up to the door and smirked before turning toward me and speaking, "we've got company". I pushed Erica up to the roof then Robin went up while I put a box over my own vomit. I went up to the roof just as the door started to open.

Steve was sitting ont he roof looking into the roof through a grate. He put his finger over his mouth with the green jar in his other hand. We heard the two people in the room say something in Russian before they left the room and the door started to close.

We opened the grate and pushing Erica out of the room then Steve then Dustin then Robin then me. When I had gotten down from the roof Erica and Dustin were already on the other side of the door and the glass jar was starting to crack. After Robin went I went through the crack of the door and Steve followed closely after me. Right after he went through the crack the jar broke. His head sat in my lap for a little bit while we watched the green liquid dissolve the flooring.

"You still wanna drink that?" I Robin said looking at Erica. I don't know exactly what they were talking about but it probably happened while I was asleep. I just notice that Steve's head was in my lap whenever he had gotten up and looked forward. Dustin was already looking at whatever was behind me when he spoke, "holy mother of god" Dustin said as Steve helped me stand up.

I looked forward only to see the longest hallway I've ever had to walk. It reminded me of the first day of 9th grade just without the classes and students. "Well, I hope you guys are in good shape. Looking at you roast beef" Steve said hitting Dustin's chest and started to walk down the long hallway. "Why me?" Dustin asked looking at me and Robin. Me and her shrugged our shoulders as we started to walk.

It felt like we had been walking for hours when Dustin started talking about the hallway. "It's impressive" he said walking beside me. "What are you talking about it's a total fire hazard, there's no stairs, there's no exit"Steve responded before I continued his sentence. "Except for an elevator that drops you half way to hell". "They're commies, you don't pay people they cut corners" Erica said causing me and Robin to look at her then at each other.

Robin turned forward and spoke, "to be fair, I don't think this tunnel was made for walking. I mean think about it, they created the perfect system for transporting that cargo" she said before Dustin continued, "it all comes into the mall like any old delivery" he said while I continued. "They load it onto those trucks and nobody's the wiser".

"You think they built this whole mall just so they could transport that green poison?" Steve asked looking at me. "I seriously doubt it's something as boring as poison, it's gotta be much more valuable, like promethium" Dustin said while Erica and Steve looked at him confused. "What the hell is promethium?" Steve asked.

Me and Robin looked at him while she responded. "It's what Victor Stones dad used to make cyborgs bionic and cybernetic components"she said looking forward again. "Your all so nerdy it makes me physically ill" Erica said grabbing her stomach. "Woah, no, don't rope me in with them, I'm not a nerd alright" he said defensively before I spoke. "Why so sensitive, Harrington? Scared of losing cool point to a 10 yearold girl?" I said as Robin laughed and highfived me.

Steve rolled his eyes and spoke. "No I'm just saying I don't know shit about Prometheus" he said before I corrected him. "Promethium. Prometheus is a Greek mythological character" I said causing him to look at me confused. "I like mythology" I said before Dustin spoke. "All I'm saying is that it's probably being used to make something" he said before Robin added "or power something". "Like a nuclear weapon?" I asked her. "Totally" she said looking at me and smiling.

Steve spoke which cut me and Robins staring. "Walking to a nuclear weapon, that's great, really amazing" he said. "But if they're building something, why Hawkins? I mean we're like a toilet stop on your way to Disney" she said causing me to have a realization.

The lab.

I think Steve and Dustin had the same realization because then I felt a small hand on my arm pulling me back. "You think the Russians know", "about the", "they could". "So it's connected?", "maybe", "how?", "I don't know, but it's", the boys spoke rapidly before saying something in unison "possible". "What are we even talking about" I said confused before Robin called out to us. "Is there something you'd like to share with the class?" She said while we all raced up to meet her and Erica before the walkie started to go off in Erica's bag.

She dropped the bag while she pulled out the walkie and we listened. "It's the code" I said. "Wherever that broadcast is" Dustin said before I cut him off. "It's close and if there's one thing we know about that signal" I said while Robin finished the sentence. "It can reach the surface". "Let's go" I said before we all got up and continued walking down the long hallway. I really hope we're gonna find a way out of this shit hole. But of course nothing is that easy. Ever.

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