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After Joyce and Eleven talked about the gage we set out a plan. Hopper and Eleven were going to the lab to close the gate while Jonathan and Joyce went to Hoppers cabin to get that thibg out of Will. Me, Steve, and Nancy were staying with kids to keep everyone safe.

For some reason Steve told Nancy that she needed to go with Jonathan. I knew that I could keep the kids safe especially with Steve's help and I agreed with her leaving comsidering the argument we just had. I didn't regret what I said I just feel like I should apologize but I couldn't bring myself to do it.


I sat on the kitchen counter while Steve and Dustin put that thing in Joyce's refrigerator. "We can't just bury it like some common mammal, it's not a dog" he said to Steve opening the refrigerator door. "Fine, but your explaining this to Ms. Byers" he said while shoving the thing in the refrigerator. "Get the door" he said to Dustin while I got down and shut the door before Dustin got the chance. "Thanks" he said while looking at me, "Yeah, whatever" I said not walking away from him.

Mike was pacing the room and everyone started to argue about not being able to do anything. I was listening but not paying attention until Dustin caught my attention when he screamed "demodogs!". We all walked up to the rest of the group and Steve spoke "listen, dude, coach calls a play in the game bottom line you excecute it". "This isn't some stupid sports game and we aren't even in the game we're on the bench" Mike replied, "so my point is" Steve stuttered trying to find the right words before eventually giving up and agreeing with Mike.

"There's nothing we can do" Steve said before Dustin contradicted his statement with "that's not entirely true" causing all of us to turn around.

"I mean, these demodogs, they have a hivemind" Dustin continued. "When they ran away from the bus they were called away" he said cause Lucas to join in "so if we get their attention" "maybe we can draw them away from the lab" Max said continuing his sentence as Mike finished it after her. "And clear a path to the gate" he said before Steve replied "Yeah, and then we all die" he said putting his hands up. "That's one point of view" Dustin said while Steve replied "no man, that's not a point of view it's a fact".

"I got it" Mike stated before running to the kitchen while we all followed. He kneeled down and pointed to a piece of paper taped on the wall apart of Wills map. "This is where the chief dug his hole, this is our way in" he said while getting up and walking back to the living room. "This is like the hub" he said stuttering. "So all the tunnels feed in to here" he said.

"So maybe if we set this on fire" he said before Steve interrupted "uh, that's a no" he said while being ignored by the rest of the kids. "The mindflayer would call away his army" Dustin said, "they'd all come to stop us" Lucas continued. "Then we circle back to the exit and by the time they realize were gone" Mike said, "El would already be at the gate" Max continued.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Steve said clapping his hands. "This is not happening" he said while Mike tried to inturrupt. "No buts" he said back to them. "I promised I would keep you Shitheads safe and that exactly what I'm gonna do" he said while taking the rag off his shoulder. "Does everybody understand?" He said receiving nothing. "I said does everybody understand?" He said still getting nothing but inturrupted by a car roar. A familiar car roar. Billy.

Max ran to the door and then spoke scaredly "it's my brother, if he figures out I'm here he'll kill me, he'll kill us" she said looking back at the group while car light flashed through the windows.

As the car pulled up Steve left the house and went out to the front porch where I followed him. "Stay here" I said to the kids shitting the door behind me.

Billy got out of the car and spoke "Am I dreaming or is that you, Harrington". "Yeah, it's me don't cream your pants" he said while walking up to the car. I stayed at the front door to make it easy to get to the kids. "What are you doing here amigo?" Billy said "I could ask you the same things, amigo" Steve responded. "Looking for my stepsister little birdie told me she was here" he said back to Steve. "Huh that's weird I don't know her" Steve said back. Billy pointed at me and spoke, "Well she does" he said smiling at me.

"You know, this whole thing, it's giving me the heebie-jeebies" Billy said while throwing his cigarette on the ground. "Why is that?" Steve said. "My 13 yearold sister goes missing all day, then I find her with you and my exgirlfriend in a strangers house, and you lie to me about it" he said. "We're dropped on your head too many times man I told you she's not here" Steve said chuckling. "Oh yeah, who is that?" He said pointing to the window of the hosue causing Steve to turn around. Once Steve had turned around Billy pushed him to the ground. "I told you to stay the fuck away from my girlfriend, pussy" Billy said before walking toward me and the house.

I ran inside and locked the door as fast as possible not even thinking about Steve, just about the kids. I pushed them to the back of the couch as we all heard a bang on the door then the door suddenly slammed open making a hole in the wall.

I pushed the kids behind me but Billy slapped me across the face causing me to fall to the ground before he grabbed Lucas and shoved him against the wall. "Lucas Sinclair, what a surprise" I got up quickly while Billy spoke to Lucas and Lucas told him to let go. I came up behind Billy and grabbed his hair before shoving his head against the glass picture frame on the wall.

He let go of Lucas and turned around to me while I stood still. "You bitch" Billy said while putting his hand to the back of his head and bringing it back with blood all over it. He grabbed my shoulders and shoved me against the counter top and slapped me in the same place before. He started to choke me with both hands. I felt me throat close up when I reached for something on the counter. I grabbed a fork and stabbed Billy's arm causing him to let me go while I gasped for air. He punched me in the face and while falling I hit my head on the counter causing me to go unconscious.

Hey so this is the author and this chapter was so eventful and like one of my longest chapters. But whatever because I made the story a first person pov so I'm not gonna include everything else that happened in the episode but I am ASSUMING that anyone that's reading this does know what happened soooooooo. Thnx for reading.

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